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Song Breakdown: Knuckla Pimp

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

Dig, this is just some cool miami vice salsa flair hip hop dopeness that Slikk came up with. Cool pimp stroll kinda thing with a change-up, so it's kinda like two songs in one, but it's all connected. Back in the day, before everything was so tuned into programming people, folks used to take pride in making beats, sampling, stuff like that. Sampling, all you're doing is taking a slice of a song because you dug that part of it, and since you might not be able to play all of those instruments (or any at all) then the work is done for you. You can layer them, so you might sample the guitar form one song, and the drums from another song, and play them together with the bass and some keys from two other songs, which makes a whole new song. The cooler the samples or more popular breakdowns (breaks) in songs got popularized, and even became kinda like staples in sampling... Like that Clyde Stubblefield "Funky Drummer" sample (should be a video down there) from that James Brown song. Now, later on folks created ways to get around copyright, so they wouldn't have to pay folks, so they figured that if you use the same song (sample) but actually play it, and in either reusing or playing it you change enough of it that it sounds different, then it's not taking the exact song. Sux, right? Yeah, there's loads of ways for artists to get screwed these days. Everyone wants money, completely disrespecting the art and the influence and power the art has, which is connected to the relationship people could have with the art which in turn is reflected in their growth as beings.... all of that is held up by money. Pretty disgusting.

Like, ok, for money, the folks who make the art can't afford to make the art... if they do make it, folks will steal it cause they can't afford to pay, which means now the artist has no money and less than no money... on top of that, the people who stole it can sell it, so now the artist has no money, less than no money, and money thrown in their face that should be their money but they'll never see... and then people will steal THAT stolen art, and so on and so on.... then since the copy of the copy of the copy is so popular and making all this money, the means to make more goes up in price... so the one who did it first can't even afford to make another one. EVERYONE is learning from it, loads of lives changed because of it, but.... who cares, make money. Yeah, disgusting.

I know a guy, blues singer, r&b, Otis Redding, James Brown type stuff... funky stuff, packed with soul stuff... so dude does an album. I don't know how the band got paid, if they each got paid for the studio recording sesh or if they got paid flat out to do the album, because sometimes you'll get one artist (musician) to do a few songs and another to do the rest for the same album.. that's why there's that "featuring so-and-so on bass" and stuff like that. The band you know and love on stage or in your headphones, speakers, probably the ones showboating in the video... might not be the same band that played that song in the studio that got recorded on the album you're listening to. Anyways, so dude and the band do this album. This one guy puts up the money to get it recorded, produced, mix/mastered, and the distribution.

Now, produced is everything it takes to make the song. Beatmaking is one thing. That's mathematics and understanding how music works, the structure and how to build it. Then there's mixing, which is once all the sounds are there laid out forming a song, how do you make sure everything sounds good. On one section the drums might have too much bass frequency in them and it mixes with the bass guitar (or upright or synth or bass vocals or whatever) so you have to know how to MIX all of the sounds so the song doesn't sound like crap. That really dope cinematic surround sound, where the bass rolls in from behind you, and the guitar is in your face? Good mixing. Panning is a part of mixing, which is placing sounds in a location... to the right or left or center, front, rear. Most things that get recorded are either centered, or perfectly balanced left and right. That means when you record a band, bass, guitar, drums, vocals... pretty minimal but a basic band... everything you hear will be stacked on top of each other, all fighting to be heard in that center channel. Listen to Motown stuff, early Hendrix stuff, how the guitar and Vocals (higher frequency) stuff is on one side a lot of times, and the Bass and backup vocals are on the other side a lot of the times, and the drums are kinda centered with whatever else. That keeps lower frequencies on one side, higher ones on the other, and the drums which range from low to high (bass kicks, snare is mid, and HIGH hats/cymbals) bridges the sounds so your brain sees the whole picture as a solid thing. Panning. Nothing to do with happy thoughts and Pixies, although Pixies had some good panning. A part of production. A producer for a whole beat does all of this. On top of that, a producer is who gets the singer to sing the song as the song needs it, not as the singer wants it. They get the song to sound how the song needs it, not the guitarist, or the drummer, or the bassist wants it. They take your ego driven performance on your vocals or instrument, and tweak it so that the SONG experienced, as opposed to just YOU being heard. If you have to get angrier to produce a certain performance that's maybe more aggressive in your voice or playing, the producer is the one who pulls you aside and pisses you off so when you go back in to play you deliver that performance. If you need a pep talk to convince you you have that sultry voice or that smooth bass sound in you... the producer HELPS YOU bring it out. If you did a kickass job on the cowbell, but the song needs more, baby..... you got a FEVER... and the only prescription.... then the producer makes the artist make the song happen. Once the song is done and mixed, there's a copy of that version of that version mastered, which becomes what gets mass copied (mass produced/pressed... like pressed or stamped into records and cds or whatever). If the LABEL or Artists, or whoever is paying to sell the song doesn't like that mix... it gets RE-MIXED. If you take and put a whole new beat on there, that's not really a remix, it's an alternate version or just another version.. which has to be mixed. A re-mix takes what is already there, and mixes it another way to produce a different sound with the same already recorded stuff there. You can add some stuff, or take away some stuff... pan again, maybe alter some sounds with different effects (reverb, gain, overdrive, flange, phase, etc.)... and it is re-mixed, or mixed again.

Ok, back to what i was saying before the class there.... So, buddy boi is in the studio with the band. Boss Hog pays for the studio session, pays the producer, pays the band, pays the singer. Buddy boi and the band are done, take off. Producer is there working on finishing the album. Album gets done, mastered, which is just everything is clean and produced and to the sound level that it's balanced and can be played clearly on radio or wherever... which is the master [recorded] copy of the song... aka the audio version you hear, which is the one that gets taken and copied into what you buy or download or whatever. THE STUDIO OWNS THIS because they did the work to produce it. USUALLY THE LABEL or THE ARTIST BUYS THIS from the studio, so that hey "own the song/own the music". Buddy boi didn't do that because he didn't know to do that. I just told YOU so now YOU know to do that. This is also how Michael Jackson back then BOUGHT THE BEATLES... he bought the masters so all rights to the sounds recorded belonged to him. Artists get screwed this way. A lot more know about this, and if you are self produced then you don't have to worry about this, only distribution maybe, which is someone taking your song (the copies you made) and making sure that they're in a place where people can buy them... distributing your music to get sales.

So, back to the song here. It's a fun thing, man. The change-up in there is a thing folks used to do heavy because folks were more into making good music, not just seeing that good music makes money so let's copy and keep redoing the same thing and not make anything new really because we want money, as opposed to let's keep growing as artists and keep making new cool music, and if we get sales, ok, but really we just want to make good music and appreciate it, and hopefully others will too.

Here's a funny thing. Ok, so, dig this.... Tyy was talking about how it should be in a Scarface pt. II or something, so Charlie took Slikk's picture and did the cover that way. Pretty clean all around. Suit looks good on Bearnardo. Nice job Chuckers, well done. She hates it when we call her Chuck, but laughs at Chuckers. I dunno, whatever. But ok, dig this, ok so... Tyy loves this song. He's a hip hop head, right... and Hip hop heads have Scarface in the hip hop culture. It's sampled in the music "Say Hello..." and it's even gotten to be a bit of a brand where Pacino Gangsters are now big in hip hop culture. It's in a few cultures, dig me, but still, the hip hop community has strong ties with Scarface. Both were the same, the old B/W one which got redone as the second one in the 80's with Pacino. Something abut being an immigrant kinda, a red-headed stepchild of america who the streets show you the dirty raw side as a way you can make it because it don't really like you or accept you for YOU, but for who it wants you to be... to serve the system, not for the system to serve you. Drugs play a role in this. Artistic style plays a role in this. Look at the music, the dress, the decor in Scarface... it's a world, a mindset... which became a trend. Like "Black" in america. There's no such thing as BLACK PEOPLE because there's no country called black for them to claim as their nation. There's no black national anthem because if you're "Black" your nation is AMERICA and your National Anthem is the American National Anthem. If you have your sovereignty, and declare your own nation, and call it BLACK.. then you're black people. Anyways, look at black people... like Scarface, there's a style of dress, a lingo, food culture, job exposure which means economic platform with a base and a ceiling inside of a black box... its a black world. America came up with that. Not Black people. Black people just adopted and adapted to what america left for them. Took a bunch, and what it left became BLACK Culture. The rest that was taken became AMERICAN Culture. It's why cultures are SEPARATED from AMERICA by the hyphen... AFRICAN-AMERICAN. You're american but they want to show you WHY you're separated, because of the AFRICAN. That part ain't included in the AMERICAN, and if it is, then you're BLACK which is what AMERICA made AFRICANS into. there were no niggas in Africa until America put them there. Think about that. There weren't even black people in Africa, until other places put them there. Anyways... Scarface... SCARFACE DIDN'T LISTEN TO HIP HOP!?!? Disco and some other stuff, but not that. CRAZY right?! There's even a hip hop artist named SCARFACE! A whole culture adopted a guy, and built a whole portion of that culture around someone who wasn't even in it. He was just a victim or maybe just a product of the same thing. You're a victim if it's effecting you negatively and you don't like it. Two things. Effected negatively. Don't like it. Effected negatively. LIKE IT is a product, not a victim. All bad is victim. Anything good in it is a product. Good makes you choose to keep it. Its just odd to me, that's all. I dunno...

"knuckla pimp" - the zephaniah chesterfield project

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