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poem: Vagrant Blues

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

Time capsule. Plenty of things get done in pieces. There will be plenty of writings that were supposed to end up as songs (let the writing tell it) but living had other plans, and plenty of instrumentals that were supposed to have lyrics, but again... that old Lennon quote about life and making plans. No... John Lennon. Not Lenin or Legend.... Lennon.

There's a lot of poetry out there. Poetry is life. The balance and tension in movement and forms... it's poetry, says me. I'm a frickin clown, man. But yeah, digs, i think everything is art, since everything is some form of expression. Wind carves mountains into gravel... that's the poetry of wind and time. The million and one stories from the tracer rounds, to the air siren sound, to the people dropping down in the poetry of war... not always understood, especially right away, but most of the deeper poetry is. Of course, there's nothing deep once you understand. How you walk, dress, speak... the poetry of you. Your habits, vices, reaction to your ups and downs, that's the poetry of the self you get to experience as it's happening... you get to read it as it's being written, only to look back on it and write more about the moments passed. The present is funny like that, dig me?

Anyways, this is one about just being, i guess. Honest little bit of emotion glabbled onto the page. Some folks might feel like this, especially with this whole dehumanization thing going on. I mean, i get it, the human way of being is powerful. You get to shape the earth, habitats, systems (eco systems, weather systems, irrigation, economic, political, etc.)... you get to manifest spirits without even trying, you bend them to your will... no wonder they seek to bend you to theirs. To suck the mind of the human being, the very spirit of the human being OUT of the human being leaves you with a pretty powerful vehicle to shuffle about in. The time limit is a thing to deal with, true, but understanding how vibration works, you just keep lines going... bodies with that frequency, that code, that written song, just each generation an upgrade, ya know? Like the history of the Ford Mustang... the family and bloodline would be Ford Mustangs... and every generation has the same vibe to it "Ford Mustang"... so they all look similar, slight changes as the years go by... their performance is similar... the whole way of being is from a mold, "Ford Mustang"... so once you know how to drive one, how it handles, how the keys to getting in and out of one have upgraded, it's nothing to be able to steal one when you've dealt with them for so long. You know how far you can get on gas, what each sound means, how to turn things off and on, and how to own the road with one, or hide out in the cut. Just like a human being. When your time with the one you have is up, just find a ford dealership down the road (later on in time, or earlier) and slip into another one. I mean, yeah, it's a car, so if you don't want the yellow one this time, or the red one, you can get the blue Ford Focus just to see what it's like... drive it into the ground... come back later, and since you still have that understanding of the Mustang, let's get the black one this time around. But... some place that's free to drive and move about, like Arizona. Find a dealership (parents) and customize it (genes) and Boom, you're born in Arizona. But ignore all that.

This is just a little thing about wondering how human-tolerant is the world we're in? And why? Is it just for entertainment? Is the memory just a fun thing to talk about, while the erasing of it in the name of advancement of technology (not the advancement of humanity, we stay the same, our technology advances along with our dependence on it) serves more of a purpose? If so, who's purpose? And WHY? You human beings might want to think about that. There will be plenty of humanoids.... but actual living breathing free thinking human beings? The proof of how special and powerful it is to be human is how everything tries to be at that level. Going beyond that level usually leads to a power too great, and a self-destruction all too fast. Remaining balanced at that level is the key. Stay in the middle. Yet, it's human nature to grow, to learn.... but learning and growing into balance is one of the things it overlooks. Makes it feel like this isn't home. It's home for your humanity, maybe not your soul, but your human spirit, this is a good home, a good place to start to learn who and what your self is and how to be that.... how to do that. It seems abandoned a lot of times, and egos and money, distractions seem to be what's chased after, and then escaping the effects of those. All the things that kill or imprison and try to break or overwrite the human spirit. Makes you uneasy here. Dis-eased.

"vagrant blues" - the zephaniah chesterfield project

"if i had a dollar bill

and it bought a little luck

could i trade it for respect

or maybe a little love?

cause the[y] sure ain't free no more

so why should i give em up?!

"if i gave the world a smile

and it came from deep in me

and it came from all the peace

and happiness that i can dream

why's it only worth a finger or 2

cause thems is all i see

"so i roam around this town

with my world in a bag

six string girlfriend - best i ever had

cant stand her guts sometimes

but she knows just what 2 do -

sing my vagrant blues""

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all artworks and expression here ©1998 by The Zephaniah Chesterfield Project. Unauthorized usage yields penalty up to death and/or eternal torture and damnation. is your daddy. Death 2 Demiurge.

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