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Reading Between the Lines.... (The Asylum)

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

This is a throwback classic from back when charlie first joined in with the band. We took this outside of the Asylum. That place is a band member too... quite the character. I can't tell if it's dusk, winter, or a radioactive explosion just went off. You can get all three at once in that place. Nice suit Slikk.

So, Tyy in the front there, chucking the deuces, is the drummer in the band. One of my oldest friends. Not like, he's a million or something, because to be honest, even though Slikk is measured in Bear Years, Charlie is a Daylight (Vampire/Angel mix) so I'm gonna go with she's proooobably the oldest. Looks good for her age, whatever that is. We've asked. She won't tell. Oh well. As long as she keeps showing up to play, we're good. Even if she didn't, Charlie's fam. Nice shot Byrdo. Got everyone all cropped just right.

Ah, the wings. In limbo things ain't what they seem. You're "in the corner" we call it. Folks here call it that because it's a place where other levels see things out of the corner of their eye. You look dead at it and it ain't there... but it's there. One thing about limbo is that since you're between worlds things get a lot more spiritual. Like, the gloves are off. A lot of folks say they see weird shit, things on people as they move a million miles per hour. Time is "off" where one day can feel like one week, or one month can feel like a half hour. Now what's interesting is that it's a vibrational blip, just a step infrequency above where you are. It's so slight you might not even notice it, but when you're here, you notice it. The sun is there but is different. The colors are off. And of course since you're not as plugged into spirits as you are on this level, things get a little weird. You have to focus more. Channel spirits harder. But it's to ween you off of the whole "earth and your reality now" vibe. This is also why so many things that have crossed over but get stuck in the corner appear as human or something you'd recognize. It's the last thing they recognize as being "in control" of, a safe place, one that they recognize. If you naturally have no hands but can manifest anything you want, when you get to that "ghost world" and you see something on the floor, you'd manifest hands to pick it up. You've never been taught to pick it up any other way. There's loads of interesting stuff like this in the corner, between the lines.

Sounds, like talking is different. People hear stuff like those "Charlie Brown/Peanuts Adult Voices" ...that whole Whah Waha Wahnn... right, because here on earth in this reality you have dummed down the language of vibration, but it's to express things in a more simplified way. But THERE, between the lines, you can choose. Cause you're only a step away. However you're getting closer to the pure form of things, so you'd get to the pure form of communication, which is vibration. Telepathy is an example, but it goes a lot deeper there. You were supposed to learn these things here. Like if you look at a rock in a stream, you may look at it so much you become the rock. You don't have to say anything. You get into the vibration, you feel the rock in your mind, you focus on it with your eyes and mind, what's happening to it, to the point you feel the water passing over you as well, because you are the rock. Your hearing focuses on the water so you hear what the rock hears. Sounds weird, but this out of body type stuff is how possessions happen. You sync frequencies, apply a few suggestions, and when there's an opening, you push it. AH, NOW it's interesting! That is one of the reasons things on other levels don't like human beings.

Check this out... ok, so, Human Beings have souls. So what, right? Ever notice how fallen angels and other beings, spirits and such, are always after souls? You wouldn't want one if you had one. See, if you're a spirit, you are used by souls. They let you in so you can be expressed, and from that you get a little power by being the focus of their mind and attention. If you're the spirit of anger, they have to either get you (I got angry) which is to go to your level and call you via expressing your frequency for you to pick up the call and then y'all both have the conversation called I AM Angry. The soul "I AM" gives power and life to the spirit of anger. If this level were doing what it was supposed to, you'd learn of things like the spirit of understanding. It's a frequency, a vibe. Once on that vibe you are the one calling the shots. You say what you want to understand, and you ride that wave, that vibe, until it comes to you (It just "came to me/hit me") or you go to it (I GOT/went and got AN IDEA!). Ok, so that's having a spirit. That's not being IN the spirit. When IN a spirit, it flows all around you. You can drown in the understanding there's so much of it. Keep in mind, there's a level of understanding where you can understand what is called "everything" and you will, because that's what that vibe and level, that frequency does. It makes... YOU... it. It makes you Understand. So, if you had a soul, can you imagine how many spirits you could make use of? Depends on what you want, true, but it's better to know WHY you want that. You ever see people lose everything from being IN LOVE? Spirits can pull you under and suck you dry if you're not aware. But the Soul is what keeps you aware and able to filter them. So those who DON't have this... want this... they might even want yours... or everyone's. As many as they can get. Why? Because angels want to be happy? Think outside of the box. Like waaaaaay outside of the box. Like, ok, let's just put it out there... "GOD" is a spirit. So if a soul, lets you become that spirit.... I bet a devil would love to take a soul so it could get into the spirit of god. Just saying. Ok,back to other things...

So... here, you get hungry, you eat, you taste the food, smell it, all of the senses. What the senses do is plug you into spirits. The mind does this as well, and by mind I mean your mental and emotional.. both of those form your mind. Mental is completed by emotional and vice versa, dig me? Coolio. So, you don't notice you're hungry there, because hungry is a spirit. Its detached from you. You may feel weak, but it's just a sense of my vibration is low. Of course it is. This level didn't teach you who you are or what you can do, so you go to the spirit world and you're half the you you're supposed to be. They might swallow you, which will get you running back here. Or some folks just slip back thru the Xis or find a nice quiet womb somewhere. This level gets deep. But... spirits get deep. Not all are assholes. They're all self-ish. But not all assholes. Some have better deals/contracts. Each age/generation or period has it's own spirits as well. You notice how words change, food and music changes, the things people do for escapes and the messages religious leaders preach... they all are set like hands on a clock. When it's one age, this spirit leads the charge, and these things are possible. The next hour/age then they pass the baton.

So, since you're unplugged from spirits, you're kinda really walking in your own shoes. Now this life is supposed to teach you spiritual sensitivity, how to use spirits, which ones do what, but they're running wild... as planned. It's a sick plan to me, but i'm a cartoon clown. Anyways, so yeah, you were supposed to learn a bunch of things. Instead, spirits are just fucking with people, deities and beings from other places are just fucking with people, and through it all, the people WILL cross over into the other levels.. without the proper training, which just recycles you back here to get the training, but they're not gonna tell you that. They're gonna keep using you and that energy. If i were you, i'd be upset.

Picture how cool the world would be if it understood it's self-ish nature. Ok, so dig it, by self-ish i mean that everything is a reflection of self, like your REAL self... the higher BEING, complete oneness of all things type of shit. SO you go outside and you see grass. Boom. There's a relationship. YOU... and GRASS. Naw man, we're not smoking it, chill out. Dig it. Everything you come into contact with you're having a relationship with. Your energy and being begin a give and take of energy, a flow, a vibration between you begins, and that frequency is UNDERSTANDING. You stand on the ground, you understand extremely quickly, even without thinking, about gravity, balance of your body, how your muscles in your body work-- tightening and positioning to stand... blood flows to places, nerves send impulses and shit, all in that split second your feet hit the floor. The only sense we mentioned so far is touch, so you can see how that relationship in the spirit of Understanding has a lot of energy in it. So anyways, you walk over to grass. Boom Another relationship. You see grass. You have a thought. There's always a thought. Not always an action, not always an emotion, but always a thought, even if it's subconscious. You see grass and a thought takes place. "Green" or maybe you just recognize it for what it is "That's grass". Happens so quick it don't even register but it did because you looked at it and understood what it was. What you did, tho, is separate yourself from grass. You quickly established a self, and an environment the self is in. Obviously it's a safe environment because you didn't think "RUN! It's GRAAAAASSSS!!!!!" All there is is "That.. is grass." Even deeper, there might be "...over there" or "...right here under my feet" which establishes another point of understanding, your relationship as far as your connection. So you recognize you are separate, and how connected you are. You've established your self, and in relation to you what the grass is to you, a self-ish view of the grass "The grass is not a threat to me, the grass is nice to me." and you have an understanding to where the grass is, a self-ish understanding of the position of the grass, "The grass is over there, away from me." You use the grass to reflect your self. You use the grass to understand your self. Like i says, happens quick so you don't really perceive yourself as doing so. It's because that's what you're here for. One thing that goes unsaid is that you are understanding the grass. So you had a blank mind, or mind tuned to another way of being/another spirit, say "Sleep" or "Sleep and Rest" but then switched to "Awake" and Awake added or brought with her "Understanding". Those two spirits you called without trying. There they are. Here you are expressing them, using them, which gives them being. They use your being to have their being. Now, they're not dicks because they're cool with remaining sub-conscious. They don't care to be on the forefront of the mind. They don't need to be in the spotlight, and want to take over the body. They're here to help, to serve. Some spirits don't want to serve. In fact, they want a soul so they can have other spirits serve them. That's the game. To be even ore self-ish, you could judge the grass, which is just you looking at the grass and comparing it to your ideal image of grass.. "Man that grass looks great." or "Damn, that grass needs to be cut." It's grass. It's its own being, it's own life form. But you... get to impose your will... on it. It won't complain, not really. It will work with you. You burn down a forest, the animals don't complain really. They may panic, but they just go find a new home.... or die trying. Thanks largely to... whomever or whatever. C'est la vie, no? Anyways, they (Understanding and Awake) aren't as persistent as say Anger or Happiness. When you're IN a spirit of Understanding, versus just HAVING the spirit of understanding with you or at your disposal, the effect is different. You understand a lot. It's glad to help you, but doesn't care if you stay there or not. However, when you have anger, you can manage it, because YOU... have... It (Anger). But get "lost in anger" or Become en-raged. That means IT... has... YOU. You crossed your mind. It's leading the decision process. You are no longer expressing it. It's using you to express itself. Assholes. Yeah, Love is the same way. Some of them mean to be assholes. Some of them don't. They're just that powerful of a spirit. Like Fear. Or Misery. Misery actually really does love company... but it can't express that, because all a spirit can do is express or BE its self. So Happy can be happy. Love can be love. Misery can be a Paul Sheldon HIT! However Misery can't Love. Because Misery can only Miser... or whatever. BE Miserable. Love can only Be Love. YOU... see how many things you can be? All the while you still remain YOU. That's one thing in the spirit of humanity. that's why things want souls. Not all of them are soul sucking. Some of them, even if they are, y'all just have a good time together. Everything comes down to perception. To WHY. No one or thing does anything unless they get something from it. Both YOU and THEM. Understand WHY. The game goes on either way. Dig it or not.

Anyways, so yeah, we're all here. Byrdo snagged this shot of everyone. We try to get that fool in front of the camera but he don't dig on "flashy stuff" he calls it. I'm like, "Dude, it's not flashy. You are just being you." And we got into a bit of a thing about how Artists are about art, not BEing "Artists"... all they simply do is be artists... and create art. And in creating art, they're just dis-covering the beauty and expressing it in a way it gets to sit there in a tangible form for others to dig on as well. We were talking about the role of an artist in their art, and we both agree that your work, not your job, because if it never paid you a cent in your whole existence, you'd still do the work... so it's not your job, it's not requested of you, but it is required of you by your understanding of your soul. But an artists work is to just "create". However, because of the entertainment value, and monetary value people are willing to place on priceless things and ways of being, now there are "ARTiSTZ" n sheit. A monkey could do it... and they do... and make a lot of money because they're Monkeys. You do the same as that monkey and it's not as unique so you get paid less than the monkey. Value is an interesting thing. We didn't get into that part, but i'm just saying, the things people see or do, places they go... and then have an understanding... Understanding (the actual entity, the spirit).. we just went over how it don't care. It's all chilled and laid back like, "Hey, i'm here if you need me bro. Understand if you want. When you want. Until then, I'm just gonna silently kick it and dig on things from your perception, but from the entire world perceiving itself too. It's what i do bro. Since i perceive the whole world, as well as the whole world perceiving it's self... i understand a lot. Whenever you want it, and however much you want. I got you bro. Namaste." But people get a taste of it and are all, "I'M A GENIUS!!! PAY ME!" Naw fool, you just understood some shit everyone and anyone and EVERYONE else can and probably will understand, but just express in their own way. That's how ART allows people to relate and connect. You look at a painting. It's expressing the spirit of "Love of Cats playing with Yarn Balls" and everyone else who has that same appreciation for that understanding all come together, look at that painting and go, "Aaawwwww....." Now, since they're all individuals, some go, "I love it, but oils over acrylics? That's preposterous." Others go, "I love it, but i would have added more yarn balls to emphasize the cuteness and fuzziness. More fuzzy textures and baby colors." Meanwhile, all we (you and me here and now) are doing is talking about it through text. It's a bit of time travel, because i said this when i said it, and you read it when you read it, but still we're talking to each other about kittens and yarn balls, and there's a perception of a voice speaking the words, dig it, and you even see Kittens in your head with Yarn Balls. So it's time travel or teleportation, a bit of telepathy, some pure creation of actual beings... You created Kittens... out of "thin air" not really because you just pulled an image of kittens from your memory, shaped it into the ideal vision of "cute kittens" and set them in motion with sounds and playful activity with the yarn balls of your creation as well.... all of this done, even you processing these words, by our good stoner bro The Spirit of Understanding. I know, it's frickin dope, ain't it?!! Yeah, Devil can't do that. Imagine that. It can if it takes your soul and uses that energy to do what you do. Dig this, your soul knows how to have a body. It's built for being in a body. They have to possess a mind. Like driving a car from the sun roof, yelling at the driver with your hand around their neck... that's possession. Some are good at it. Hands so silky smooth, and they rub you behind your ear, tickling "that spot" that gets you... open...(English, right? Like Harry Potter, it's magical how everything is spelled out... didn't even use Holly wood antennas-- wands).. but yeah, they get you open... to suggestion. Then they just keeeeeep whispering. See if someone yells at you, it's more forceful, but puts more emphasis on their presence. If you whisper, it's almost like you (the whisperer) are them, because your presence is hardly known or felt, all there is is this relaxing feeling... with some thoughts that who cares where they come from. This feels good. Lets see where this good feeling goes. And then after a while you end up in a room full of cut up bodies. They're whispering thoughts, and you're like "Move my hand with the knife in it like this? But why?" and sometimes you blindly do it, and other times you're like, "This doesn't feel right" and they're all, "Just relax. Is THIS the hand with the knife in it? How does this wor... ((chop chop stab stab)) Oh. I figured it out. Oops! Look at the mess you made!" and then when they leave, you're like, "WHAT HAVE I DONE!?! I don't even remember doing this!"

Check this out... you ever, when doing what you perceive as talking to your self , ever catch on to what's happening? Like REALLY? Ok, first off, there's this separation that completely goes unnoticed. There's a YOU. Right? But it's talking to YOUR SELF. Its talking to a SELF that it owns. It HEARS YOU speaking, even if you just speak through thought. Think about that. There's two you's. You controlling the body, and you the body. So, lets paint a picture with this to demonstrate. Slipping. Ok, so you and your self are walking across the floor. No shoes. So you're walking your body and you slip on something. You go "What was that?" You're asking.. your... self... what it slipped on. The Body self reacts by turning the head (or YOU make it turn) to see what that was you slipped on. You can feel it with your foot, meaning your body is talking to you, sending you messages about the balance, the change in how gravity is effecting you "It's no longer just the feet... the whole body is off balance and gravity is pulling it all down. Brace for impact in 5... 4.. deploy arms to break fall... 2... 1..." Crazy right? Happens so quick you don't even process it all. Its a very efficient system. As far as you talking to your self, which is different than the previously discussed your self talking to you... it goes one of three ways. This part is trippy. Everything breaks down to three. I don't ask why or how, i just know that it does so i move on from there. Ok, so the three ways it goes is this... and.. think about this... Ok, so you go "I should be careful. I don't want to fall and hurt myself." That is you talking to your self. OR what could happen is something like, "You should be careful. You don't want to fall and hurt yourself." Now, if you consider your body to be you, an extension of you, you'd refer to it (your body) as well as your self (the actual you) s "I". But "I" wasn't what was said. What was said was "You" need to... so YOU don't hurt YOUR self. So someone else is talking to you. It's given as more of a suggestion. There's room. You listening is optional. However, you are in a position, if you catch it, to say "someone else is here, and they're watching." Now, ANOTHER WAY it could go, and this is one of the most interesting to me, is... what could be said is "WE" need to be careful. WE means US. That means YOU and ME. So there is a YOU and they recognize that. They're also distinguishing that they are not you, however, they're right there with you. You might not have caught that. This is how you get into trouble, thinking "We" is "Me". You're involved, but it might not even be your idea. WE means i can talk to you, and since i've included you, you take ownership in the experiences, so i can blame you, even if it was my fault. Now the next line depends on how much of a hold "WE" has on you and what "WE" is doing with or to you... so "WE" could say, "WE need to be careful, You don't want to hurt Your self." Meaning WE needs you for something, or WE is not done with YOU, because it wants to preserve you. Everything is done for a reason. No one or thing does ANYTHING unless they get something from it, dig me? NO ONE or THING. Period. That's a sad thing, but that's what it is. SO, another way it could go is.... "We need to be careful You don't want to hurt Us".... Meaning that WE is VERY CONNECTED to you, so much that what happens to you may be effecting it. They are saying that your self is directly connected to them. They can be effected by what YOU and YOUR SELF do. That is a red flag in my book. Who's here and here so much they feel my self is gonna effect their self? I didn't give control of my self over to WE. I'm in control of MY Self. Cute, right? Gets better... it could even go.... "We need to be careful, We don't want to get hurt, do we?" Meaning that there is a DEFINITE partnership. It's no longer what YOU do could effect their body. They're saying here that Your body is their body. They're saying that They are you, but you're both just occupying the same space. However, only one thing can occupy one space at one time. It's a clever trick. That's how possessions take place. It's a mind trick, or trick of the mind, or tricking the mind. Free your mind and your ass will follow. Lose your mind, someone else may find it, which frees their mind, and your ass will follow. And that's why, even more than Black Lives... Black MINDS Matter. Because Black is reflective of void and openness. Everything is inside of it. What comes out depends on what you shine your light on. In light things are exposed. So everything blurs to nothingness. In Black... you can open up everything and understand it fully, each in its own time, depending on how you shine your light. Ho..... lee.... shit. And we ain't even got into poltergeists and moving things from one level to the next, or the Xis and portals between triangles and shit.... If this is in the conversation, just think what's coded in the music! Ha ha ha ha. There's solfeggios in one song. I love this band. Slikk with his classic Run DMC shit.


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