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artwork: Untitled Self Portrait #???

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

medium: digital painting Art is funny. When you do a piece of art, and call it "Untitled" folks think it's "Deep". They don't think you just got bored with it and never finished, or you didn't have time to try to be all artsy and self righteous and come up with some dazzling metaphorical bullshit to call a picture of a lady on a stump picking up a roll of toilet paper. "The Stump Woman # 04." Bwahahahahahahahahaaaaaart.

When folks say art, they usually mean visual. Painting first, drawing, illustration, maybe animation... all the visual stuff. As a stretch they might go with graphic design or tattoos. I don't know why Tattoo is the only body mod that is really thought of, not that the others aren't considered, but a lot of folks won't THINK of body mods as art until you bring it up and then they'll consider it. But yeah man, folks go visual first. After visual is maybe comes dance, and by dance they mean on a stage with no pole. Sad, if you have a bad idea about pole dancing but not tap dancing, i don't know what to tell ya. Not all pole dancers are strippers, but at least strippers get paid. Slaves didn't get paid to tap dance. ANYWAYS, ok, so after dance, maybe is culinary arts. I think culinary arts are under-appreciated. Just like architects. No one considered groin vaulting or Corinthian columns art. Artsy, yes, but not art. That's like "intoxicated" yes, but not drunk. Where's the line drawn? How do you know what's art and what isn't? I consider living to be an art. The way people walk, talk, dress, everything they do, how they're able to think... it's all art, buuuut i'm a cartoon clown.

Keep in mind, this is when you say, "I DO ART" which is different from "I'M AN ARTIST" because if you say the latter, then they'll think of music. So why is a musician an artist, but their music isn't art? How hollow is the "artist" name or reputation, the idea of "artist" if it's a rapper? It's like it's not considered a REAL artist, but just a word to describe musicians, and even "worse" rappers, because at least musicians play instruments. Rappers just... talk... shit. Writers are artists, poets... artists. A rapper is both. And a motivational speaker. Or an underground warlord. I don't know, with music being art, and musicians being real true artists sometimes you have to do a painting or some kind of visual art so people believe you.

Clowning is an art. Just throwing that out there. I've seen some balloon artists that do the most amazing things. Meanwhile most folks are gonna need an inhaler and pop a few just for a kids party.

So, self portrait. A lot of folks are locked down still, which is odd. This is the time when people have an opportunity to do what they've always wanted to do... what they were born to do. Since a lot of folks don't go to their job, now is the time to get to their life's work. We've been kinda at it. Blogging is a part of it. That book is getting done. Tried to do it a few times before but... money. You get started, but then you have to pay bills or the inevitable "something" that comes up. True, the less stuff you have the less you have to maintain, which is why that whole minimalism and off the grid life is catching on. Tiny homes, RVs, those converted vans and buses and the Container homes.

An even crazier trend is this exodus into the Matrix 2.0 or the online/digital world. Things like that SECOND LIFE game, folks can't stay off of Roblox still, Steam, Medal, stuff like that. The Netflix and Roku's are doing their thing. But... the online SIM games, that's what i'm talking about. The ones where people actually have apartments on the game and pay REAL MONEY for rent to someone else on the game. THAT is interesting. Soon, everyone's gonna be a cartoon. Man, i need to get into real-estate here on the cartoon side. A prison isn't a prison if you built it i guess. Like so many companies who knew that this whole virus and craziness was going to go down, they created a place for folks to end up. Clever. Herd the sheep. And then take their money buying a life online while they starve in real life. It'll make them run to the game even faster to escape. Clever. Sometimes clever just ain't right. I mean, on the one hand, yeah, you get to look how you always wanted, do and be what you always wanted, but is it really you? Avatar, ok, even with things like that Daz3d where you can use your covid tracking phone and upload your face to your avatar in a few mins.... Yeah, it's clever. Great advancements in technology, but at what cost? Folks have trashed the world pretty bad, and now they're just gonna leave it for another one? Makes me wanna finish watching that H+ online series... but there ya go, ONLINE..... smh.

It's a pretty cool time for creation. Folks finally have the time, but now.... the funds. If everyone donated and bartered, just cared more in general and worked harder to take care of each other, maybe there would be more real true honest art and artists. Everything made would be worth it. Like Terminator X, "It all comes down to the money..." and a lot of people are getting held up because what they want to do is expensive. Well, at least when you're trying to balance your budget with a lack or major decrease of income. It's a shame. There are so many bakers who were not baking, they were selling cars, and they hated it. Now they get a chance to bake, and since it's their passion, what's being baked is THEE BEST STUFF EVER. Honesty is where reality should come from. Not money. Not a reaction to circumstances. It should be an action taken because of opportunity.

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