There's loads of experiences in living life. When you're conscious, to whatever degree, you kinda feel that... you can't escape it slapping you in the face. When you're not conscious, to whatever degree, stuff is still going on, but i bet there's a lot less to think about. Nothing really to react to. Just act to. Like how rocks don't care if it rains. They are what they are, no matter what... rain, snow, hail, low tide... even after erosion, the rock is still a rock, it's just a little less of it there. But people... conscious beings i would say, but dogs are conscious and they deal with the same crap people do, but with less than half the drama. Let it rain, the dog's either gonna stay in it or get out of it. Let it rain on a person and man, the complaints, but if it's "just the right amount of rain" then man, the complaints. If it's sunny out, man, the complaints. There was this poem, i forget who wrote it, but it was short and funny... yes, like Tyy, yes.... so i remembered it... "As a rule man is a fool. When it's hot he wants it cool. When it's cool he want's it hot. Always wanting what is not." (one site says the quote comes from Benjamin Disraeli)
I was at a club last night and this guy was in the bathroom. At first i' like, "This is an odd club to have a towel mint guy at. I doubt anyone is in need of a shave." but then i got a look at him and i was like OOOOH SSHHHIZZNITTILEBITS. Frickin Morpheus, right?! That just don't happen. That's a fate kinda thing, so i says, man how cool is THIS gonna be... but frickin plastic surgeries now are cheaper, and some folks are just that good. It's not good. Found that out after. So... upon taking a green pill, this picture is how things looked for the rest of the night. The GREEN PILL... they didn't talk about that one. Your lips and nose go numb, and i have a BIG... red... nose. I couldn't tell tho, because it was numb. All i could feel was the tingle in the tip.
Ok, so, anyways, back to the first point, the blue pill... Wait, was that the first point? I dunno. Doesn't matter. Blue Pill... keeps you asleep, yet you are conscious, because you're aware of "living the dream" as they say. That's a head trip... but what isn't?! No matter what reality you end up in, no matter what degree of consciousness, you're still there, even if you aren't aware of you... no matter how numb you may get. Club's still crunked. Bwaahahaha
Yeah man, blue, water, moves counter clock wise most times, unless you're aware of it, then it may spin. Counter meaning against understanding or compliance with/to time. You go with the flow, like water. Water's form is kinda formless, but it is there, in the form of water. Kinda like how souls move in spirits.... if spirit was a glass and soul was water then you can say FULL or EMPTY or whatever looking at the glass... it seems to give the water a shape or way of being recognized. No, i'm not on those pills right now, i'm always like this. Well, except when something's.... there. Then i'm whatever else, but the buzzed version.
Red pill, fire, mind, individual will and intention. Ok so dig this, that's a box inside a box inside a box. Wonder how far the rabbit hole goes, a fella said, but that's just going inside of boxes by taking the one you're in and calling it your self and a perfect place to start. What if the real you was several layers/boxes of consciousness outside of "you" now?! That's a nice vacation... a great escape.
Now, there's loads to go into about all of this. So many degrees of matrix playing out these daze it's normal. Used to be amazing. Then it was scary. Then it was old. Now it's just tiring. But the system's been perfected a few times over, and NOW.. with the power of technology, folks are customizing their own Matrixes. I know, right! You can be a Kirby and Cutco Salesman like you've always dreamed! Just melt your mind away and renounce this flesh! So, in all of that, what is there to do? Some folks are all for it, or all 5G it, or 66 it... whatever.. some folks are all BLM it and METOO it, so they'll re-post it and tag it, thumb it up... Some folks are all VOTE it... some folks are all SMOKE it... some HOLY GHOST it... some FUCK it... there's a million and one holes to stick your head in the ground as the game plays out anyways. All of those things don't seem to be working. That's not the issue though. The issue is that it was planned. This is where it gets interesting. So you get into this whole "good vs. evil" but that whole game was set up by the same person. You can't tell me that if Jesus knew Judas was gonna betray him, as planned.... that God didn't know Lucifer would do what he did... as planned. So... Matrix and Armageddon... who goes to heaven or hell or wherever... ignorance is bliss. If it's all pre-programmed, and unstoppable, then living is reduced to existentialism and entertainment. So what does it matter? Did you ever really have a chance? Or a choice?
Ok, back to the creation of good and evil, right.. ok, so, All done by one individual. Why would you do that? Maybe there was nothing else to do. If you've done everything else, and you're pretty burnt out on things, because you've been at it for eternity already and you still have eternity to go, why care? In the grand scheme of things, nothing really matters but your perception! So you can do whatever you want and it's justified. Who's going to disagree with you and your infinity gauntlet? And make you snap? On top of that, if you made everything and everyone you know what they're going to do, so if they do something that pisses you off and you want to torture them for all eternity, its your fault. That... is psychotic. If you created everything, why create something you would want to torture for all of eternity, and then a place to do it, for all eternity, but tell people "If you're good you won't go." When you already know they're gonna be "bad" like you made them so you can torture them anyways. That makes the disclaim null and void. Now i'm not saying to just run amuck, because if you look at things you see there's obviously loads of systems functioning, and a lot of it has to do with balance and harmony, things getting along to understand one another. Just because you were created by a psychopath doesn't mean you have to be one. But if you do end up one, was there anything you could do about it?
This is a serious matter to me, because i'm eternal, kinda, a cartoon, but at the same time, we go in and out of things like cartoon heavens and cartoon hells all the time. However, there exists the Xis, or the axis, or the crosses... places where multiple dimensions overlap and have the same frequency at that point, which means there's a hole. Like if no matter what house you were in, if you go into the upstairs bathroom, you come out into this ONE room. Or you can pick which house you want to come out of if you're already in that bathroom space. Just go thru the multi dimensional door. Now replace the word HOUSE with Universe/ world/ reality/ frequency/ dimension.... get the picture? Well this is the thing, and i know this is a wild ride so far, but be happy you didn't have that green pill. Maybe that's what got me to this way of thinking. Ah well, we're here... inevitable. SO, there's a thing which we're unsure of the mental state of, that in this reality has created and enforces good and evil on this world, programmed fate and your obliviousness and ignorance, yet allows angels, demons, aliens, folks who can communicate with all of those and neither, and says anything is possible but some things i'll torture you forever for. You don't know where it is or what it looks like, but it loves you. And will forgive everything. In other realities, you have pretty much the same thing, but some of them come up from the bottom of the sea now and then, or come down from the clouds on a giant fire breathing fish-butterfly, shooting explosive skittles that only kill fleas... i think i made that up, because there's another thing that says that ALL THINGS EXIST, so that, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster are out there... waiting to do battle like Highlander because in the end... there can be... you know. Now, here's the problem... The Xis. I don't know what kind of deals they have where they are keeping to their own respective corners, but what if they all decided to duke it out? What happens to good and evil there? Everyone has a different take on it. Spaghetti Monster might not be so quick to forgive unpaid parking tickets. Another thing that bothers me about it... and again, maybe remnants of that green pill talking... but how did they all get to that level? One way says ascension. Another way ways they were all already there! One says there's a process and you're gifted according to how you lived before. Given how they are... which is crazy, all of them... (1) no wonder we're all crazy, and (2) which of them can we trust to get to their level of freedom and understanding? Ascension would be based on that, right? Look at your job.. the old dude on the top getting paid all that money ain't giving up his spot cause you're sick of crap working conditions and being disrespected. Seniority punk! But yeah, if they programmed everything, how far can you truly ascend? In video games, the bosses get harder to kill as you level up, and THEY send more things to kill YOU. It's still just the one you, through all of those levels. So the very final boss is supposed to go, "Ok, we're cool. Drive my car and here's my daughter.. live happily ever after." Keep in ind, at the top they're CRAZY... is it worth reaching? Blue pill.... ignorance is bliss. the illusion of choices is great. The illusion of power, and freedom and fun, and lessons to learn to make you better or worse so you're prepared for the next level... it's so sweet. There's even an illusion that there's a matrix and that there's not one. Whatever... loads to say about this. none of it really matters. you learn... to forget.... to remember, and call it learning. And yes, it totally looks like Lou is grabbing Yesh's junk. You can't touch another gift's package, i don't care who you are.