Honestly.... all there is... is honesty. "Facts" are just the most accepted opinion. The "truth" is the same, only personally... personally accepted opinions. It would be best if these opinions came from a place of honesty. At least that way the world and reality that is created would be solid... "real". Truth would be your own accepted bits of honesty. From these come reality, what is... even if it isn't. Accepted is a good word. Accepted bits of honesty, and accepted opinions. Not agreed upon, because not everything that is "fact" or "truth" is agreed upon, but it is accepted, sometimes just to put an end to the discussion/argument. Sometimes the agreement comes for financial gain, or political influence. Some folks accept things and agree just because they don't understand, and may be tired of trying to figure it out. Some folks are just comfortable and agree and accept because they're afraid of loosing their comfortable nook. Some people agree because they're too afraid or lazy to do the work themselves.
Ah... captain popular.... Yes, a LOT of people agree to things because it's popular. Sometimes the acceptance is just people agreeing to what "everyone else" is doing so they fit in. I've never understood why anyone would want to fit in. That means you're contained in something. That means you're limited, restricted... in a box. People hold back a lot, and it's usually for acceptance. Don't know how honest it is, or how truthful it is... but we do accept things we don't agree with, even personally, just to end the argument/discussion. That distorts reality. That destroys the foundation of things. Things, worlds, realities become built on lies. That's not good.
How important is acceptance without full honest being? Even if they pay you a lot, you just sold out. There's a lot of popular artists that don't let their own people listen to their music. Why not? Maybe they don't want their own people to have some lie told to them that they'll build their reality based on. Folks won't let their people watch tv for the same reason. There's truth in all of it, some bits of honesty, but there are a bunch of tricks as well.
In court, they make you swear to tell the truth. But not just that, you have to swear to tell THE WHOLE TRUTH, and on top of that, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. Honesty. Pure honesty. There's a lot riding on the vibrations you put out. And you only fear what you don't understand. You only don't understand what's not a part of you, what you're disconnected from, have no connection to. That lack of connection is a matter of perception. How connected would we all be if all of the art we put out was honest? Easier said for painters, especially graffiti artists, from personal experience. True, a lot is for notoriety, but the murals and the stories some of the bomb pieces tell is more honest and from the gut of the streets tan a lot of commissioned pieces that get put up over top of them. Think how programmed people get from/by music. Most of them don't even know it. The same for movies and magazines, social media. What if the folks who put it out cared more about building a better world that would in turn make things better for them, instead of being popular to get paid and bail on the people whose money they ran off with? Folks have to let go of a lot of fear to be that honest. They have to be really connected, and/or just willing to understand.
How much better would YOUR life and living be, if folks were more honest? Think of all the time, energy, money wasted on people's lies, even your own. Think of the outcome when the lies were resolved. Now push that resolution back to just before the lie, and build from there. Ah, but everything is something to do. That's one part of free will and ALL THINGS being expressed. Freedom to do all things... even fear, and build reality on lack of honesty, so you're liked. It's not even the honest true you that's liked, so you're not even liked. But lies like lies. They don't love them, but they like them.
