Ok, so, I know what you're thinking... SCARFACE... IN WHOLE FOODS???!!! Nah, that's just an impersonator, but he was damn good if you ask me. Had the accent down, the walk, the whole attitude and everything... had it all down! It was extremely convincing. Even that slight paranoia, like he was looking over his shoulder for some Diaz Bros. retaliation or something, i dunno man, he was good. A little too good. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've never actually MET Tony Montana, unless I was actually doing it here, so i couldn't really accurately say how good it was, but based off of what i've seen in the historical documents, yeah this guy was top notch. I'll have to look that phrase up to make sure it was accurately used, because there's a lot of phrases that get dished around that no one does the knowledge on, and then, a few years later, coming down the grapevine is this Mandela Effected version of a phrase or thing and you her it and you're like, "That doesn't even make any sense." I knew folks who would say, "Right off the block" while others would say the phrase "Right off the back" which I first heard the phrase as "Right off the bat" which meant that something happened immediately, like runners who move when the ball is right off the bat, as soon at it connects everyone is in motion. But sure... Right off the block... because we're playing half-ball in Harlem or the Bronx or something. That Mandela Effect is an interesting thing man, seriously. If you've never heard of it before, it's when a bunch of people remember something completely different than how it "actually was." Like for instance, for everyone who knows the famous Richard Nixon speech, "I AM NOT A CROOK." but everyone would remember it as "I'M NO CROOK." It's almost like if the rest of the world all of a sudden got dementia or something, and said that Sylvester Stallone was The Terminator, and you're like, "Nah, Schwarzenegger all day." but when you googled it, it was Stallone. You'd be like, WT-actual-F. There was a flick which was pretty interesting, appropriately called "The Mandela Effect" where some dude remembers his daughter's toy having a tail. Something happens, and one day he wakes up and there's no tail. He looks at movies, and see's no tail, but finds a picture of her with it, and there's a tail. So reality was rewritten while he was sleep, but it forgot to delete his photo.... kinda like that. It started and was named after when Nelson Mandela was reported as dead, and everyone believed it. Or folks not outside of the effect believed it. It's another interesting thing which is just something to discuss.... everything is something to do. WHY is the key.
But... no, not the real Tony Montana. At least he said he wasn't really Tony Montana. I'm honestly not sure. Someone told me Montana faked his death and turned states evidence or something, witness protection for taking down some folks, but I don't think that's in his character.... Still, you never know. Anyways, we ran into this guy at Whole Foods. I'm still shocked on how good he was. It's kinda sad. I hope he didn't get plastic surgery to look like Tony Montana. As a matter of fact, i hope it WAS actually THEE TONY MONTANA that we ran into here, and he was just being paranoid and modest, trying not to make a scene. A clown walks up to you in a Whole Foods... sounds like a bad joke... and goes, "Chi-Chi... get the llello (yayo)!" while you're strutting around in produce, and you look over and see me grinning with a bear in a very nice sports jacket.... yeah, you kinda play that off as "Nah man, that ain't me." Especially if you're a druglord who faked their own death. Either that, or some guy when through all of this trouble so he could "be" Tony Montana. People who are looking for Tony Montana? They're looking at YOU now. When the killers come out, the killers are coming for YOU. You kinda don't wanna impersonate people on a most wanted list,dig me? But some folks love that fame and attention. Scarface is a very popular guy. This version of him anyways. It's actually based on an older flick with the same name SCARFACE, which was even based off of a book... because the coolest things that will be shoved into your vision and then manipulated usually come from books. The true version is hidden in the book, the media spins you with the re-makes. There's a thing about CREATION and REcreation, entertainment... whatever.. but the 80's version of SCARFACE was more popular because people who remember the older stuff die off. Novus Ordo.... re-order the generations. Nothing new under the sun though, even though we're not under the sun, kinda off to the side of it.... ANYWAYS, I don't understand why anyone would just not be their self. I mean plastic surgery is a bit much... but only a lottle. Dig it, if Montana was in fact in witness protection, and got plastic surgery to NOT be recognized... but YOU go out and get plastic surgery, alter your voice, and do everything possible to pretty much trade places... with a guy escaping being his actual self... that's kinda twisted! Almost some Twilight Zone isht. Buuuuuuut, again...... everything is something to do. If the world was painted as being accepting of each and every individual as they are, and the individuals themselves were that accepting of each other and their selves, I wonder how many impersonators there would be. Of course it all comes down to understanding your self in the right light, free of influences. To see every aspect and say, "It is what it is." and leave it at that, instead of comparing it to stats and charts, magazines and ads, shit all over media and programming... This world gets so cluttered with bullshit it's hard at points to say what you actually honestly like or care about... all you can do sometimes is point out the bullshit in the huge smoldering glowing radiation pile of bullshit that you hate the most. There's no space, no quiet safe place for you to figure out your self for your self by your self. It's one of the reasons we make music, to have that space. Not listening to music... making it. Listening to it is just more programming.
Some cute old lady was nice enough to get the pic for us. Kinda reminded me of Mrs. Edna Garrett, who helped raise both the Jacksons (Arnold and Willis, as well as Kimberly Drummond), and Jo, Tootie, Nancy, Natalie, and Blair. Busy lady. I could totally see her shopping at Whole Foods. She had no idea who it was. Actually, like usual, she was just smiling at Slikk. People can't resist that guy sometimes. Look at him! All cute and huge and fluffy. Bigger than one of those "life sized" teddy bears... which is weird to me, because if you see it in real life, then it's life sized. And then there's me. Yeah. Slikk had to pass her the phone cause she was scared of clowns. Smh... everybody's scared of clowns in human reality, what's up with THAT??!! Krazy, right?! I mean, dig it, ok, so you see a clown in the produce department and freak out, random, but ok, I'll allow it, not that i CAN'T allow it because you can't get people to do anything, they do what they want to do, all day every day, it's just sometimes what they want to do is agree with you... but having an English speaking BEAR, in a suit with matching sunglasses-- i want those glasses too, btw, Slikk's got style-- come up to you and HAND YOU HIS CELLULAR DEVICE.. in Whole Foods.. while asking you to take his picture... with Scarface.... THAT'S nothing to freak out about....?! If anything, I should be freaking out at all of that. I really wish she had gotten in the picture though, i swear that was Mrs. Garrett man. Oh, and ANOTHER thing... why come eeeevery time we're in "reality" everyone wants to hug or pet Slikk like he ain't a frickin person, man?! That's disrespectful! What if people just walked up to you and pulled you into the air from doing whatever you were doing, like, "Awwwww... wet me pinch all wover you and twawk do woo wike your a widduwl wetawd! Which makes me sound wike a bwiiiiiiiiig wetawd!" Dig it man, people are ....kraaaazy. Pretty interesting what happens when you go out to get some fiji apples.
OH, and WIPE THAT LOOK OFF YO FACE MAN-- it ain't even LIT, ok?! Jeeze, you sound like Charlie, "You can't smoke in Whole Foods!?! Blah Blah Blah Blah..." You can do whatever you want. That's the honest truth. The honest truth is the only truth since the factual truth is based on facts... which is just information given, sometimes tested and "proven" or not proven but everyone just agrees that this honest opinion is what "it" is. RED is "red". Fact. It's only that because someone made the sound, "Red" and pointed to something red, and everyone else agreed on it. It's how words are made. There's a thought and intention, and the you add a vibration to embody it, to communicate it, to express it... and everyone agrees on that as honestly as it was first dealt. So, honestly, you can do whatever you want. Just understand and know WHY. Understanding and knowing are two different things, which is why they're two different words. Things usually have one word to express them. Each word is for a specific thing. Red with white isn't pink. Pink is pink. Red is red. White is white. Red with white is red with white, which is why the words are "red with white." It's funny to hear people say things like, "Don't get offended, but.... (something offensive).." or "Don't get mad, but.... (something infuriatingly stupid)..." If you're gonna try to manipulate someone's mind, go to Jedi school first, at least. You can't give a disclaimer to something you're gonna debunk the disclaimer as soon as you give it. Well, you CAN, which is why people DO, thus proving my point, dig me? See how dumb that was? Anyways, says all that to say, one mo'gin, you can do whatever you want... just know and understand WHY. I can smoke in Whole Foods. In doing so, I'll just have to deal with the consequences of smoking in Whole Foods. I WASN'T smoking in Whole Foods... but you can tell me i Can't, and if i agree then i agree... and if i disagree, i'mma spark that stick right on up and then the game goes up a notch. The game is always on, btw.
Oh, ok, right, so... we look like that, Slikk and me, all fleshy, cause sometimes you shift into levels with more density than others, and so mass is different.. hits the light different, particles react differently.... has something to do with consciousness and it's perception of things honestly, (consciousness' honest perception and translation of what it's perceiving), which is just a fancy-pants way'a sayin' you look more "human". People associate everything that's human to reality, and everything that ain't human to be not real. That ain't how it works, but whatever makes you comfortable. Check this out... Cartoons look human. They have hands and feet, humanoid bodies, but just a different level of detail and relationship with dimensions. On top of that, if you.... in "reality" perceive anything... in that reality.... even dreams... then how is it not real? Things that aren't real don't have names and vibrations for one, because there is no way to express what is not real. If you can say "Purple dragon mayor of ferret town" then it's real because you just created it by speaking. The only thing left to do is find a way to bend this reality to express that. There are things that might come along and steal your world and pluck you right out of "your reality" because your perception is in a box they presented, and you accepted. Kinda makes saying "Think outside the box" as honest a thing as telling me, "You can't smoke in Whole Foods in front of Scarface!".... Really? Word? The facts of life...
#TheZEPHANIAHchesterfieldPROJECT#CARTOONband#VIRTUALband#CLOWNband#MUSICIANlife#ONtour#OFFgrid#NEWanime#COMICS#ANTIhero#PORTALS#TELEPORTATION#SPIRITUALgrid#THEtruthBEHIND#DAILYadventures#SciFi#ParanormalUNEXPLAINED#ANGELSandDEMONS#REALITY#OTHERworlds#DiveBars#BETWEENworlds#GhostSTORIES#BARstories#SONGwriting#MUSICproduction#XIs#TheCorner#Consciousness#BEINGBEingBeing#RAISEvibration#Understanding#MINDbodySOUL#SupremeBEING#FreedomFROMwithin#FindYOURpower#IAM#SpiritualFREEDOM#MentalFREEDOM#BREAKtheCHAIN#BREAKtheCYCLE#FREEyourMIND#WALKinYOURpower#WALKinYOURtruth#UNDERSTANDINGspirit#Vampires#Clown#Panda#Animation#Illustration#BehindTHEscenes#CONSCIOUSfiction#ConsciousMusic#ConsciousArt#Vibration#Frequency #TheAsylum #InsaneAsylum #HauntedHouse #HauntedGraveyard #Throwback #EastCoast #WestCoast #HollywoodLife #CreatingReality #ThinkOutsideTheBox #Scarface #WholeFoods #SmokingIndoors #FactsOfLife