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artwork: The Glass of Pipe Dreams...

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

medium: digital illustration

Ok, so, you know how you slip in between worlds/realities or points (anchors/grounding frequencies or polarities or energy) for consciousness? No? Never heard of that before? But you do it all the time... Hmm.... um.... ok....

Ok, well, i dunno how often you dream, but you went thru this if you ever have [dreamed], only you might not have seen it because it happens so "quickly". Not that there is a speed,it's just a matter of focus. Like if you're focused on being in the dream, then you notice that, and it seems to have happened quickly. Your being by way of your consciousness' focus just shoots from where you went to sleep to where you end up in the dream. If you focus on GETTING TO a dream, the whole falling asleep and the bridge of consciousness between you and all things, then your focus is on the journey point, not the destination point, so it happens "slowly". If that makes any sense.

So on the way to a dream, or being born, or "dying" or whatever else, there's a pipeline. It's just light, which is understanding. You "see" (understand) all that is. If you focus on the whole ALL/Everything that is, then it just looks like a bright kinda pulsing light... If it was (or since it is) all around you, it may seem like you're in an all light space with no ceiling or floor. Your body there, when you look at your feet and appear to be floating or whatever, is just a manifestation or mind trick. You're coming from a human experience and in this place you need some place that's comfortable, so you run back to "BEING... in a body" and then (((boom))) you have feet and hands and all that. It's also why ghosts, demons, angels, other beings that do not truly have that [human] shape appear to do that. Its a bit of a trap. Like, "We know that pure energy is comfortable and relates to that [human] form, so we'll look like that because then it will be drawn to it in a familiar way, letting it's guard down, and engaging with me more than if i appeared to be a chair or just remained in a form or at a frequency it cannot fully pick up. I'll fall, or rise, to it's frequency, a little... just enough to get in shape." A vampire told me that at a bar. Conversation about Possessions. Whatever tho.

MOVING ON... Ok, here we go.... so... THE BEACH, right, ok, dig it... so picture the sand, each grain as it's own little universe. No two are identical because everything in them is it's own thing. But they're grains of sand, hard to see all of that in there... Pretty small right? Until you begin to focus on it. You have to connect to it, that one grain, and tune out all of the others... and begin to see it. Not just look, but focus and see it, for not just what it is, but for ALL IT IS, nothing more, and nothing less. In that you begin to establish your relationship [the one between you both, not just between you and it, or it and you] by what you notice about it. Then that becomes what it is TO YOU. It does the same, but you'd have to see it... to understand that. It may move because the wind or gravity moves it, but it finds a place between grooves in your fingerprint. It's temperature may rise to match yours, or be slightly less because of the shade from your fingers. And the more of your self/consciousness you focus on it the clearer you see it... the more you understand. Another example, like looking at your hand, you might just see a hand at a quick glance. A basic shape. When you really make and take time to see it, to focus, you get to colors between colors, tones, textures and patterns, how it moves... which might lead to understanding what you can do with it, down to its cells and structures you never noticed. Moving from reality to reality is like that. Focus on a point. The tube of light, the tunnel... it's ALL points. You pick one, and get tunnel vision if you're both opened to one another, you and the point. Then comes the spirals and all that jazz.

Anyways, so yeah, back to the beach... small universes everywhere, right? Cool. So, when you look at "the big picture" it's just a bunch of light, a big bright "sand" mass.... so many possibilities that it all blurs to one because you're focused on the whole... the all. It presents itself to you like, "You can do anything... here it they are... all of the things... pick one." There is sand (light, options of/for reality) in the void (the water/ocean) that you cannot see. For ALL THINGS to be that, there have to be options you're unaware of, covered (hidden) until you dis-cover them, by turning around and facing them and focusing on them, or shifting your energy's focus and matching frequencies or being on the same vibe as them. Until then, they're "kept in the dark". Like if you're looking down the tube of light and it appears to be behind you? Well, first create a you (avatar or mental projection, whatever type of "body"), and then have it stand in a fixed position, like become aware of self and then separate that self from everything else. That's what makes the vision go from first person to being able to see your feet (second person). First person you are ALL, the first person. Second person, you can see your self, you are apart or a part of ALL. It's just a matter of perception. So you're standing there, facing a direction. It's bright the way you're facing because your energy is focused on understanding who you are, so you'd have to know where you are, so you'd have to be able to dis-cover everything around you to begin to compare it to your self and understand the relationships so you know SELF. If you see no ground you dis-cover that I AM FLOATING. If you see no roof, I AM FLOATING IN AN INFINITE PLACE. And so on and so on. Light hasn't been applied to the things you're not facing or syncing frequencies with. So they appear dark. You KNOW they're there, but you don't understand what they are because your focus is elsewhere. You have to face them. You'd have to go into the deep and look. Light comes out [of you] or else you'd never be able to see, but you can, so obviously there's light/understanding there, but you're thinking tells your belief that there is no light there.... it's "dark"/void/empty. There's just as much everything there as the sand the sun/mind/light is hitting or having a relationship with exploring.... or seeing.

So back to the tunnel and what this has to do with the beach. Sprinkle that sand in a tunnel. All over the walls. Each grain is a universe, worlds. Ok? Ok. So, dreaming is walking thru the tunnel, looking at one of those grains of sand, and focusing on it so much that "you're there." You see it and believe it so much it's "real". (((WOOOSH))) Now you're in the tunnel. The Caaaaaave of wonders. Where dreams.. come.. [into BEing as] true. Another way to look at it is to picture yourself in a tunnel made of tv screens. Each screen is one you can enter that reality. Yeah, i didn't think of that until right now. It's so much frickin easier to understand.

Everything is real. Just depends on what dream you're focused on in what moment.

The tunnel or tube or long stream is kinda that, it's a stream of consciousness. Consciousness is of ALL THINGS. So everything is there. EVERYTHING. Everything from complete and full knowing, to ignorance. Everything from purple dragons with pink and blue spots to robot societies and alien ones (we're an alien one to aliens and robots)... to empty space and wormholes... form singularity to the infinite. There's a screen for everything. For life with you right now but as the opposite sex, or another race, or sitting in a chair two inches taller or shorter or to the left or right, because each tiny instance creates a whole new set of outcomes. The reason there's all of that sand on the wall (all of those possibilities and points to BE, all of those screens) is because the tube is made up of that. One of those grains of sand (or screens) even shows you right there in that tube looking at that grain of sand or screen... it's trippy. Not really, but... whatever. Anyways, yeah, dig it, so it's just another portion of all that is, of everything...ness... ism.... stuff.

Now remember the part about focusing on one little dot so much that you're there? So you never left the tube, just your focus is no longer being in the tube, it's focused on what's going on in that little sand dot. You're so INTO the show on the screen that you think you're there. When you snap out of it, wake up, you see that you're in the infinite. But those screens are so pretty... so you pick again... and get sucked in... and dismember from your body/self sitting there watching the screen, and attach yourself to the vision until you re-member your whole self, back in the tube watching the tube. You've detached from BEing in the tube and brought your BEING BEing to the inside of that sand dot. You've gone from BEING BEing... to BEing Being. Like an extension of self. Like a finger or any other member of your body. Finger is a good example. So to touch something your focus is on the thing, and your finger, and the space between the thing and your finger. So you kinda dismember your self. You cut off your consciousness and focus from all of the other parts, and place it on one member. You are existing through the experience of being your finger. If something happens to some other member of your body, then you re-connect your mind to your "complete" being. You re-member.

A frog told me that. She said a buncha stuff. Frickin tequila man.


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