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The Mouse Picture One about "Life Matters"....

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

One of my favorite lines from an artist we all dig in this band, but only a lottle.... "Dig if you will, a picture...." -- [T.A.F.K.A.] Prince. Pic was a post from a fella named G. Chana on facebook. Their quote was this: "Caught this little asshole in my basement this morning. I thought I'd break his little neck for sure as soon as I got a hand on him. But then as I looked into his pathetic cute little face, i began to question this entitlement i had to whether another creature should continue existing or not just because he had been occupying the same space as me.... Long story short: I caught a mouse in my basement, stared at it for a really long time, and then walked it to the park, lol. We are all blessed to share this air today.. breathe deep"

Not to make it political, but things like this, and cutting grass, picking flowers, leaving the lights and water on, and pouring liquor are some of the more overlooked meanings of "All Lives Matter". Yeah, not all of those seem to be related, but they all do tie back into what people consider "respect for life" and/or living it (or those who have lived it) by those still currently living it. Those grapes in that wine died to get you drunk so you can make an ass of yourself on a cellphone? Everything is something to do. Still... All lives matter. When people say that... i wonder how many of them actually understand what they think they "know" they're talking about.

Trickier things like war may come into play, and it still has the same point to prove, which is even though you've all been pumped up to kill each other by people who are NOT participating in the slaughter of you all... both sides, your life matters. I say tricky because of the nature of war... it's causes, but those causes when truly traced back to their sources are usually because of two opposing opinions that started at one point, and then the fire spread from there. You beat the fire back to the origin, and put those two opinions in their place, and the war is over. It's a matter of pride. That pride overlooks the fact that all lives matter. Some if not most animals will do anything to avoid a fight for the sake of preservation of life. Everything can kill. Does it have to? The two folks who started the war, put them into a pit, no weapons so they'll have to do ALL OF THE WORK OF KILLING and warring against their opponent... even if they kill each other, the war's over. Millions of other innocent people spared. And spared is a dumb word because they're not involved. People at war just involve them. It's stupid. Let's leave the tricky things alone and deal with no-brainer stuff, yeah? Awesomeness....

So, dig it... the shelf life of the cheese in your fridge, or that hamburger you look at, but keep shoving to the back... those came from life. So your food life matters. In a more general sense, "THE LIVES OF THING THAT PRESERVE LIFE MATTER." Dig on that. That's some extremist hippie shit, on one hand, but a very simple godly way on the other. It's just one hand tho. That's kinda in the same category of the whole "leaving the lights on and leaving the water running" thing. The life of things that preserve life aren't even respected. If you don't respect the things that keep you alive, how much do you really respect life? How much does it really matter to you? I mean, yeah, you APPRECIATE YOUR LIFE but you don't RESPECT LIFE ITSELF. It's possible. Buy a bunch of food. Let it sit and rot. Then throw it out. Happens more often than you think, but condensing the act into that short bit unmasks what really happens. We like to say crap like, "Hmm.. what do i want to eat right now/today?" and then buy a bunch of crap, don't eat all of it, and then say, "I'll save this for later. Someone (maybe me, maybe you, maybe whoever) will want it later." Later never comes for that food so it gets "gross" and tossed out after it sat there, behind a bunch of other things that piled up because the thought was, "Hmm... what do i want to eat today?" The reasons it sits are whatever they are: maybe the food was viewed as "old", or a lot of folks have that spoiled/privileged view of "i just had that, i want something new or different or fresh"... and sometimes they're just not in the mood to eat that right now, don't have a taste for it right now... Either way, it's all about "MY LIFE" and not "LIFE Life." Most folks aren't aware of the value and impact of wasted food life, and as the phrase goes, "out of sight, out of mind." I say that taking into consideration how man wastes somewhere around 40% of the world's food supply... most folks know nothing about that. They know landfills are gross, and "trash and pollution"... no aim or context, just "trash and pollution... bad." Aside from the trash and pollution the food waste makes, there's the WORLD OF THE FOOD itself who's life doesn't get fully taken into consideration. The world of the food? Dig it, we grow it in places the animals used to live... like there were trees and animals, a whole habitat and dare i say it, a whole Eco system, minding it's own business in it's own private little space that gets wiped out because we "need more chicken." We'll assume ownership of the land, then auction it off, and then kill everything there, and then grow FOOD ANIMALS in those spaces to waste 40% of them... almost HALF of them die for nothing. Ok, so dig THIS... those FOOD ANIMALS gotta get fed and drugged... so you have to get MORE land to grow the food's food, and drugs to pump into the food... that's almost half of them you'll throw away, meaning almost half of those animals are bred and fed for nothing, they're "raised" for nothing... Someone goes out to work every day, and gets paid when the animals are big enough, not mature enough but just big enough, to eat... and they raise a whole farm, to throw just about half of it away for nothing. Well, not for nothing, because everything serves some kinda purpose, but to be wasted, increasing methane gasses in decomposition, heating the world up a few degrees more... all of the "natural" disasters that come from us raping or as some call it "reshaping" the earth for the better, to save it... or whatever you have to tell your self, all of these things come about because of the chain reaction from something as small as food waste. Global warming might make a few more super cells (twisters, hurricanes, wild-fires, etc.) which destroys more farms, which means we need more farms now because we need more food... starting to see how it works? But that don't matter because it's all miles away from us and we didn't do it ourselves, we don't raise animals, and we don't waste that much food. However, if we didn't have so much food, and weren't so focused on greed, or as most of us call it "abundance and blessings", there wouldn't be such an ample supply of food for the mouse. The mice invade and eat from the spoils we amass. If we had less to feed them, there would be less of them. But, we like spoils. And being spoiled, it makes sense and dollars. Strokes the ego. Some folks will even tell you it's their "God given right as an individual who has dominion over the earth!" Everything is something to do. Not justifying it. Not demonizing it. Just saying, it is what it is, everything is something to do. Including walking around with a sign because you feel bad about something you won't change in your daily life, which is a drop in the void in comparison to what the actual weight of the words "All Life Matters" really means.

Here's a bit of a thing... "ALL LIFE MATTERS" as opposed to "ALL LIVES MATTER" because when you say LIVES you think CONSCIOUSNESSES/CONSCIOUS BEINGS, and limit that down to PEOPLE. That's disrespectful to all lives which is a horrible thing to do to the one and only LIFE. Of course division for the sake of preservation and clean jerk justification of ego is something to do. LIFE is all things balanced. Death is a part of that. So saying ALL OF LIFE MATTERS would make you have a respect for death, which is a part of Life, meaning you'd have to have an understanding of LIFE as a whole complete unified thing, and not just focus on one part of LIFE, which is CONSCIOUS LIVES which spread more death than is their due balanced portion thanks to mankind tipping the scales... but who has time for that? PEOPLE ARE DYING. FUCK LIFE... we're trying to save LIVES here!?! Maybe LIFE is tired of being so divided. It weakens that way because it loses it's connection, focused solely on what it considers souls. It's a fun way to move about as a spirit, especially in a spiritual war, because then a lot of SPIRITS, which are a part of the balance of LIFE, go unnoticed when you just focus on SOULS. But, again... and I'll say it a few times because it's a bit of honesty, "EVERYTHING IS SOMETHING TO DO" including division, ignorance.... murder... possession. Picture being in a spiritual war, but only allowed to see souls... not even the spirits they're influenced by or moving in.. not even the spirits they're in contact with, focused on the power of... etc. Meh. I'm a cartoon that slips in and out of places you only dream of because of the anchors you chain your consciousness to. Because of that anchoring, i think it's best you DON'T go into other places until you get the hang of this one first, because not all spirits like you. As a matter of fact, and this is just a bit of honesty, "No one or thing does anything unless they get something out of it." So with all of you souls dabbling ignorantly in spiritual contracts, i'd kinda really take a look at LIFE, the one all you LIVES are living, and really try to UNDERSTAND IT more. But only a lottle. It shouldn't scare you. You're walking around in it, even right now. It's LIFE. Pay attention to that, and you'll see the balance of all of the LIVES.. how they're all one, and their functions, not places, because everything fits into every place, but what is and how does it function? PURPOSE. Understand that, especially spiritually.

...bit of a deep-ass cartoon, huh? No. Nothing is deep but perception. Most folks view things as deep because they make shallow home. Shallow is still a depth... which means everything is deep. Some music to ease things a bit? Ok.

Moving on....

Back to dicing up LIFE into LIVES that matter.... That asshole in traffic, that cop, that guy who killed all those people, that person you hate.... All lives matter. The spirit and memory of those passed or even locked away. All lives matter. See, that's how that dicing it up thing works. When you put one life over another life then you unbalance LIFE. If it comes down to which one matters, then neither of them do, if both of them don't. That's not deep. It's not bold. It's just honest. Honesty ain't a big thing nowadays so it seems off. Folks don't know how to deal with honesty honestly these dazes. C'est la guerre. All the folks that got killed by them cops were only famous to the people they knew before they cops made them famous. So how did their black lives matter before that? Harsh, but trust me, as a black person walking around in multiple understandings of worlds... i just say what i see. You can't get any more mad at that bit of honesty than you can when you pass homeless black people and don't offer them a job, or at least tell them You or God loves them, and that they matter, and then find out why by finding out who they are, their function and purpose, talents and gifts, and give them an opportunity to PROVE they matter. Proof is a means of receiving and accepting an understanding that is communicated. Most people don't and won't do all of that to prove it. Talking about it and any other action without understanding doesn't prove it. Understanding it and not communicating it doesn't prove it. Understanding it and not accepting it doesn't prove it. IF they do anything at all, they'll toss a few bucks their way and keep it pushing. GIVE A MAN A FISH vs TEACH A MAN TO FISH. Each one teach one, not each one give one a dollar so they leave you alone. If the dollar came with instructions on fishing for more dollars, as well as a map to get the training and supplies, then ok, but in a world full of things and spirits which have hierarchies over nations, "races", families, down to individuals... what's your dollar really gonna do in a war? Give a soldier in some 3rd world country in a firefight a dollar and leave them there and see what good it does. That's black people and the cops' relationship pretty much, or even more, black people and AMERICA, or even more MINORITIES and AMERICA... and one step further, EVERYONE who views their self different from anyone else, not everyone else, but ANYONE else. You're taking LIFE and splitting it into LIVES, which doesn't really exist to life as a whole, because life as a whole is "life... as a whole" which is why the words are "life as a whole" meaning one. In that, all there is is ONE thing which will be either your self and everything reflecting and existing as that... or the complete oneness of ALL which makes sense to call it "God" because of the conscious parts and the ordered parts and the mathematics and logic of it all... and everything reflecting and existing as that. Might not make the MOST sense, but then we're getting back into divisions. That cop is you. Find out the whole story as to why that cop is THAT Cop. That kid who got killed is you. Find out the whole story as to why that kid who got killed IS THAT KID. Understand? Put a period at the end of that word when you do.

Also, dig this, going back to the mouse picture that all of this comes from so you can blame that mouse for this whole conversation... There's the question asked by and of self about entitlement which is one the mouse, too, could ask... A question being "LIFE MATTERS, BUT TO WHO?" Lot of judgment coming in to play here. Makes me question how prevalent the "human spirit" is among other spirits, especially when it comes to being a trend-setter or in more honest terms a "will imposer", second only to who's image man was made INTO (already made, and then made into... like if you take clay which is already made and existing and make it into a car making it STILL CLAY but molded into the shape and given the new identity or persona of BEING as a car... which it's not a car, it's CLAY but made to think and BE LIKE a car... as much as clay can be a car) which is about self, division, division of self, and imposing will in an effort to access the other side of the coin of balance, understanding all that is, and in that, self, as well as understanding self, and in that, all that is. continuing the cycle of shifting the balance to one consciousness' will, namely man's. Of course you're dabbling back into that spiritual battle, as MAN'S outlook is subject to the spirits influencing the man(s) in the moment. Spirits do love their attention. What doesn't. Remember that bit about "No one or thing does anything unless they get something out of it." Honest. Man doesn't dabble in spirits they don't get anything from. Spirits don't dabble in mankind unless they get something from. Quid pro quo. ALL LIFE MATTERS because of those that get something out of them. That kinda proves they matter, and what for, but what is that thing doing the proving and how respectful is it of life? To keep saying ALL LIVES MATTER / BLACK LIVES MATTER and it matters only to trends and economics as they are the main support and objectives of the movement, or tools of the movement, then it's a horrible existence and reason to live. Maybe life matters less then, because those are pretty destructive things. True, they give life as well, but what type of life? How full is it? It's like putting animals in their own separate labeled cages, with their "natural habitat" so they can be appreciated in all of their glory. Don't frown on zoos so much, most folks do it with their pets. Most even do it with their own self, locked in that cubicle, escaping their own life into another option presented by not them on the weekend. How do you move from one cage to another to be free, meanwhile all of the cages just tighten your chains?

IF and SINCE "All Lives Matter" then it would be easy to look at the waste of Black Lives in this country, and around the world, as something more disgusting and worth not only addressing but in responding actually resolving, but it's cultivation which came from this country is big business, and this country is business as usual. BLACK is an American thing. Black is what America made Africans into. Even the ones who were here first... it made them into Black or "Indians" which they're neither, but now they're both, and the mind-fuck begins. Africans in Africa are still Africans... none of them are Black, unless they've adopted the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and now added in this ImI level-- economical ways of being which is easy to do since it's sold so lovingly or lustfully to the rest of the world. Even that's not true, but sales are up. Everyone's buying or selling. "Everybody hustles, and if not, you hustled your self." In that whole "Black Lives Matter" movement, the resolution is what? The Black Panther 10 Point Program's life matters, because it addresses, and then responds with a resolution, the issues. Black lives mattered most in slavery, so i guess the only thing that's changed is everyone's black now. Ask anyone with "Bo Braids" how Egyptian that is. But that's getting kinda serious for a cartoon clown... Ease back on the throttle Clown. Focus on the mouse.....

Folks are getting political, in a way of the whole BLM thing, but it's getting to be a trend. Saying BLM (Black Lives Matter) now is like saying "because of Corona". I'm waiting for the two to merge, but not really. There's loads to speak on Black Lives Matter, my stance being, as a "black person", why do black lives matter, and how? Like, it's spoken of, but never demonstrated. By that i mean, the protest and images of black destruction is more prevalent than black celebration of success and equality. On top of that, there's no equality if BLM is the dominant cry or main focus. Don't get me wrong, don't lose focus on that, but just as many Mexicans get it too, especially in California, which used to be theirs, and maybe, rightfully, still is. Another thing i've gotten into, and i hope the rest of the band doesn't get on me too much about this, and I'll say i'm speaking mainly for me here, that i have no idea what "BLACK" is, other than something America turned Africans into. In that, they turned ANY and pretty much EVERY person FROM Africa or of African Heritage who is melanated, or anyone melanated in general (which is kinda the same thing) is now a "Black Person"... which has no country, there is no native tongue, no native religion... any of the things that you could come together and build a nation on in unity... it's not there. It's been removed. It's like a hollow people. That's dangerous. It drives a wedge in humanity, but not until after it's separated a portion of it and sucked it out of a people... like, it's taken a huge chunk of African people, removed their humanity, and then isolated them, and puts that on display. Equality as a human being is the goal. Countries don't matter really. True, there's no country called "Black" so that kinda tells you there's no such thing as "Black People" and on top of that, the name of a people only changes because they're conquered and named after whoever rules them decides. To conquer a people, you must have been at war with them. If you weren't at war with them, then you just came on in and assumed control of them, however you did, but someone died for sure, and on top of that, you feel superior to them, or else you wouldn't have to impose your will on them, down to separating them from you by naming them something other than what you are... meaning, if there is equality, the term "Black People" would have never come about... they would just be called "Americans" like the rest of the Americans... but America shows you what it won't accept as it's self by using a hyphen... "Irish- American" or "Indian-American". If you're born here, you're American-American, first and foremost. It's why folks come here, to be American. No one gains "Latin-American" Citizenship, at least not in North America. No one even considers South America as America. Anyways, being "Black" in France or Germany shouldn't make anyone any less black because they're not American. It does say a bit about your society and "culture" (the culture of your nation or country). If "blacks" are treated better in France than they are in the United States that made them, then what's that say about the United States? On top of that, what's that say about everyone trying to emulate not only the image of "black people" created and sold to the rest of the world, but also about the treatment of them, what's acceptable? For one, you can't generalize people like that. Each individual is different. However, "the only thing fair in life is that living it is equally unfair to everyone and thing."

LIFE MATTERS. Period. That's a God thing. I'm gonna shut up about this. I hate talking about it because it's not a thing that should even be an issue. It's the whole point of being here. The Human Spirit is one of understanding. It's being manipulated by all of the other spirits its understanding because of its open nature and capabilities to express spirits, to magnify them. I didn't even mean to get into this right now. I was supposed to be talking about music. I completely forgot about that thought. That kinda pisses me off. Anyways... Interesting thing to read, be amused, and forget about, eh?



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all artworks and expression here ©1998 by The Zephaniah Chesterfield Project. Unauthorized usage yields penalty up to death and/or eternal torture and damnation. is your daddy. Death 2 Demiurge.

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