WOW, if you're here... THANK YOU. Just you spending time here is enough. Mind and BEING is the truest purest form of currency so thank you for spending some with us. We appreciate it. If you're here though you may be interested in doing more than that, to which we're grateful even more. All of our songs are "Name Your Price" on BANDCAMP (which is our main place of having "purchasable" music). Soundcloud might point you to BC if it's not just a free download on Soundcloud. Different sites have different sound quality. We just like the whole BANDCAMP setup the best so far. If your price is ZERO then get the song for zero, just make sure it actually helps you and gets you on your feet to the point you can give back to some other artist or individual who may be needing the help we just gave you in a song or some art. If you want to donate, make up a price for a song and buy the song for that price. If you don't want to do that, there's a PATREON which we ain't figured out all the way yet exactly, so bare with us there. There's a PAYPAL link thing too for folks who want to contribute that way. I think you can BITCOIN (not sure about other digi things: ETH, SOL...) through PAYPAL. We try to keep it simple and minimal because too many things just gets you lost in all of those things. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid). Thank you for checking us out though, and for your support however you can. We understand even just playing a song and appreciating it, or laughing at a comic or something... it's support. Stuff like that keeps us going spiritually. "Money" is good too, but don't undervalue currency (BEING).

Our philosophy is this... Music (Art) comes by way of inspiration, by BEING. It comes freely. Having said that, it makes little to no sense for us to charge you money for the energy you gave us for free. One way to look at it is like you giving us eggs, batter and icing for free, we make a cake, and charge by the slice. Just because we transmuted that energy into artwork doesn't make it any less of a reflection of you as it does us. This is our (The ZCP's) take and transmuting/opinion on OUR (yours and ours) energy and relationship. Because of that, and since we're of the opinion and have had experiences where we've seen how music/art has empowered and uplifted individuals and people, and in some cases even "gotten them down off of the ledge" (along with the right bar/pub/tavern), then taking any artwork or music, and making it harder for people to get so that we all have an honest pure vibration to grow from and learn from... that shit is evil. We're not doing that. The right song or piece of art will keep someone from shooting up a building, and being broke or not being able to afford some sort of outlet or something to "take the edge off", along with how art and music helps people's mental health and bridging gaps in understanding and relationships, to milk you for it, when you gave us the juice for free.... it's fuckin evil. That's wrong. We're not doing it.