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Song Breakdown: Klown Monkey Kings

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 10, 2020

So this one is a slight nudging to various forms of members of society to get their act together. There's a lot of things that are making living difficult, not just for human beings... but human beings are the ones who talk the most opinionated shit about it and do nothing to fix it, meanwhile causing the majority of the problems. It kinda pokes fun at a lot of serious issues, which music should make heavy things light and light things heavy, but it does so with a bit of a dark sting or edge to it. Some folks call it a bit of a revolutionary song... it's just a song. If it contributes to a revolution, especially one where human beings become better human beings, which has more to do with understanding and education, maybe even empathy, more than it does violence or protest or any of that other marketable crap they try to herd the sheeple into doing, then right on. That's not revolutionary, that's what humanity should be doing. Fight club isn't revolutionary if you grew up in it, ya know? It's normal. You could say there's "some language" in it... but what is said that isn't in some kinda language? The 1101000101's in your rgb/cymk screen is a language. It's a pretty straightforward song. Bass heavy, not a lot of distraction. Done in the era before Charlie joined up with the band, (maybe around like 1999 - 2003?) and then given to some friends who didn't do anything with it, so we just put it out there.

meeeeeh... ok, let's go all in on this one. 'Cause that picture...??? BRO....

Maaaan, ok, so dig this, you'd have to listen to the song to say what genre it is. The picture doesn't match the vibe. There's another one that does, and it's in the text vid down there below the lyrics. Anyways, so, a lot of our stuff, man.... I don't know what to call it other than music. We just like mixing sounds and styles and making music! We call it either Blacklight Vomit or Krack-Rock ...someone said Kracken Rock once, like this big crushing all terror that bursts up from underground with a tidal wave flow... which, yeah, appreciated that greatly because i was like, You Sayin We Smoke CRACK??!" But this is way better... Folks listen to stuff and say, "Man that's a mean guitar riff... but that's a blues bassline... and a... what?! a punk or hip hop drum rythm?... you can't do that?! How'd you do that?!! That sounds cool!!" Man, we just bring our own styles to the room and play them out.

This song is kinda political, but it's also kinda real, and a little sarcastic... i don't know what to call that. Like, dig it, if grunge and hip hop and punk and jazz had a kid, this would be that kid. The genre orgy baby. Maybe we should call our genre or style that instead of Krack-Rock, but whatever. Let the chips fall man, dig it. Gross, but crazier things have happend. And WILL.

Oh, dig... the picture, i can like feeeeel you wondering about that. So, ok.. dig, that's a being i played chess with when i left "my body" one time reeeaaaally high on i can't remember what, and i was shifting levels but ripping thorugh space and time and all of that at the same time, right, and i came to this clearing, like being shot out into oblivion but when you get there you stop moving at a million miles an hour and you come face to face with the flaming planet head space monkey made of music things... and, you know... you play chess with 'em.(y)Nothing major. Stuff like that happens all the time. Maybe not to you... you keep thinking you're a human being, and not a being just being human. Whatever's clever babe.

"klown monkey kings" - the zephaniah chesterfield project

Lyrics: hello hello, beloved unwanted child

I'm doing fine, why? You don't understand my smile?

it's from unkillable unquenchable fire in eyes

this world's a zombie joke ...let's burn the whole thing down

Ahoy Ahoy outcasted klown

yes yes, they love to use you up and drink you down

of course they hate what they can't sell to furnish hell

your world's a slave... lets remove the head

what the fuck is up unitized mind?

body soldierd to perfection for vampires

let them taste their own blood, let it fill the air

either you or i will die... that too will past

well hello nurse, heaven in eyes

pumping ice into your veins, hell fears your walk

you may sing the sirens dizzy, what's the point?!

devils will put your full bodied style in the lake

so here we are... klown monkey kings

should be the rulers but these fools love passing things

enough with prayers and protests --lets lock and load

only crazies change the world--don't sing my song

piece to the sun... rise, never peace

howl at the moon, release my soul unto the streets

and if i live and ride this bitch to death, fuck it all

i've seen my freedom locked away and was given smiles...

bass - Bearnard "B.Slikk"

guitar - Charlie Jhayde

drums - Flyy Tyy

vox/guitar - Zephaniah Chesterfield

So, the first verse is about pure spirit, and humanity (the spirit of humanity) calling out to its self in human beings, as well as calling out to, but kind of despising human beings. It would be like an alcoholic's liver talking to the rest of the body, which would speak to the person too, but when speaking to the person the tone is a little sharper. The human spirit is an abused and underestimated thing, like a relationship with the divine. The expression of the human spirit as a human being is like taking an infinite being with infinite possibility and imprisoning it in a skin suit, and reducing it to a puppet. People and other spirits (lesser ones at that) have taken it and run amuck to fill a void that cannot be filled ("...this world's a zombie joke..."), and so a lot of it's true potential is left on the shelf or buried to rot. In that, that harsh treatment, that being imprisoned and stepped on, comes a resilience that cannot be crushed... that "..unquenchable fire in eyes.." The human spirit. "...Let's burn the whole thing down..." It's been undone before. Plenty of civilizations have been wiped off of the face of the earth, empires fallen, cities buried, because humanity needed a reset from getting too far ahead of its self and the world had to put it back in it's place.

The second verse starts with "...Ahoy Ahoy outcasted klown, yes yes they love to use you up and drink you down..." is about mans relationship to spirit, but moreso mans relationship to individuals who behave in the most human of ways, as the humanity is sucked out of mankind and it turns into this fallen state of whatever it's screwing itself to become. Those who put on that good face, juggling multiple things thrown at them, even by their own crowd, to try and maintain the peace and happiness. Like clowns they're misunderstood, labeled before figured out and appreciated, even hated because of the lack of understanding of their intentions and presence. People think they're a weak joke, and use them up and spit them out. It's a bit of living and life saying to the underdog soldiers for the preservation of humanity, "I get you. And i appreciate you. You're not alone."

The third verse is about the selling of soul and humanity. How the generations are brainwashed and enslaved, and programmed to maintain it themselves. All of the advancements are being used against them. Enough of that already. You know who they are, what they're doing, who controls them... either put up or shut up. And you've been programmed to shut up, and it doesn't feel natural. Sooner or later, pressure bursts pipes.

Fourth verse is about the divine feminine, and every feminine after. Pretty much how luck is a lady. Earth is a lady. Our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters are ladies. Every aspect of feminine is amazing.... except the part that has grown cold to it's self, and lost its self respect and mind. This is a "where'd you go?" to the woman in the ever present and sensationalized bleeding of the divine feminine called "bitch" everyone is sold and buys into. If your mother, wife, sister, and daughter are all strong women... think of that future. Now the future where they're all bitches.

Fifth verse is about all of the revolutionaries and such, the workers who could and would be a lot further in life and living it if not for their dedication to equality. True, equality is an ideal, a matter of perception, like justice, but this country and many others could have been a lot different if these individuals had had enough, or snapped, and just "fixed" things. It's kind of a tip of the hat to the anti-hero... true villains with hearts of gold and a conscience. The ones who are the hero that does what's needed so the streets and everyone else fall in line, but it's not what sells or what the people may want, and so other "super" heroes get called on them. Without them, the system would have swallowed you whole long ago. They also understand how marketable they are, which is why "...don't sing my song..." to the people who re-tweet quotes of actions taken, and "like" videos of people in action they'll repost... we don't need that kind of support. How about bailing me out? How about being there with me fighting for YOU to make sure i don't get killed in the process. Ah, but "we're all in this together?" .....yeah, don't sing my song. Keep my name out of your mouth. You do you. And do it over there. Don't come over here. Shit's happening over here. When it's done, y'all will grim reap the benefits as usual.

Last verse is a little spiritual, a little calculated.... Starts off with "...piece to the sun... rise, never peace..." which is to say, I'm just a small part of the light, but coming up this way is hell. And every day is war. It's for the people who keep the balance, and because of it just might hate living. It hurts. It's not fun. You're not alone. "....howl at the moon, release my soul unto the streets..." is a bit of monster theory. There's a little of that in this blog somewhere. Change only comes when a way of being is threatened. If the threat is severe, even potentially fatal, the quicker and more impacting the change. People only change when you scare them to death. One way of doing this is werewolfism or extreme lycanthropy it's been called. Werewolves are people during the bright times. When it gets dark the light that calls them turns them into a monster (a dog, man's best friend) and they do monstrous things because they're cursed to have that in their veins, pumping through their heart. The change is excruciating. The running as the monster, though liberating, is just reverting to a primal state-- basic instinct and necessity. A lot of times "regular people" get caught up in their actions. After they've done it, and their humanity returns, they feel horrible. Think about that type of individual. Now, instead of turning them into a wolf... just given them a pen and a microphone.


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