Everything moves in circles, cycles. A lot of the time the number 3 comes into play when it comes to the movement of the cycles, as well as the components moving in the cycles. This section focuses on the circles in the picture.
The entire symbol as one piece is BEING. Since the whole is pure Complete BEING, each of the components can be viewed as BEING as well, but BEING BEing (that part). Maybe discussing the cycles/movement in the symbol will shed light on the components.
The movement that takes place is based on your perception and understanding to the point of knowing. Having said that, either the closed circle (You) ascend to the point of the open circle (Source), or Source descends into You (self). If it moves in a way of water, counter clock wise (not wise of time/ moments, moving without time as it's reasoning, infinite) then it reaches a balanced form of mind (water/mass/body) and gains a form of self. This form of self then gains fire (enlightenment, want, passion, understanding of to the point of knowing self) and then rises back to Oneness. This is not time or moment based, but moves in the relationship between moments with the flow of life as one connected to individuals and acceptance. If it moves in a way of fire, clock wise (conscious of time/ moments, moving with time as it's reasoning, finite) then it reaches a balanced form of spirit (fire/air/soul) and gains a form of self. This form of self then gains water (lack, void, purpose, understanding of to the point of knowing self) and rises back to Oneness. This is time based, rooted in the meaning of moment and the next, moving in a way of will and individuality connected to all which accept it.
The YIN/YANG in the center is a representation of the balance of the entire symbol. It takes each element which is revolving around it and represents them all, pulling each one into it's self, as well as remaining it's self and pulling each element out of it's self. Both FIRE and WATER move from VOID/EMPTINESS to Pure BEING/FULLNESS, revolving around the unchanged balanced Center. Both Pure BEING and VOID move through Fire and Water, each in their own cycle, while revolving around the center.
The Y (Why) fire is the balance of energy between the fire and water that descends, to one point in the center where all is balanced (Yin/Yang) which then comes down as one in the vibration of Fire. From here it flows to whichever point (the circles) in it's time (Fire, Void, Water, and Fullness)
The Y (Why) water is the balance of energy between water and fire that ascends, to one point in the center where all is balanced (Yin/Yang) which then comes down as one in the vibration of Fire. From here it flows to whichever point (the circles) in it's time (Fire, Void, Water, and Fullness)
The WHITE CIRCLE at the top represents Fullness (All Things).
The RED CIRCLE on the right represents FIRE (Understanding/Divine Masculine)
The BLACK CIRCLE at the bottom represents VOID/Emptiness (Lack of All Things)
The BLUE CIRCLE on the Left represents WATER (Creation/Divine Feminine)
If you take any circle and add it to any other circle, depending on which way you are moving/having BEing, you will produce the circle next in that direction.
For example: To Add the (top/white/ALL THINGS or Pure BEING) to the (right/red/FIRE) produces the (Bottom/black/Emptiness), because when (ALL THINGS or Pure BEING) seeks to consciously understand (apply fire) to it's self, it understands all things one at a time until there is nothing left or it is all burned away, and so it moves from that place of lack to (left/blue/WATER), which creates all things one by one until it is again (top/white/ALL THINGS or Pure BEING) fullness.
To Add (right/red/FIRE) to (top/white/ALL THINGS or Pure BEING) is to take a consciousness which is seeking to understand, and introduce it to it's highest self, which it will then move to becoming (left/blue/WATER) which will then create all things one by one until it reaches (bottom/black/Emptiness) as it has nothing left to create and it finally (right/red/FIRE) understands it's self.