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Song Breakdown: Alberta from out there

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 10, 2020

Experimenting with sounds and vibes.You push yourself as an artist, and at some point in the growing conscious part of it all you realize the beauty of all things. This may trigger some sense to get as organic as you can, with a really simple but hearty gumbo if earthy vibes and tones. Like you wanna put the feel of Aborigines and plains of Africa, the feel of the thick cultures of Indonesia and South America.... the fire and flavor of Cuba and the Caribbean Islands... just the pulse of the world, and jam. Just share it with the world, like "Look how frickin cool you are". This came from that place.

We'll jam out and hang out for a while... then stuff will start brewing. Tyy might drop in a room, "Yo, got a sec. Check this drumtrack out, it's dope. We gotta do something with it." or Charlie will come in, "So, sesh in 15. Something came up." or Slikk with his always cute, "Hey, don't mean to be a bother, but if you're not busy later on, I had a bass line and a riff i had in my head and i wanted to see, if you're not... uh.... when you get a chance." And i'm like, "Dude, it's me. Let's rock." and he's all smiling and happy, "Ok. Ok. Ok. Um.. yes, ok. Um... Ok." Hahahahaa. I love that guy. And then we get in a groove and just record. Record everything. Test runs. Little two second intros. Jams with a meeting in the middle and a bunch of talking about where to take it. It's all good to have to go back over and say, "Yeah, i did like that take. Lets do it like that, or at least I'm gonna do my part like that." and then everyone does what they do. After periods of NOT doing anything musical, because we all go thru that as well, and periods of killing ourselves for money and other people/causes... you need to get away from the world and be in nature. This song was also like us getting back to our musical nature. It was a great feeling. It's interesting to "do" music. Like you can feel something lacking in you, and there will always be that, but you plug it with different things to suck down. Each in their own time might scratch the itch in it's own way. Nothing beats the jam session though. Even when alone, just time to be saturated until you wash away in the music. Here, i was missing organic sounds, we all were... so we went and got some. I listen to music that was done, past stuff, and mostly it's more entertainment now, as the actual musical creation and expression serves more of a purpose to a creator. If it's not that, than it's recreation. So, here, needed that creation dose of energy... and in that, creation of organic and natural, more lifelike and open kind of music. Not that rock or metal or punk or blues isn't that, but whatever style this is (world?) has a more open field feel, over the open road of some genres, and even more, open paved street. You don't get the smell and feel of the dirt, grass, rocks and all that on a paved street. But a field won't give you that paved street experience, so each serves its purpose. Here was that natural organic sound. Like the sound of congas, or d'jembe and cuica (monkey drum) sound over a kit or drum machine. It fuses those in too, but the overall feel is like looking at the sunset in some untouched gazelle graced landscape. Or that was the idea anyways. We all had a blast. It was a great kinda rejuvenating experience. Sometimes you need to feel the air in the music. The city, i love it, i do, but sometimes you need that grass field feel. You need that space. Music is a vehicle, a time machine, like Bill and Ted. It'll get you outta here if you want it to. One of the coolest self-inflicted Jedi mind tricks out there. It's ability to communicate, even without words, is a thing every artist and musician, every band and producer should respect. It shapes the world. All art does. Don't paint a picture of hell because you sold out and some who or whatever gave you a little bit of chump change to be in chains. The chains stay, the hell stays, the money burns away with everything else....

That picture... that's the feel of the song. That's what we were going for. Like without speaking we were just on this vibe. Love it when this happens. Alberta is the name of one of our homie's mom. She's a teacher... little kids, like pre-school. A,B,C's type stuff. Crazy, dig it... you can play a teacher on tv which makes you a fake teacher, but get paid more than the real teacher who taught you how to read and the other teacher who taught you how to act, like twenty times over. This society is bass-ackwards. But only a lottle. Shout out to all of the teachers. THANK YOU. and THANK YOU. Oh, and THANK YOU.

"alberta from out there" - the zephaniah chesterfield project

drums - Flyy Tyy

bass - Bearnard "Slikk"

guitar - Charlie Jhayde

guitar - Zephaniah Chesterfield

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