THE WINE CELLAR ...So, there's this one spot here at the Asylum where we live, in the basement, which was behind a false wall. Of course your relationship with the wall and what's on the other side of it kinda determines how false or real it is. Every wall is real if you recognize it. It's just that it sucks at being a wall, is all. Anyways, so Tyy and me, or Tyy and i, were down there raising a glass ...or ...a plastic, because we were using plastic cups. Just us being us. You deal with things how you deal with them. To each their own. We were down there dealing with something. That's where this picture comes from. We were trying to watch some old movies... some of it's new to them, as they're stuck in time kinda, and time is an illusion anyways... with some of the inhabitants of the wine cellar, having a drink. But, as it happens in bars, some folks get.. carried away. I love that bar. Toby Keith was a genius for that song. Well, this bar. Mix that with that Zack Brown Band "toes in the water..." and now we're talkin!
The Wine Cellar... as we call it. Cause that's what it is. Until we come up with a better name for it, which we probably will not. SO, pretty interesting little nook, that was built down there as a hiding place for bootleggers in prohibition. They would hide liquor in there in there, i guess to be picked up or in transit, so they wouldn't get caught. Like a layover spot, or a stash spot. The place was burned down at the time, so no one was really looking there, especially in the basement. Still a couple of kegs down there if you're daring enough, and down to take a wile ride. Tyy was the first of us to actually come down here and say it was here. One of the folks who stays here, ex-guy named Ozzie Crooks passed the word to Charlie. When the place was an actual asylum, Crooks was one of the folks here. After it burned down he just stuck around. Anyways, so Crooks told Chuckers, and Charlie told Tyy. Tyy was like, "There's a prohibition bootlegger stash house in the basement? THIS i gotta see..." and, boom, it was there! Crooks wasn't lying. Ghosts are kinda tricky when it comes to information. Spirits are the same way, only Ghosts can be under the influence of spirits, as Ghosts are just souls who are clinging to worlds and ways they're no longer fully in, or ways and worlds they've moved on from and aren't supposed to be in... if that makes any sense. Souls go from one reality to another, and anchor there, like have a home there. Spirits can move through all of them, they're not tied down, but there are hierarchies and armies and ranks, all that stuff.. it's like the mob. Very organized. Anyways.... yeah, so there's a wine cellar.
That video there? I've been to that bar all too much. Well, that bar you can never be there too much. Met a lot of very cool people there. The staff ain't staff... they're fam. Met this band there too, a few times. Very cool gents. Beer has always been good. Blanco Basura was an interesting ride, but that might have just gotten skunked. Sip happens (watch that start popping up now). Whiskey was always a good choice for yours truly. Jim Beam makes a "Red Stag Black Cherry" whisky. It's a problem. Nothing should taste that good. I tell Esteban to keep some in the freezer, chilled. No glass required. If i go down there, he just slides over the bottle. That stuff tastes like candy. But finding the right one is a thing, i guess. Folks who do drink might go thru that. Finding a drink that's the right thing for you. I'm not saying to go out and drink it up. I AM saying that if you're gonna do it at least find one that works for you, and not one that's going to be a problem. A thing about vices is that they're not really anything. I mean, yeah, they're something, but you've lived a good chunk of life without them before you even knew about them. The reason we have for them, usually excuses and things to make it ok with our self... justifications... are what they are, but the point is we don't need them. Because of this, things are done to them to keep you there. Everything loves attention. Consciousness is a bunch of splits battling for the light in Kevin Wendell Crumb. Everything loves attention. Spirits, man.... all of it. Still, beer has always been a bit of a manageable one. One goes in... it might work on one or two.... after two there's the wobble/ float... then there's the juicy loosey... you pee a few times, hopefully not on your self... but each level has always been based on "one beer at a time" and each one usually had a short time limit. You have to keep putting them in to stay at a level, or take it up a notch (or down a notch... kohl). Other substances have this longer ride. A wilder ride. But then again, Esteban was telling me about the "Bomb drinks", the ones that mix energy drinks and alcohol. He said it's called a bomb because of the reaction, sometimes mimicking an explosion, mushroom cloud after you drop this bullet/shot, but also because it blasts your liver in a way it's damn near impossible to repair fully. Something about the combo eats at your liver differently than just alcohol alone, or energy drinks alone. Both are bad, but together, worst of both worlds after a sip of the ok of both worlds.
So, whatever... we were down there after a drain. I guess it was a wobble in memory of a drain. Like, we had to loosen up after a loss. So we're down there and there's this lady... ok, so, the part, yes, tangent but related... remember the part i was saying about how Souls get chained to past worlds even though they've moved on? So hauntings are like that. However, some GHOSTS, shadows of souls, a manifestation of the lack of understanding of a soul.. in short... are so stuck to this world they move about the whole thing. Like, ok if you were a governor, and so corrupt some folks killed you as you were screwing your secretary in your office... so your last anchor is to your office. If you get up on the other side, not knowing you crossed, you'll cling to here, because that's where your focus is. You never "experienced" the shift, or the crossing over. So you keep looking to here, so you keep placing your self here. You notice over "time" (cause there is no time, only moments, which is just understanding of self from one point to the next) that things are different. Ghosts look like people when they do because they're clinging to that way of presentation of form... so either they're spirits who understand that to blend in the folks here look like this, so try to look like this to blend in, or like a dog or bird or whatever forms are accepted here... but souls knew this as their last true "self"... so they cling to that. If you see your self as your body, when your self goes to the other side, you'll still think you have arms, so you'll have arms... If you can free your mind from that, you can move on. If you don't move on, then there's a struggle, and things get more and more chaotic. Anyways, so if you were killed in your office, screwing the secretary, you don't know you're dead, so you get up to chase the people.... no wait.. you're corrupt... stupid flesh, ok so you're not chasing anyone, you get up to run so they don't kill you. What about the secretary? Screw the secretary. Again. So you get up to run, and you run home. It's, like your body, a place and thing you feel as comfort, an anchor... so you stay at your home. You're haunting your home now. AH... but say you're able to grow even more chaotic, and want revenge of the people who "tried to kill you" (you're dead, just don't know or understand it)... then you would go to other places. Some folks just have more than one comfort spot, more than one anchor, so they move from place to place. So the folks who come to the bar here do so because it's part of their comfort world. That was a lot.
SO, like i was saying... I was down there with Tyy, having a drink, and this lady is at the bar, she looks over at us and says to Esteban, "Give these two weary travelers a drink... on me, doll." And Esteban laughs, because he know's nobody's paying. Anyways, he pours out shots, we all do one, even him, and the lady is going on about how her daughter is marrying a complete ass eith eggs and butter men on the side or something, and how the country is going down because of "every day is sunday" now or something she was going on and on about, buttons busting in with bracelets. You know how folks just get drunk and go off about whatever... a lot of it don't even sound like logic. They get all emotional, sentimental, they get angry (which again is emotional)... puts you and your mind in a very carnal frame of being. Eyes get low with the mind and, as it's been said, "What a sober mind conceals a drunken one reveals..." Oh, dig this, so, about alcohol.... so ALCOHOL, the dranky drank, comes from "al-kohl", no it's not some guy named Al that works at or owns or even created Kohl's... its from the 1540s (early 15c. as alcofol), AL (the in arabic) and Kohl which is a "fine powder produced by sublimation," from Medieval Latin alcohol "powdered ore of antimony" , which antimony is the stone used... from Arabic al-kuhul "kohl." Kohl is a fine metallic powder used to darken the eyelids, from kahala "to stain, paint." The al- is the Arabic definite article, "the" like how Al-Qaeda means THE BASE (the foundation, the homeland) AL means the, Qa'idah (Qaeda) is Base. I don't know if Al-Qaeda would wear Al-kohl or bootleg it as a means of income.... and i don't really care to look that up. The use of Kohl, which is "as black as coal", was taught by the goat-boy/scapegoat in Yom-Kippur, the guy who Detective John Hobbes was really after when he was going after Edgar Reese... not to be confused with Kyle Reese. Paracelsus (1493-1541) used the word (al-kohl) to refer to a fine powder but also a volatile liquid. By 1670s it was being used in English for "any sublimated substance, the pure spirit of anything," including liquids. Sense of "intoxicating ingredient in strong liquor" is first recorded 1753, short for alcohol of wine, which was extended to "the intoxicating element in fermented liquors." In organic chemistry, the word was extended 1850 to the class of compounds of the same type as this.ANYWAYS.... talking to Esteban as no-home gurl was ranting and drunk raving, about how she was all garfield eyed, he was explaining that whole thing about the Kohl... used to darken the eyes... Certain spirits are called to darken, or lower the eyes, and alcohol is a good way to do that. If you know what i said there then you know what i said there. Think "beer goggles". Also, if your self was lowered to a more carnal way of being, you've lowered "i"... so you've lowered all four of your eyes. Hahahahahaa. Aaah, english. That's not the point of this tho...
So, while we were talking about alcohol, and laughing at this lady...she's just getting looser and looser. Toasted. Lightly. Not smashed. Loud at points, but amusingly so, not annoyingly so... she's being all dramatic, just seeking attention, ya know? Drunk folks with that spaced out glare, looking at a drink, disconnected slurry spraying out of their mouths, but you can tell they just like having a scene, and in that, being the center of it. So, Esteban says, and i've heard this before, "Some drink to remember, and some to forget. Some drink to satisfaction and others to regret..." Either way, there's a hole, and you're tryna fill it with booze. I just like the taste of some things, and the wobble effect you get in your being. So the lady goes, "God bless you, hombre..." to Esteban when he said that, and she puts her hand on his arm. So he looks at her, and she's got this Ankh ring on, black stone, not sure if it was onyx or obsidian, they both kinda look alike depending on the polish of the cut. Things like tourmaline have a rougher, kinda matte look, but not as smooth as black pearl. Things like sapphires, spinel, zircon... they're more glassy and glossy, more shine and the cuts are more black diamond like. Anyways, cute little ankh on her finger. So, Esteban takes her hand gently, and pats it, and asks if she's getting home ok. She calmed down and flirted a little with everyone who came up... like looking them up and down, as sideways as she was twisted. Comical lady. After a while she took off to wherever and Esteban pulls out some sage, lights it, and smokes around a bit. Tyy's crackin up like, "Who farted?!" And i'm like, naw dude, it's to clear spirits. Esteban's laughing at Tyy, and he's like, "It's cool. Ignorance is bliss and all, but some stuff you don't wanna know or get into, and some of that stuff just gets put on you. Folks don't mean nothing by it, but the spirits sometimes do. I'm just not too keen on folks with symbols from certain regions placing blessings from deities i may or may not know or have a rapport with on me without my consent. I understand it's a free will thing, and also a friendly gesture, but some folks just don't know what they're talking up out."
I completely get that. All types of folks are into all sorts of things. Dig it, a lot of this "Woke" stuff stems from folks gaining enlightenment, not knowing that a lot of the enlightenment came from "The Watchers" or "The Awakened Ones" (another name for the watchers.... gotta stay awake to watch man grow)... so a lot of that spirit is in that. But people, human beings, they're kids. They ain't even been on the planet that long. So to know things like that,e specially when the whole game with human beings is a game of distracting and captivating the i's.... lowering the i's... separating the i's. Separation was the first sin or bad way. Since it's been put into play that ball's been passed around BIG TIME. This whole mind making game. Honestly, to me, it gets old really fast. I dig on dropping out of consciousness whenever i can. Side note, Green Fairy (green lady)? Did nothing. I'm looking at Pinocchio like, "Maybe the blue fairy is the trick, ai?"
But yeah man, there's a lot of things folks put on other folks.... curses that they take as blessings, blessings they mean to be curses... a lot of them don't even know those words at the heart and take them waaaay out of context when speaking. Cursing has to do with intention. What kind of intention? Intention rooted in evil or sin. Sin would be the opposite of God and/or God's will... evil would be the opposite of a bunch of things: just, good, pure, right, light... so since there's confusion there, the one that's right for you is the one that doesn't cause discord, but causes a chord, harmony, same vibe and frequency, the tones are pure and sync. Music. Anyways, let's go with the sin then since that's easier to spot. Opposite of God and God's will. What would that be? Well, you'd have to know God to answer that. Long story short, God is one word... or word one. Will is the same. One. Word? Word. Don't think, you already know. Think and you'll hurt your self. So, sin would be anything against or opposite of one... like anything that causes division. So a curse would be something that causes division of oneness. People always want examples, and even though this is text, meaning I have infinite time here and can type until the earth explodes, YOU DON'T have all of that time, so let's make it quick.... Let's go with... beauty. Self-love, which is really just personal individual self acceptance after one understands their self. So you can look at a beauty magazine, and it can say how the Egyptian eye look is the new sexy. I don't know what happened to the OLD sexy, or the big sexy, but that's the new sexy. So, right then there's two divisions going on. There's the division of who's sexy and who isn't, and you want to be sexy, or not.... and there's the division of you and who this article is painting as sexy. So do you fit into the division of people called "sexy" because of this eye makeup thing. This divides you mentally, emotionally... which is your mind... as well as spiritually, and physically, and since money is a new god here, let's toss 'em in the mix and say it'll divide you economically. You really should run from money tho. Like hard as you can run, as fast as you can run, and as far as you can run... and then quadruple that. The divisions mentioned... "How so?" Ok, so you're gonna think about the eye look and you with it and without it, and then think of others with it and without it. You divide the people in your mind, your thoughts on it... who's ugly and if that's really sexy, what do you think is sexy... you think stuff about the author. You'll do the same with your feelings (emotions), if it makes you mad, or sad, or happy you have some eyeliner which means you're one step closer to dividing your self from the ugly people.... then spiritually you fall because your focus isn't on natural beauty, your true self, it's on your (literally) made-up self, and how you feel about that (accepted, powerful, empty and need a box of zingers and some Wynona Ryder flicks to help you get thru it...)... it divides you physically, because... eye liner, no eye liner, you physically look different.. you even look different from your self. You've sacrificed your true self for this make-up one. And economically, you're broke because you bought the expensive "best" kohl from Kohl's. "But clown man, it's nothing like that!" Ok. Writer of the article didn't mean to curse you with the spirit of either ugly or sexy, or vanity... or the snake, centipede, toad, or any of the other 5 deadly venoms... they just wanted to bless you, so you won't not be sexy. Clever girl. That should be a make-up brand. She-man. Cause human means wise manANYWAYS... Like power, folks get drunk off of a lot of world wines. Port wine is a potent one. Sweet, but it'll catch up with ya. That's not how you get to limbo. Well, maybe port might lead to limbo, but really, ask your I's, how low can you go?! Dig me?! I keep saying it, "I love english." Yeah, folks do a lot of cursing and division, and don't even know it. Starts with not understanding what's in your vision. What do you see? Seeing the big picture or just all of the parts? But like i says, division is the first trick in the book. "Angels on the sidelines... puzzled and amused..." that kinda makes me sound like a tool, huh?
#TheZEPHANIAHchesterfieldPROJECT#CARTOONband#VIRTUALband#CLOWNband#MUSICIANlife#ONtour#OFFgrid#NEWanime#COMICS#ANTIhero#PORTALS#TELEPORTATION#SPIRITUALgrid#THEtruthBEHIND#DAILYadventures#SciFi#ParanormalUNEXPLAINED#ANGELSandDEMONS#REALITY#OTHERworlds#DiveBars#BETWEENworlds#GhostSTORIES#BARstories#SONGwriting#MUSICproduction#XIs#TheCorner#Consciousness#BEINGBEingBeing#RAISEvibration#Understanding#MINDbodySOUL#SupremeBEING#FreedomFROMwithin#FindYOURpower#IAM#SpiritualFREEDOM#MentalFREEDOM#BREAKtheCHAIN#BREAKtheCYCLE#FREEyourMIND#WALKinYOURpower#WALKinYOURtruth#UNDERSTANDINGspirit#Vampires#Clown#Panda#Animation#Illustration#BehindTHEscenes#CONSCIOUSfiction#ConsciousMusic#ConsciousArt#Vibration#Frequency #Limbo #TheAsylum #InsaneAsylum #HauntedHouse #HauntedGraveyard #AbandonedHomes #Squatting #BetweenWorlds #alcohol #spirits #drinkingGAME