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Song Breakdown: How It Goes

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Ah yes, the bow-chicka bow bow song... Let's do the warning and disclaimer now...

"Warning: If you're immature or a bitch and bitter, this will offend you. Go knit an athletic supporter and await the mother-ship which will be coming shortly. Just dig a hole and wait in it. No, that didn't come out right. Hmm... Ok, here we go. Do over.. do over... ok... ((deep breath)) If you're an overly sensitive moron who loves complaining because of your insecurity and lack of understanding, you should read all of this before you go off complaining and feeling insecure. If you feel you can do better, then why are you here, and not out doing better? Go do that. Stop reading. If you don't understand, or disagree with any of what's said... dude, i'm a cartoon clown and you came here. I didn't come to you. That's like staying at all you can eat places, and eating all you can eat for a month, and being mad that delicious food made you fat. It's not the foods fault. You can get up and leave at any time. Even now. Or Now...... or NOW..... or at the end of all of this. Now, some folks will say thing's like, "I don't like the language used..." Well, sorry, but i only know how to fluently speak english, so that's the only language i use. For some reason living beings have to give warnings about them being living beings, living. Dehumanization is a sad sad thing. How's it working out for you and yours?"

For those of you who do the music thing, or just enjoy music.... well, i guess it applies more to folks who DO music... ok, so, you know how when you're writing a song and you get something that just cracks you up, right, and you go on and write it, and then it just leads to more and more cracking you up? That was this song. FUN FUN FUN to write, fun to do... Even in doing it, i can still hear things where i would do something different, you know, but how it went was great for me. Was it good for you? Bow chicka-bow bwown. So many parts of this were just fun and funny to me. That "So mmmMOTHERFUCK the cops and law and electoral candidates..." every time, it gets me.

The vision for it overall is to be like a news broadcast, with all of the stuff on the little screen that pops up over the shoulder... and then kinda cut to scientists in front of a white board with a pointer and clicker. That kinda thing. It'll get done when it does if it does. Hahahaha. A lot of times folks think stuff for music has to be done right away. All things in their time, man. The song will ALWAYS BE NEW to someone. There's always someone who's never heard it, so whenever you get the artwork done, then ok. Whenever you get the video done... ok. Whenever it gets fully mixed or mastered... however many versions you want to put out... all of it is all good. Some folks will NEVER hear it. There's some folks in Italy and France right now, never heard of Ray Charles, Elvis, Chris Cornell, AND Tupac, and that's AND, not OR... like never heard anything from or known anything about all for of them... and won't. It's all good. Folks get caught up in their art sometimes. Look, the artistic part is expressing it, getting it out. Not what people think about it. Not shoving it in everyone's face so they're aware of it. If that's what you worry about it'll stop you from making more art. Just make the art. Just create. It will find it's way to whomever needs to experience it, when and how it does. Some folks have art which is just like yours but different, because it's theirs, and folks won't know theirs because yours will speak to them, so they won't have a reason to experience theirs. You did the work. For other folks, they'll experience someone else, and not you. It's ok. Really. It's ok. Just as long as the work gets done and we all do our part in helping each other get to a better more understanding place. Whichever route you take to get off of the sinking ship, fine, to each their own, it is what it is, which is your own personal route, making each of your connections unique. If everyone did the same thing... we'd be bored. And dead sooner or later.

Anyways, as far as the lyrics go, it's pretty self explanetary-planetary intergalactic if you ask me, which you didn't, but there we go. The underlying message is that basically one of the great human animal past-times, as exploited and perverted as it's become, is a way better solution to most of the things we do to dig ourselves a hole and separate and isolate and grow in ignorance of each other. This is because it shows your true power as a creator, a reflection of THE CREATOR. It's that, or smoke a bowl. And some folks can't handle all of the mutant crap they're doing to the bowl they sell you. The one that was regular, which functioned as it was supposed to when respected and used in moderation might mess too many people up now. So... yeah, you might not even be able to smoke that bowl. However... there is one thing... just about anyone can do... responsibly... and respectfully.... Jello. Whatever. So it pokes... fun.. at some of the confusion and "problems" of this life/realm... and laughing at them and a possible solution that would calm everyone and thing down?

TLC, let's talk about sex, baby. Not so much the act, but yes the act, but moreso the sale of it, the marketing.... why "Sex Sells"... Because, Creation. That's the short version.

Kids, you can leave now. Adult conversation time. Even though this is stuff you're probably doing anyways, and see and hear all over the media, music, tv, and games... that you're not supposed to know about... that's also wired into your being. But folks are supposed to keep you ignorant to it, until one of your parents or gym teachers explains it to you. Sorry, but that's dumb as fuck. You need to have this conversation with every kid who has a video game system and a cell phone, or internet access... and FREE TIME.... when you are not around. Because the shit it out there and it's coming for your kids just like it came for you. All the shit you were confused about, they'll be a little less confused, because of just the music alone. We went from the Beatles, "I wanna hold your hand..." to stuff like, "Let me Lick you up and down, till you say stop..." to "Shake them titties baby, pop pop pop the pussy".... and those songs were YEARS AGO. Older than the Classic Hits or throwback old school jams. You don't want to know what's happening now, you'll gouge your soul out of your eyes. End up as Batty as Roy, "I've... seen things... you people couldn't imagine..."

Oh, don't worry, the clowns gonna clear some stuff up for ya today.....

Ok, first off, there's three ways you deal with sex. There's (1) Having Sex, which is just the act.... then it gets more involved with (2) Making Love, and then (3) Fucking. You're doing any combination of those three when you are... you know.

(1) Having sex is just having sex. That's why it's called "having sex." It is what it is. Nothing more, nothing less, dig me? No emotion in it. Just scratching the itch, cleaning the pipes, padding the basket, fluffing the muffin, or whatever else is out there. It's something you just do. It could be mindless, it could just be hormonal and you're getting that tension out of your system. You could not care at all, not even be awake, and be having sex. MOVING ON.... (2) Making Love. Now this one doesn't always have to do with sex, and neither does (3) Fucking, because you can make love to and fuck things, and people, and places, that you didn't have sex with. HOWEVER, when paired with having sex, these things kinda reach new levels. In that, to each their own. However, making love is more about a complete sharing of your self, you opening up to completely understand and accept them, but folks usually think that you do this in an erotic way. Intimacy and eroticism are two different things. You can hold someone's hand and it's intimate. You could take that hand and caress each part of it, every curve, understanding and appreciating and "taking your time with every cell.." and love the person more because of how you now understand their hand. You can see how hard they work kissing the cuts and callouses. You can see how strong they are, yet how gentle in the way they hold your hand in return. You can see how they like to pamper their self, or don't have time to and you can do that for them with a hand massage and some oils and lotion, ooooh shit... and get some of that tiger-balm, and rub it in between the webs where you loosen up the lymph nodes, clear the lung and shit... damn son... and you can slowly trace the lines with your fingers, grazing so it's a level of friction between pressing and tickling, they don't know which way to go... it's like a sensory frenzy.... and... I've said too much. Making love. MOVING ON... (3) Fucking. In that it's all about you getting off. You could have a dead body and who cares, if you're gonna fuck it, you're gonna fuck it. You absolutely do not care for the other person's feelings, reactions, health... none of that matters. "I'm in control, and i'm getting off, and I'm gonna use you to do it."

So, we got that out of the way. So why is sex sold? Because it sells. Why does it sell? Because it's been shoved in people's faces as something to buy, and a GOOD thing to buy... but it's not a thing you should sell. Ok, dig this, ok, so... you have a lot of power. One of those powerful things you have is the power to co-create life. Not just having babies either. You can build a birdhouse for some eggs that have been abandoned, and while you are not the person who laid the eggs... because that would be awkward... but you did hatch them and raise that bird. I hope it was a bird. You don't want snakes in trees. Especially fruit ones. Of understanding good and evil. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA..... aaaah, funnier to me than you i guess. Ok, so, back to the thing.. SO you have this power of creation of life. You influence minds, and shape worlds. You create atmospheres, environments, habitats... you educate, you can build and tear down, plant and burn.... but in all of this, you reap what you sew. For the most part. But you have to understand what it is you're sewing. And when you reap it, you have to understand what you've reaped. Example of this? Most folks feel that some of the things they do and say around kids won't be picked up, or that the kids will be smart enough to forget dumb things adults did around them. Reap what you sew. You can beat your spouse in front of kids and they learn to beat people. You can see someone being beat in front of your kids, and pull your kids away, and they'll learn to not confront or help people being beaten by their spouses or whomever. Whatever side of humanity you show kids, they'll pick up. What does this have to do with selling sex? Well, if the power to create life is sold to you as something to do to blow off steam... but kids pop out, and you run from them and let the chips fall where they may, then they grow up angry and with abandonment issues... but they'll also learn to just make babies because it's fun and a great way to blow off steam, or simply because it's for sale, being advertised everywhere with no explanation... which produces the same thing, only worse the next time around. I believe Dr. Shakur diagnosed it as "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." A riveting document, that "Code of Thuglife". So the whole time sex is being sold and pushed to people, and abused and perverted (used in ways outside of it's natural purpose and design... like using a hunting rifle to shoot school kids. Sure you can do that, but that's not what it's for. You've perverted it's nature by your use of it, which comes by way of your understanding of it. Damn i sound really really SMART sometimes). Well, we see what happens when you buy and sell it... when it's perverted. But WHY is it so sellable again?

Most folks are trying to do one thing. Understand. That's all that happens here in this life. Understanding. One of the things you try the most to understand is Your Self. Who am I? You're a reflection of THE CREATOR. Which is why you, too, are a Creator. One of the most powerful things you can create is, like said above.... Life. So, selling sex is a trick. It's like saying to you, "Hey creator, here's something you can do! Have sex! See how good it feels? Yeah, kids, whatever, but See how good it feels? To YooooOOoouUUuu? Focus on you. You're a creator." In that, both you and the sex become perverted. What happens when things get perverted? They do damage. What happens with all of the damage? It might spiral things out of control. Now, you can fix things. You're a creator, like THE CREATOR. All you have to do is create a way out of it by understanding what it is, and using it as that. That would require you to get over your self. Most folks have been tricked out of doing that, so they just fall for MORE exploitation and perversion of their power and true self, and get more and more out of control and lost, and dig the hole deeper and deeper and deeper. You can stop at any time. If you're going backwards, just stop, turn around, and go the other way. Yes, it's that simple. "But clown man, shame and ego and..." Who gives a shit. Do you want to fix it or not? "But clown man, blah blah blah blah excuses blah blah." When you're ready to stop the perversion and get out of the hole, read this again, and then turn around, and do what you're supposed to do. You already know what it is, its like a default setting built into you. Why do you think most dances reflect sex some kind of way. Because its one of the most powerful things you can do. How do you kill the understanding of that power (because you can't kill that power), you twist it, and keep shoving the twist and how twisted it is in someone's face, so they stay focused on being twisted. You're ok. Really. Anyways... so back to this song... It talks about all of that up there. Its done in that news report, infomercial way to show you how its being sold, and how fun the selling is, but like the picture, it's hypnosis.... brainwashing. Its a lie of "How life is supposed to go" which also explains the money swirling... It's selling you back into that black box, that void. It's also shoved in your eyes and mind, eyes are the WINDOW to the soul. It's like the twilight zone, in twilight time... where heavenly shades of night are falling, yes. Twilight time. Not the vampire... no... not that one. Anyways, you get it, right? Cause i'm sure sick of talking about this.

", every body's flawed-- that's what makes us all perfect

in God's Eiye's like Thundercat's "Sight Beyond Sight"


feels like ((bow chicka-bow-bwow))

only way way better...

and if we all used it TOGETHER

then ALL GOOD's how it should go..."

The lyrics are below the pics. There's a playable link under this image pic also if you wanted to hear or download it.

"how it goes" - the zephaniah chesterfield project

Lyrics: well the land eats the sunlight

and the animals eat the land

and the people eat the animals

and that's just how it goes....

and the zombies eat the people

and the money eats the zombies

and the devils eat the money

(or at least that's what i was told)

but when you come around here

smelling like peaches or some shyt,

with that fire in your eyes... all of these things i forget

and we can ((bow chicka-bow-bwow)) 'till the sun comes up

...'cause you gotta die of something, so who really gives a fuck

soon, the wars block out the sunlight

but it keeps the money living

which will buy, breed, and bury

all the plants, cattle, and children

which are slaves to the system

which is well out of control

but soul-jacking is the fun part

and that's just how it goes...

but if the whole world shared a brew,

and maybe a hug or two,

and we got an understanding of it all

like we're all supposed to do

then we could ((bow chicka-bow-bwow))

...and not end up screwed

it would be clean and mean something,

but that's not always how it goes.


to all these suckers, hustlers, busters, and poor fuckers...

all the slaughtered and the martyred

and we'll wish it wasn't so

raise your glass and sing a song

fists and pistols in the air!!!

make the whole world bleed and say prayers

till it stops, that's how it goes....

of course, when fighting the forces of nature,

none can save ya'

but maybe we could slip away,

in and out of our private circles,

and, you know, ((bow chicka-bow-bwow))

take my time with every cell...

((bow chicka-bow-bwow))

maybe this heaven won't be hell?!

cause the pain eats at my brain,

eats at my WHY, eats at my sane

and they keep feeding me names, fine diseases and addictions...

and the mama's can't deal with me

and the believers just can't get me

and the beasts are moving swiftly

don't know why that's how it goes...

but when the highs won't hold no more

and there's just no song that fits,

and i'm twisted in emotion and ready to slit my wrists

maybe some ((bow chicka-bow-bwow)) is the right distraction

an attractive course of action

which could shake up how it goes!

so mmmMotherfuck the "cops" and "laws" and "electoral candidates"

and them happy-ass commercials drugging us 'till old and "safe"

it's really ((bow chicka-bow-bwow)) --only in the brain

that's why life's such a bitch now,

and leaving her's in-sane

here, every body's flawed-- that's what makes us all perfect

in God's Eiye's like Thundercat's "Sight Beyond Sight"


feels like ((bow chicka-bow-bwow))

only way way better...

and if we all used it TOGETHER

then ALL GOOD's how it should go...



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all artworks and expression here ©1998 by The Zephaniah Chesterfield Project. Unauthorized usage yields penalty up to death and/or eternal torture and damnation. is your daddy. Death 2 Demiurge.

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