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So, was watching Martin in the bar... (The Wine Cellar @ The Asylum)

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Aug 6, 2020

THE WINE CELLAR ...creepy. Yes, we have a wine cellar. ORRRRR..... or.... we have a spot in the basement with a makeshift bar and a bunch of booze. Your pick. Wine Cellar sounds classier. I say makeshift being modest. You don't wanna blow up the spot, right? It's a basement bar. Nothing special. Yeah, Philly, we have basements there. Storm doors. Storm Windows.... because it storms. Y'all beach bums know about screen doors only, but then again we have a lot of really cool brick buildings here as well, because the earth don't quake here as much, so they'll stay up and not crack to craps. Funny the differences all across countries. Heck, things get different from city to city! In some cities they have those clay roof shingles, that look like a half a flower pot, or like a party cup cracked in half? Other places they don't have that... Same state, different city. Stores even sell different products because of this. Maybe that's why online orders get so many sales.

Even advertising is different in different cities or barrios... like how they have truck ads in some neighborhoods on billboards, and in others they have bail bonds and liquor and sneakers and tobacco products. Usually those folks who get that last batch are black. Well, "minorities". I only say that because that's what we have the places i grew up. Koolio sticks right above the Lee's Corner Mart, and Lee didn't live nowhere around there. On the main strips they had the Church billboards, but the church was right around the corner!? Like them "Eat At Joe's" with the neon arrow pointing down ("We here! Right here!"). Everybody around there knows where you are, you don't need a billboard. It doesn't impress us. Ah, hair care products. Them and the smoke sticks, those are like the only times you saw someone who looks like you on a billboard... and it's right there in that area. Like, "Yall do this. Nothing more. And you do it HERE. Nowhere else. Stay in your box. The Billboard has spoken." You look on tv, they don't look like you. You have to "get" cable to see you. And by you i mean Martin.

Martin was like the last hope. Cosby was too clean so they swapped him for Urkel (and the show - "Family Matters"- was a little different, more like Cosby, before it became "Urkel". Like Black Eyed Peas before Fergie when they had the black chick and did hip hop) but he wasn't relatable. Good folks, but too much of a character. A Different World was spot on, like if Spike Lee did Saved By The Bell, buuuuut Tupac was on there which might have set off an alarm for folks to kill it. Not saying it was, but when intelligent brothers and sisters start popping up in tv shows that make you think... and those people now thinking are the same as the people in the smoking drinking sneaker hair gel ail bond corner sanctuary (church or bar, they're across the street) district? You either kill the show, or the people. Here in america we do both. That's why i pretty much keep my ass in limbo. But, Martin, folks emulated. Spoke the same, dressed the same, lived in the same hood even if you were scared to live in Detroit... We were in Detroit. It was ok... but you even knew the same characters. Biggie was on Martin. Living Single?... All Girl Martin. Dope, but along the same lines. Parkers? Urkel Martin. They had cool shows like that SOUTH CENTRAL but that got taken out. Brandy made it without throwing her guns in the air but she coulda got shiftee if she wantYES Onyx, so glad you got that and i can stop now. Sister Sister (ha! You sang it) and Smart Guy were ok. Roc was an important show to me. There were some serious issues on those shows, but after a while tv just turned into "Gossip at Grandma's" or "Hood" shows... Jail shows. There were cool cop shows like NY Undercover, and you could see there was some kind of equality movement going on (Doogie gave us Redmond) with law and cop shows, stuff like The Practice, Law&Order, CSI.... but yeah, then.. for soooome reason.... everyone was thugged out and went to jail or something. Omar Little was the new roll model. Belly, but nobody was Sincere. All in the movies, and all over tv.... which is funny because... billboards. Liquor ads, cigs, shoes, church, hair products, bail bonds. Your mind, your whole being gets saturated with that. It's like the economy made "black people" and black people bought it. And then started selling it to each other. There were some cool black talk shows, but... short lived. Montel was good and had its moments, Ananda Lewis, Queen Latifah, Arsineo, Keenan Ivory Wayans.... those were shows that, to me, should still be around. You had to be up late to catch some other ones that should have gotten more publicity, like Byron Allen's shows, Tavis, and even Russell Simmons had a weekend video show, Daphnee Duplaix doing the club-hopper's tour guide thing. They shoulda gave Lauryn Hill a show. As a matter of fact, Lauryn Hill, Arron McGruder, Byron Allen, and Chapelle should sit down and work something out. Maybe even get Sims and Anyabwile in on some of it. Maybe bring back M.A.N.T.I.S. or do a more honest STEEL or STATIC SHOCK or something. Dark Knight version of Meteor Man would be interesting. Chapelle and The Boondocks were refreshing. It would take a cartoon to say what needs to be said. They always put the major stuff on us. Comedy can do things that dramas can't, even tho they could, but it's too much drama. Chris Rock did that well. There wasn't a Crooklyn show that i remember, and after WayneHead, The PJs, and Little Bill (no, not the one who killed Ned and William Munny had to go regulate) kinda got swept under the rug, "Everybody Hates Chris" had your back. The Bernie Mac Show too. Comedy without the coonery. Something you could laugh at, and relate to because it seemed more natural and respectable, as opposed to some shows and movies (you don't want to get into the movies, it's a whole different demon altogether) that were pretty much Hollywood Shuffle but without the Post Office... but you could watch and it didn't drain your soul. No, Waynehead was not one of Bebe's Kids. No. Stop that. FOCUS. Wayans Brothers.... meh. Funny, but as serious as Ron Jeremy saying "Ball Up" at Rucker Park. Still, tho, I can't complain. We have record label shows now... SHOWS... and reality tv. With all this BLM stuff going on, no one's talking about HOW to make Black Lives Matter more, or even WHY Black Lives Matter... but those old shows did. Don't look at the billboards, you'll only get stupid and depressed. Where do you look? Folks are out working. Music is too scary. You'll be a dead 12 yr old thug with two kids before you know it, and won't even understand how it happened. So.... tv it is.

What's on now? Tyler Perry and... Tyler Perry. Where's Z-Nation?! They had a clown (Juggalo) episode. Of course, most clowns and people in a post apocalyptic atmosphere have an episode sooner or later. Owning your own PROGRAMMING is like owning your own brainwashing. Is there an echo in here? Now, true... hahaha... sounds like somebody's mom, "Now, truuueee... blah blah blah blahblah"... Now, true I'm kinda sticking it in deep to pretty much "black television" in the 90s-early 2000's (saying 'early 00's' seems.... off) and there was definitely more going on that what was mentioned there, a lot of that was the bar, the line by which most of the other shows were measured. If you can think of any of those other shows, then (1) good for you, and (2) you watched too much tv. These shows were what everyone else in the world thought "black" was. It's kinda sick. Maybe it's me, but it's a little disturbing... which is scary when a cartoon clown says you're disturbing. To take someone from their natural environment, their country... their CONTINENT... ship them alllllll the way over here..... brainwash them, enslave them, torture and do some of the most fucked up shit you can do to a people (not a person, but yes, each person individually, until the whole people has been fucked up and over)... and then when you open slavery up to everyone else (because there's more in america to enslave than just black people, we have asians, latinos, greeks... we enslave spartans here. Don't let us catch a being from another planet, they will be making new smart devices in a basement bunker somewhere with a saltine as food, pillow, and wipe... just the one. That's why i mostly keep my ass in limbo)... and then torture them MORE... kill all of the leaders, poison the kids, separate the family... and the ONE TIME they [used to] have some family unity and dignity and connection was at dinner, so put them in front of a tv.... and let's show them who they are. SO THEY CAN BE THAT! Then we can show them more! Worse than before! And if they try to get out, keep a big poster on every corner just to remind them. Soon the world will treat them like how we show you to treat them. If they resist, they're that character we made up... and fear. And teach everyone to fear. Even THEM! WHO CARES if it's not real, it will be. And we'll own the rights.... That's not disturbing? To Martin and all of the other shows up there who kept your dignity, helped keep the pride and whatever unity was there in the whatever you want to call it (community? bunch of blocks? set? hood? ghett--no Hitler had Ghettos. Scientists have projects. We'll go with Community)... thanks for fighting the good fight. Some of it you were given, a lot of it you had to take in more ways that one. All so folks can grow up and have some kind of sense of all that "Black and Proud" stuff James Brown and them were talking about in all the songs we played at family reunions and cookouts, crab boils, fish frys.... And i'll leave it there.

I do feel bad for Christie though. She's a perfect example of how television works on the community. Christie is "Black Barbie". But no one even calls her that [Christie]. They call her "Black Barbie." No one even knows her name. Even folks who later on called themselves "Black Barbie" were just black people trying to look like BARBIE BARBIE, cause there ain't no such thing as "White Barbie" cause her frickin name is "Barbie" and she's the only frickin one, CHRISTIE IS FRICKIN CHRISTIE... NOT BLACK BARBIE. But, shut up clown, she's "Black Barbie". Even in trying to be "Black Barbie" you're still really just trying to be "White Barbie" just the "Black" one. The omelette came before the egg. The idea isn't to have a Christie, but to shut Christie's mom up and at the same time get all of the Christies in real life to want to be Barbie... and on top of that, "The White one". Maybe not the creators intentions, but sales are sales because they are selling a product to people to buy and give up their money. That means you bought what they were selling you, and they took your money, so you don't have money and they do, and can sell you more stuff. Do that for a few decades. Your broke-ass will adapt to and adopt being broke AND buying their shit at the same time. Christie's not known for being beautiful Christie... she's Black Barbie, and Barbie is beautiful. Christie's beautiful because she's a Black Barbie, not a Christie Christie. This whole time, you and i have both been trying to think of at least one black female we know named Christie. It's ok. I know one. She might spell it with a "Y". And it's not about just the Christies. I don't think there was an "Asian Barbie" until the 80's. Do you know what her name is? What about "Indian Barbie"? Bali Barbi? Well, to little Wúgū ( 无辜 ) and Adviteey (अद्वितीय )... just look at how lovely just the characters of the names are for a second... ok... but, they're gonna go ask mommy for "Asian Barbie" and "Indian Barbie". The only issue i really have about it is it's like instead of saying "Barbie" you could put in "American", but before you do, you'd better put in the dash, to quarantine your non-american part. Wow, it actually fits right where the "NON" part goes. "NON- American"... "Irish-American"... "Mexican-American"... We're all Americans, but no. You're not an American from Africa. You're either the "Black" that America made, or your African -in-America. There is no American FROM AFRICA. If you're from Africa then you're... JUST WHAT THE WORDS SAY... FROOOM AFRICA. Do you have Dual Citizenship? Calm down clown. Can we just be Americans like White Barbie? Ah, but remember, there is no "White-Barbie.... only Zool." No, Only Barbie. Folks don't say Caucasian Americans. They say Americans. Think about that. And then go back to the 80's with Asian Barbie, and stand as one. Synth Wave brings people together man. The 80's was... wait a sec... Woah.... if Obama was a Barbie, Regan would have neeeeevvvveeermind... but just think of Obama elected in the crack epidemic, with gangsta rap popping off... Interesting. Still, Yeah... really missing Z-Nation right now. Solution? No, I'm asking you... If i offered one as simple as "Just call people Americans and let them run their own tv and media free from outside interference and influence..." buuuuut then money, and the damage is so baked in right now, and the wound is all sputtering... maybe now's not the time. When is?

Anyways, see? I forgot all about the wine. Hahaha. Ok, so, after one of the Asylum fires after the condemnation by the state, during the abandonment period, the place was all boarded up, but bootleggers used to store liquor in there in the basement. I don't know if it was a gang thing or organized crime thing or what, but yeah, there are a lot of kegs still down there and they smell pretty potent. Probably dust, and will kill you if you attempt it, but... when in limbo. Anyways, below the cafeteria, there's a basement with a wall that opens up to a long creepy tunnel. The bootleggers built that i think. It's like a false wall, but a real wall, if that makes any sense. Crooks told it to Charlie, Charlie told Tyy. The ghosts here like Charlie. Everybody hates the clown. Whatever. So, Crooks, used to be one of the... patients? Inmates? Anyways, he knew about it. Wall hides a big tunnel with racks all over the place, like a mini maze. The tunnel leads to a wine cellar and we kinda put in a bar, because.... Because. Nice spot to kick it and get away from it all. Smells like crap a little, the walk, but once you get there... Meh.

This "Zepherine", me doing my Wolverine impression, pic was in the tunnel. Its damp and moldy and cold, but when you get to the bar at the end of it, its a pretty swinging scene. Reminds me of the ballroom in THE SHINING, but not as big. I guess you could call it "cozy". That's what people who think about having status vs people who think about getting money say, "Cozy" or "Quaint". Quaint sounds like a place a duck would bite you. But, yeah, Tyy actually went down and found the room. Went down there, slapping on stones, pulling bricks, whistling Purcell "Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary" and playing "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" on a 808 to see which one worked the magic. Dancing girls in burlesque, sometimes in cat suits or goth glam, very wild westish but still modern. Always a crazy mix of people having a good time in there which is weird... ok, so you can stand outside the door and hear echoes, faint sounds, and see an empty torn up empty bar room, but just as soon as you step all the way inside that door the place is packed and alive and you can see and hear everything. Like you can step into that world, but from outside you only see the ghost of it, the leftover, tarnished and falling down memory. That place is fuuuuunnnnn. Good find buddy!

Sad, we don't have a name for it. We just call it the wine cellar. Sounds kinda gothic. You'd expect to see Azeem and Solomon Kane's dad chained up down there with Catherine Martin and The Gimp or something, Lumiere sneaking them singing biscuits so they can go up and lift rocks wishing Crom would free them, or just give them strength until Caesar and the gang revolt. "Noooooooooooooooooo!" But yeah, you'd think it would have a name. Bars are good people usually... dive bars anyways. Kinda like those tv shows though, just depends on who's running them and what they're running.

Zepharine (in the wine cellar)

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