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THE 626 - Monrovia

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

So, the gang's all here... hahaa, right!? This is all of us outside of a spot we used to kick it at in Monrovia Ca, with the group JAIDEN MALONE who is Saige Row and Byrdo's band project thing. Monrovia is alright i guess. Cali has it's things, depending on which part you go to the thing is always different, and sometimes that thing might not be your thing, but this part of Cali was pretty laid back... quiet for the most part, not too extra. If you've ever been there you'd drive around it like, "Damn this town is small..." but, meh. Some cool moments in that portion of the world. I wonder if they still do that street fair thing on friday nights...? PPffft.... i don't think that thing will ever go away. They had this little street fair, not a block party because those are usually us, but this is them, dig me? Not to draw a line or drive a wedge, just pointing out the one that's already there. We didn't put it there. They do fairs and festivals, we do carnivals and parades. Whatever tho, so there was a cute little street fair they would put on, like maybe four blocks long? Something like that... the main strip there was like four or five blocks, so it was there on that strip. Live music, all sorts of great smells from the food and all of the folks come out making jewelry and selling stuff. It's cool to see community events like that. I think it's crucial that communities do things like that at least once a month if not once a week. If not communities, then at least the bunch of folks living together in the same area who tolerate each other's crap. You can work on the community part later. Things like this will help you. Hahahah. What, too honest? You ain't GOTTA go, dig me, but just to keep the family FAMILY and all in tune with each other... have a chance to squash all beefs and make everything right and light and good, the world just needs a holiday and a party now and then, ya know? A spot for all of the kids to rip and run between the crowds and sneak off to some behind the bleachers spot and do whatever. A place where the cops are on the sidelines maybe, but not all cruising the blocks, shining that damn light all up in your face, asking you where you're walking to for no reason other than to be a fuckin dick. Just stay in your little group off to the side and shut the fuck up and leave everyone alone, we're getting along. Places where the folks who have the stores can get out of the store for a second and walk around... all of them store owners would sit out there and kick it. Not that they didn't usually, but most of the time they're inside watching their store, all alone. Here? Bring that table out, bring the crap you know folks will buy, and relax with your neighbors. Dig on that bbq pit smell from the one spot down the street. Grab a beer and put your feet up for a sec. See what everyone else has going on... add some variety to your world, colorize your pallet. Dig it.

Yeah, Monrovia was cool the few times we were there. Byrdo took off to there to the 626 after we were good and settled in at the Asylum here in the 215. They got that project going and we would go out for kick it and writing sessions, hang out and jam. He'd shoot back over to the east side and we'd link up, get some work done, and then we'd go back over there with him or stay here and finish the work we started making the most of things. Every time he came back he was a little different. Not too much, but slight differences. Makes you wonder what the hell is going on over there, honestly. The differences are all beneath the surface from the east coast to the west, so you might not see everything right away, but little things. Some are funny, and some not so much, kinda creepy actually. Like how the one time, we were kicking it, and saw two guys in Phillies gear walking towards each other while we were just posting up downtown around the clothes pin. He's was watching really closely, like he got really serious all of a sudden, but trying to be nonchalant about it... Tyy was like, "Whadup brutha?" And Byrdo nodded over at the two guys.... One had on red and one had on blue. Tyy's like, "What? You don't like the Phil's no more or something? You's a dodger dog now?" He's like, "Nah, just... watching..." And the two guys recognized each other, and bear-hugged, patted each other on the back... It was the friendliest of the friendly. East coast it don't really mean shit. Our gangs are block by block. Some have colors, but they have calls mostly, a few signs. You have to know faces a lot of the time. Who lives where. At least from the folks we've known. Of course, Cali being "CALI", never to be outdone, has hollywand throwing it's gang laundry all over everything it can be branded thru... so it's seeped into everywhere. Far from it's roots and reasons for being started.

Hahahaha... Slikk looks like someone's dad in that pic. This was on Primrose st. (Primrose & Olive). Man, they had some BOMB breakfast burritos at this one spot, JB (J&B's?) burger. The burgers were good too, but them dang burritos man.... those were the business. Dig, one time, right, TYY had one, but it got a lil soggy, right, and he's all cradling it like a baby, like, "No.. no... shhhhh.. shhh... keep it together. Don't gall apart on me you delicious little bastard." and it starts busting out at the bottom, so he's spinning it and eating from both ends at the same time to try to keep it from falling out. It's pretty much impossible unless you just sacrifice your arm, and cap it off with your hand letting all the juices run down your arm. It's gonna happen. His logic was that if you eat it from both ends, you clamp one end, pushing all the food to one end like a volcano, almost like squeezing a toothpaste tube, and get it to flow into your mouth. All that burrito magma... into the tum tum. Hahahaha. It kinda worked. I dunno. Success is in the eye of the hustler. But them thangs are GOOOOOD man. If you ever in Monrovia and go thru Myrtle ave, hit up that spot. There's some good food there. Of course, cooks come and cooks go, so the energy changes with that... And don't fall for that "Philly STYLED Cheese Steak [Sandwich]" bullshit they pull on the west coast. That shit is not a cheesesteak. One spot, the chick brought it out to me with a damn fork. I'm like, WTF am i gonna do with this??! It was on a fuckin Kaiser Roll!!!????? I shoulda shot everyone in that place and pissed fire on it to burn it down. That was an insulting rape of a classic. I ate it. I paid for it. I'm not gonna NOT eat something i paid for, especially if i'm hungry, because someone was TRYING to do something.

Things move slow in Cali. When we were there, Byrdo would hit some folks up to go and chill, but nobody would be up before 12pm or 1pm. We were like, "Dude, WT-actual-F?! Like, half the day is gone!?!" One of the guys we met there when Byrdo was giving the layout was talking about how most of the folks IN Cali who are really doing something, the majority of them are from somewhere else... a lot from the east coast or down south. Not saying that West coast folks don't make it in Cali, but they're not worried... they're already there. They're used to it. Moving there you want to take over everything and get it done. You go harder. So you can make it, and then leave. Folks from there talk about leaving, but then again, folks from everywhere talk about leaving. Still, tho... the east coast and west coast are way different. More opportunity freely given on the west coast... that whole "more liberal" is a thing, seriously. Hollywood is a thing out there. Sadly, that bullshit has gotten to be worldwide, especially how it's got such strong chains and hooks in economics, which just sucks everything down. It's all a flashy show, from what i've seen... if you play it cool you'll do ok on the west coast, but most folks want that flashy show that fizzles out before you even get going, and you won't know what it is to "MAKE IT" because "MAKING IT" is an ideal, a level you have to reach. On top of that, MAKING it is not MAKE IT. MAKING is a constantly ongoing thing. Things that end in ING mean it's not done yet. TO Make it is a level of success. To BE MAKING IT is progression, you're not there yet. If you're always reaching you'll never have it... even if you have it, because you'll always be reaching. Kinda disturbing. Met a lot of folks out there who were trying to be someone. Some of them were trying to be "THEM". Like this one kid who was a rapper, he was always trying to be "JAMES MATHIS" and I'm like, "dude, you already are James Mathis... it's on your frickin Birth Certificate! You tryna be your straw man or something? I don't get it." And he'd be like, "Naw man, JAMES MATHIS... like.. Bla-dow!" And i'm like, yeaaaaah you're an idiot. You can never be more than your self. Whatever you do, wherever you go, there you are... you and you alone. You can think whatever the spirits influence you to think, you can do whatever you're influenced to do, but at the end of it all... you're just you. No more, no less. As evil or as good or whatever as you wanna brand your self, however much you understand your self, it's just you you're understanding and being. You can't escape that... no matter how high on Hollywood lies you get it, no matter how big you try to inflate it.

On the east coast they prep you to work a job... on the west coast they prep you to start a business. Now the work ethic is different when it comes to the coasts too, so that whole thing you just read is a setup, because on the east coast you work way harder, grittier, way more hustle behind the scenes... East Coast is more of an underground kinda thing... on the West side they are more laid back and more of a social flashy "scene" kinda thing. Like how you have the same level of gangster and police crap on both coasts, honestly you do.... but on the west coast it's more publicized, more of "A Thing".... on the east coast no one will know it happened to you and no one will care, it's everywhere, so put your big kid pants on or go home and whichever one you do-- shut up, what are you crying about, nobody cares, shut up. Hustling in Cali? They'll watch and just kinda strut around you hustling. Hustling on the East Coast? They'll either dive in the grit with you, or hustle harder against you. With that whole eternal spring and summer on the west coast, you wonder why folks do the stupid things they do, but at the same time, you understand how it could be so laid back... kinda... from their perspective anyways. It takes you a lot more to get the same things on the East coast, but then again, because they're slaving you harder on the East, and you'll die quicker, the price is a little cheaper. Everything's a flashy lie and show in Cali, and the price is bass-ackwards. Little things, man..... like that whole "WHERE [ARE] YOU FROM?" thing.... East coast, it means "what block, street?" Down South, it means "what Family, County?" West coast it's "what set or are you from Cali?" Another one i picked up on there is the smile and "HELLO... or... CAN I HELP YOU? ...or... [Are] YOU GOOD?" East Coast it's sarcastic for "Excuse you, get out my face/way." Down South, it's "Can i help you? Are you ok?" West Coast it's "What do you have that i can get, don't matter if i can use it or not i just one?" Now, all of those are generalizations, dig me, and judgmental or whatever.... but if you've been there you know this honesty. All of it is different from individual to individual, and yeah, each area all over the world has it's cools and fools and tools, dig me, so you can take all that with a grain of whatever you take in grain form.

Jaiden Malone (Saige Row & little byrd)

Jaiden Malone is a cool band project. Byrdo and Saige hooked up on that one thru the internet kinda. They were both doing projects, involved with hosting open mic shows, and so they just kinda pulled their talents together and did that. We wrote a lot of songs together. A lot of stuff got done, but at the same time a lot of stuff gets pushed back or lost or whatever. It happens. No hard feelings. Not as much recording freedom over there though, so a lot of things we'd just work out the main bits and then when we got back here we'd do it, or they'd send us something online and work it out that way. Usually just vocals. I don't know why. Saige can sing. I sound like crap. Byrdo sounds better than me, even though a lot of people say we sound alike... both like crap i guess, i dunno. But, yeah, they had a style there, and we were always down to help. It helped out sound too. Cool to have ideas flowing back and forth, developing sounds, even with the distance you still make it work. If they needed a part from us we'd just internet it over to them. Same thing if we needed something. We were internetting. Because we're Tron like that. That band, JAIDEN MALONE morphed into a thing called NEVILLE NINJA SQUATCH, where we did that "Coked Out Bitch Slapping Nuns" track with Byrdo when we linked up one time, to help them out... A few things. Always fun to do, dig me? You hear what other folks have going on and you're like, "Hey, i like that sound! How'd you do that?" and they do the same thing... you all grow, bouncing energy off of each other.

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