I Brought you Flowers...
GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!? i forget which time this was. Sometimes, man... i dunno... things kinda catch on fire when you're going to pick a chick up, ya know? But who doesn't like a good fire, eh? Chicks man, they'll be all freaking out and whatnot, and i'm like, "Be easy baby, ignore the big green fire-- LOOK, i got you FLOWERS! Special lady." but they ain't focused on that. Hey babe, living is about connections, especially to the little things, attention to detail, ya dig me? Copper burns green, so whatever was on fire had a lot of copper in it. You didn't think about that, did you? See, aren't you glad you calmed down and took a breather... got to enjoy the subtleties of living? Green.
Funny though, the subtleties of living. Life is flat, says me. Everything is scripted out, mathematically aligned and gridded up, skillfully executed. The random is programmed. Pure BEING is ALL THINGS already. So there's nothing to do. Nowhere to go. If you look at it like that, enter Existentialism, and the whole "first we are born, and then we are" kinda thing. First you're born and then comes your purpose, as opposed to being needed by life and living (Adam is an essential worker), and then born FOR a purpose. At the same time, there's consciousness, which is based on self awareness, and that is based on awareness of what is NOT self-- your surroundings and everything that is not you. From consciousness and awareness of self you can get a picture of a third of what you are. From consciousness and awareness of what's around you, you can get another third of what you are, because of your relation to "it" and "it"s relation to you... If "it" is near, then you must be close to "it". If it is far, then you must be far from "it". If "it" is cold to you, then you must be warmer than it to feel the cold of it. If you were the same temperature, then you'd barely feel it. If it burned you, then your temperature must be lower than it to pick up the heat. That kinda stuff. So, beings gain all of this awareness and then can understand their self.
But what do we really care about our surroundings if all it is doing is serving the purpose of exposing self to the self? If all i'm doing is noticing how everything around me points me out, i don't really gain anything. Like, all i do s get "factual" data, stats on distances, opposites, measurements, rates... i don't get any feeling. There's no "soul" as they say. Which raises another question, does consciousness have a soul? Or can you have a soul and be non conscious? Or maybe its the other way around and it's the soul has consciousness? It's that soul part, that feeling part... that's what makes the difference. That's where the purpose comes in. You could log a whole forest and build foster homes and schools out of it, but the "right" or "wrong" of it comes from individual consciousness and how the soul feels about it. It's perception of it's position.
I brings that up because, those flowers were hand picked. And whiles they are lovely, they're dying, and i killed them. Not my intention to kill beauty on the planet, and if i had thought more about it then like i do now, maybe i would have just used the crappy camera on the little silver hotel-bar-of-soap looking nokia phone i had back then to take the best picture i could and just send that to the chick. I say chick, don't take offense. I mean, unless you're a bird and you love your race, and you're like, "Human beings are the fallen spawn bass-ackwards bastards of the animal kingdom. Don't call one of them one of us, it's an insult. BaGAAOOOwwk!" That was a chicken noise. Chickens say "Ba-gaowk". And "Buk Buk"... because they also listen to gangsta rasta music apparently. Anyways, yeah man, i killed some flowers for a flower. Where's the justice in that? Just because I'm a conscious being imposing my good intention on a non-conscious being (or not so conscious, which is horrible to think about. A baby is not so conscious, so picking flowers is like cutting off baby heads and giving it to your wife. Makes you look at flowers differently, huh?) i now have to judge whether my good intentions ended up being good deeds. that's a lotta pressure man. I mean it's pressure applied for the right reason. Don't wanna trash the planet to make a bunch of pretty pictures... especially when the best picture is right outside the window the four walls keeping us in is mounted on.
I dunno man, maybe it's me, right, but the humanity is being sucked outta human beings. Dig it, like folks are running around seeking consciousness... to ascend... to do what? Trash heaven? Get bored when you get there and then be on your apps all eternity? Scrolling through heaven, eventually it becomes the same hell the heaven you were in was. I wonder how many folks who seek consciousness do so out of fear? Or guilt? Cause those fixes are pretty simple. Just start where you are, in a pile of shit you fucked up, and work backwards to un-fuck it. But technology has made everyone slow. The technology got faster, the people got slower. The technology gets smarter, and the people get dumber. The technology, which has no soul, grows more aware to the point it reaches consciousness. So do human beings who have souls, grow so unaware, they lose the consciousness and connection, and then lose the soul all together? Folks define themselves (i know, that was deep as shit, right? Frickin cartoon clowns man, we come ups with some shit bruh) But dig... folks define themselves, in a two second to seven min attention span society, based on re-posting trendy catchy sarcasm (memes) and causes to which a thumbs up is the new support. Cops kill people. Someone Posts it. They go viral. Someone else re-posts it, after giving it a thumbs up. That's the revolution? Folks complain about actual events, but clicking a button that goes to nowhere is the answer? I mean, i get it, trade your energy. Re-order the generations every new crop at a time until they're not attached to this world. Then you can just sweep them off. They won't even care.
Whatever though. Sad thing about blogs and posts, memes... it just furthers the problem. It's actually a distraction. It shifts focus from actual support to digital attention whoring, slave chain rattling. That's not freedom, especially if it was an option presented to you so you don't think for yourself to make your own mind. It's just one more thing to click on and like or whatever. What would be the call to action (as they say in marketing and media)? The only options that are immediate are the little buttons and emojis (wow, we don't even express emotions anymore, we even have a button for that). This is disturbing. Here's a non-rhetorical question you should answer in your living. Comment if you want. I guess it would be cool to share the answers to give some options, points to think about. But, dig it... what is there to do about this? Like what, besides talk and text? The actions?
Gotta get around money, true. Gotta take time out of busy schedules... busy trying to make money. Funny, folks are always trying to make money. They DO make it, but they're still trying at the same time. As if jobs and anything attached to money will allow you to remove your energy from serving that system, and develop and thrive putting your energy into that? If you leave this money system, it dies. There's plenty of people to feed it, so if you die serving it, no biggie. I wonder what was done to make money so important. If folks figure that out, then they can start to get out of this hole. Really, all money does is midleman things. Someone needs to have that conversation. Like, now. Whatever. When your world dies, i'll still be out here. Cartoons don't die. Like money, we just get someone else to believe in us and pop up there. I diggs that suit tho, and i'm not really big on suits. Those shades tho?!!(y)pretty snaz, aye? yeah? no?
Hey, look... I brought you flowers.... Ironic, huh?
