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The Book of 3s: #02 - The 3 Levels

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Pure BEING is constantly BEing, or BEing Being. It takes place in various ways, for various reasons. This dance happens on three levels. Each in their own time, yet all at the same time. These levels are the: (3) Natural, (2) Hyper-Natural, (1) Super-Natural. In this discussion on these levels they will be given in a reverse order . (3) Natural level = (3) Being in the third. (2) Hyper-Natural = (2) BEing in the second. (1) Super-Natural = Pure (3) BEING, or BEING in the first. Understand. There is no need to say 'in the first" unless there is something following. Pure BEING needs nothing to follow it, as it IS what would follow it, as much as it is APART of and A Part of what follows. In it's Pure state BEING is all three (BEING BEing Being) which is just one thing to it, as much as it is three.

One way to think of the flow of these is flowing back and forth, which is vibration (the movement of energy back and forth. Moving in one direction is a pulse. Two relating pulses, or pulsing back and forth is vibration). And so, BEING's vibration moves from Pure BEING to BEing to Being to BEing to Pure BEING, repeatedly. This is to go from Super-Natural to Hyper-Natural to Natural to Hyper-Natural to Super-Natural, repeatedly. Super-Natural is the faster, higher frequencies and vibration, Natural would be the lower frequencies and vibrations. Natural ascends to Hyper-Natural which ascends to Super-Natural, which descends to Hyper-Natural which descends to Natural, repeatedly. Where the "start" and "end" of this journey is depends on the focus of the consciousness or state of BEing. BEING would have no start or end, it just is. BEING BEing would begin with the Super-Natural and descend. Being BEing begins with the Natural and ascends. BEing is just a gateway, a bridge for the energy to move through. It is the space between, or movement of consciousness and BEING/Being.

(3) NATURAL (Being/s)

One way to look at Natural would be a reflection of one's nature... is rooted in re-creation (That which is created) of Self, the re-presentation of self. It would be the Self-Portrait of a Painter. In the statement of "I AM" it would be the "[whatever comes after AM]". Self already is and does not need to be presented or created, but it can be "re-created" or "re-presented", or embodied (given a form/body as). And so, BEING, which is, is re-presented in forms reflective of it's nature. Which is why BEING is BEing Being. In other words, the NATURAL is where Being comes from, in the flow of Understanding, Love, and Being.

What's Natural to you is something that is in and of the same spirit/energy/vibration as you. You are ever-changing, yet remain you, and so what's natural reflects. Things that may have seemed natural to you before (in that time) are not natural now in this time. Each thing, each way is to be understood, loved, and allowed to be in it's time and moment, in its own way. Nothing more, nothing less. As above, so below. As inside, so on the outside. Because BEING is ALL THINGS, it then is reflected in the form of each and everything and way presented until ALL THINGS (individuals) are seen and understood, and then loved, and then their BEing Being is.

This could be viewed as associated with WATER, the body. As FIRE dis-covers/illuminates/burns and speeds up, WATER replenishes/ Simplifies/ cools and slows down. Physical is a good demonstration of this. Apply FIRE and things heat and speed up and what is there is understood as it dissipates energetically. Apply WATER and it slows and cools down, and what is there is understood as it dissipates conservatively. When people think of the natural, they think of nature or what comes to you naturally. What comes to you is already created and in it's place, and you in yours. It is at the end of division where you begin your relationship. This can be viewed as the level of Being in the third. If viewed in the order and progression it would be pure (1) BEING (2) BEing (3) Being. However, if this "natural" way of BEing is what you're accustomed to and is the thing that allows the most honest expression of self, then why is there a Super-Natural (more natural than natural)? It all depends on what is having this Natural experience. Usually it's the Focus of the Mind. So, one way to explain the Natural level is the level the mind is focusing it's BEing through, or on. It's the level furthest from true self, Pure BEING (Super-Natural).

It could be viewed another way, as Pure BEING BEing what is Natural, and it's manifestations of BEing Being would be Super-Natural. BEING placing it's self under multiple microscopes, in every form possible and impossible, to further define what already is... BEING. Everything is something to do. Everything is perception, even that.

(2) Hyper- Natural (BEing/s)

One way to look at Hyper-Natural would be the bridge or gateway of BEing, or perception, the in motion vibration or spirit of BEing which is focused from one BEING into an-other Being... is rooted in re-creating (The action of creating, expressing) Self, the re-presenting of self.. It would be the act of painting the self-portrait, not the picture itself or the painter. In the statement of "I AM" it would be the "AM". Self already is and does not need to be presented or created, but it can be "re-created" or "re-presented", or embodied (given a form/body as). However, it is to be understood, and the understanding is an on going thing. Always happening. This unfolds until all things are understood, even reaching the point of understanding and being Nothingness, from which point you can start over with one thing, Pure BEING and then branch out into all ways of Being.

The Hyper-Natural level is made of two things, each one balanced. They fuse as one, The Mind. Masculine way, and Feminine way, both together, but ultimately the final expression will lean towards one side in one moment, and another side in another moment to express both sides individually. It can be looked at as a BEing or perception through the mind and emotion. This is where the complete LOVE/ Acceptance comes from. The balance of emotional love and mental love. Emotional and mental acceptance of what which is perceived, which is based on the depth of its understanding. Mental being more rooted in FIRE/Masculine, will and drive/force, divinity. Emotional Being more rooted in WATER/Feminine. You are ever-changing, yet remain you, and so your mental and emotional reflect this. Your mind and emotion are always changing, inspired by the constant change of the Natural which manifests there in the Natural, but is also understood by the Super-Natural (your complete BEING) . Each thing, each way is to be understood, loved, and allowed to be in it's time and moment, in its own way. Nothing more, nothing less. As above, so below. As inside, so on the outside. Because BEING is ALL THINGS, it's Being as all things is understood through BEing all things individually in their own time and way, nothing more or less than that one vibration, frequency, word, tone, character, embodiment, representation, thing... until ALL THINGS (Pure BEING) are understood. This LOVE, the product of the Hyper-Natural, or this Mental and Emotional complete individual acceptance is how this is achieved.

This is could be viewed as associated with FIRE which dis-covers/ illuminates/ burns and speeds up or expresses. Answers and feelings are revealed to you as a reaction, a dis-covering of BEING and Being. This is associated with the BEing between BEING and Being. You could call it the Mind or energy, the spirit of a thing. The focus of the mind and how it is expressed is where Being comes from. If you as a whole BEING observe something, it enters your mind, your thought and emotion, which will create an outcome which will be-come manifested way of Being. Having no mind does not eliminate BEING or Being, but ways of BEing, spiritually and energetically speaking, become lesser as there is nothing to process and transform that energy. This level is an invisible line between covering and dis-covering, between hot and cold, fire and water, divinity and nature... it is identification. It is the bridge between BEING and Being, and so it is an extension of Natural and Super-Natural, but based on their direction/focus. It has no focus of it's own. It expresses focus.

(1) Super- Natural (BEING)

One way to look at Super-Natural would be the truth of self... is rooted in existence /creation (That which IS) . It would be the Painter of the self portrait. In the statement of "I AM" it would be the "I", which is also the "AM" as well as [whatever comes after I AM], and the entire phrase all together. It is BEING. Pure BEING. It is what is and does not need to be presented or created, but it can be "re-created" or "re-presented", or embodied (given a form/body as). And so, Pure BEING, which is, is re-presented or expressed (BEing) in forms (Beings) reflective of it's nature (BEING). Which is why BEING is BEing Being.

If what's Natural to you is something that is in and of the same spirit/energy/vibration as you, a copy, something like you... then what's Super-Natural could be viewed as the actual you, the real you. It is Super-Natural because it is just like what comes naturally, but amplified. Natural can be viewed as the platform from which to build from making the Super-Natural every level of expansion from that point. Super-Natural would be the exact thing, the one You are ever-changing, yet remain you, and so what's natural reflects. Understand, each thing, each way is to be understood, loved, and allowed to be in it's time and moment, in its own way. Nothing more, nothing less. As above, so below. As inside, so on the outside. Because BEING is ALL THINGS, it then is reflected in the form of each and everything and way presented until ALL THINGS (individuals) are seen and understood, and then loved, and then their BEing Being is.

This is could be viewed as associated with both WATER and FIRE as one, yet separate. It is ALL things, as well as ALL THINGS, and it is all THINGS. This makes it always pure in its form, no matter how it is expressed. BEING = BEing Being is the same as BEING BEing= Being. Where the Mind of BEING presents its self is what it is. It is like looking into a mirror at your whole self. You can see your whole self, but not in detail. So in order to see your whole self you must look at one part at a time and focus until you see it all clearly. In this you are always changing, as your eye is always moving to another part, and the parts are always growing and different, moving, cells dying and regenerating, each part serving a different function at a different time... yet it is all You. When looking at your back you cannot see your front, but it is all you. When focusing on your finger tip, you may feel or be conscious of your toes less, yet they are still there and you are all of that, yet all of that is it's self, as well as all of that together is you. The levels work in this way.

Everything is Everything

A trick of all of this is once it is understood and can be seen, you understand how all are all things. The supernatural becomes natural. The hyper-natural becomes natural. That is because pure BEING is all things, and so it would be each thing individually, as well as all things at once, as well as none of them, and any and all other combinations. This is why each component of the symbol flows into the others. The "Y"s are two points that come down to one point of understanding (the center/heart of Y), that comes down as one thing to a grounding point. And so the "Y" of fire is two points, one Fire and one Water, that meet in the heart of Fire, and bring down the understanding of both, but in a way of fire, divinity, mind, expressing of will and spirit, BEing. The "Y" of water is the same, two points, one Water and one Fire, that meet in the heart of Water, and bring down the understanding of both, but in a way of Water, nature, body/form, Being. The two rotate and cycle in and out of one another. Each is their own thing, yet both are a part of something that is it's own thing. The circle of Water moves along it's counter clock-wise path, intersecting with fullness and emptiness, as well as with fire. The circle of Fire does the same, on it's own path. The circle of emptiness/ void/ lack of form does the same, as does the circle of fullness/ everythingness/ forms/

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