This was one of them quiet moments. Like when you MAKE time and just get away. You MAKE time, by applying your mind, you know? Change comes by way of threats that trigger a response. Usually if the change is life threatening, not always your physical mortal life, because your soul is immortal so you never really die, but like on the 3 Levels of Being, something is threatened so much you have to deal with it. Other than that folks let things slide, they won't move. No change. Get them out of their illusion, out of their comfort zone, show them everything is about to burn... they'll change.
There are basically 3 major things that'll block change. There may be more to it, and these are pretty broad so you can definitely find more [whatever] ways of explaining each, but for starting out, here we go... Either things/people (1) are too Ignorant, meaning that they do not understand and because of it their Hyper-Natural level (the mind, their mental and emotional) reacts in a way that blocks change. Long way of saying because they don't understand they fear, or are too worried, or are too prideful, or are too whatever other emotion you could add in there, even too happy, sad, angry. You don't fear what you understand. You aren't disoriented, because you understand what's up. You can't be enslaved or imprisoned, programmed, misled, because you understand the real. You cant add or take away from what you understand, and have that play with your mind. You know better. (2) are too comfortable in their self-ish-ness to change. If there's a will, there's a way. Preparation has little to nothing to do with it. You can have all of the tools and understanding, but it comes down to how you view your self, and how you view the situation reflecting your self. You find your self in the situation. It's a representation of you. So if you are too comfortable to understand the situation, you won't change. If what you see as outcomes for the situation are comfortable, meaning you won't mind them, you won't change. Or (3) are already too changed to change. All things come from lack. If there is change already then that energy is in motion. Only one thing can occupy one space at one time. Another way of saying it is things only grow where they can grow. 3 levels (points) of existence and BEING, balanced by three principles in 3 relationships, so balancing them is easier to do. All of that stuff should be in The Book Of The Fire in this blog here. Anyways, change is exhausting. Its terrifying. Its a destroying of your world, personally, and to some extent self-inflicted, you agree to it because you are the one changing. People end up too tired, burned out, beat down, enslaved to make any change, especially if one is already happening.
Anyways, this here, it was time for a change of scenery. Sometimes you need that because of all the anchors where you are. The page is filled. All of those characters, words, sentences, periods and question marks... good times and bad ones, and they're only that in one reading or interpretation, read it again and it might change, but it's the same lines. Same between the lines too. Lot of energy spent, lot of time spent, physical and mental, emotional, spiritual... economic.... It's a pretty packed space. Need more space? Hit the space bars at times, maybe a diner, sit in the back in the corner, guised. If you were dis-guised that would be taking OFF the mask, hahahahahaha. Anyways, Like Seger and Metallica, you gotta "turn the page", dig me? You need a fresh start. Not that you're going to abandon all that's been written on the wall, because there is easy to understand, it's all there in black and white. But sometimes you have to get a blank canvas to create a new way, a new big picture. Sometimes you need the silence, the stillness. No to low vibration of an empty chunk of void. That's this picture here. Kinda decompressing after moving around a little... all in the name of fun and growing, learning, understanding and whatnot.
So, dig, we all tagged along when Charlie went to Indonesia to see some friends. Angel-pire, so she's been around for a while. Not surprising she knows so many people. It's funny too, because most folks talk about how good she looks. "You haven't changed a bit!" and in my head i'm thinking, "Y'all DO KNOW what she is, right?" That half of two immortal beings thing, double shot of deity thing lets you meet a lot of people because you're kinda... well, eternal, so you get to see whole families grow, for generations. The reaction from the oldest ones is funny. It's the same as from the ones that are the age Charlie looks. Immortality couldn't have been given to a better person if you ask me. Not saying that because she's my friend, or band fam, but just off of the reaction of the majority of folks who actually KNOW her... she's a good person.
Anyways, so yeah, in May we took a trip out to Indonesia for a Yoga party. Not like Yoga all day, but it was pretty cool. Like a whole fitness party. Games, different exercise practices, great food. Cool couple of days. Mrs. Ingat is a lady who was not her "teacher" but her teacher when it comes to yoga... well, A teacher (one of) because, yeah, immortal, she's learned from a few people. Anyways, it was for Ingat's 75th birthday or physical New Year (Personal New Year, we say), so we all went. We stayed at a hotel not too far from them in Bali. It was pretty amazing. Funny how many people there look nothing like the brochure. There's a lot of color there, no doubt. Not as white washed as the posters and videos. So it was a cool retreat kinda thing. They did some clearing stuff, chakras and all that. Different things for different parts of the body or systems. That "breath of fire" thing. Snot all over the place. That Silat stuff. There were a few different people from different places and all different levels, so it was cool for everyone... else. That stuff HURT!!! The parts that i could do. I couldn't mess with that Silat though. I think that's what it's called. It looks simple enough, but after a while you really feel the weight of your body, at least the way they were doing it. You feel energy flow though, like some kinda Mastered Ultra Instinct power up. For a bunch of old folks leading the charge, the atmosphere and people, the culture, it keeps them pretty young.
Had plenty of very cool but weird looking food. I'm a curry fan, not because of Pennywise, but that helps. But this was the first time i'd had Sate... those kabob skewer things. GREAT. Crazy Lazy Tyy was like, "Keep waking me up when the Martabak is ready." Cause it's like a traditional thing or something. Like how the sweet bread is served in some Mexican spots during a certain time. I dunno, in America i guess we don't really appreciate food. We invented fast food to shove crap into our guts to keep the body powered to work more. It's friggin sad. I met a guy at an airport who was going to Japan to get married. He was saying how when he'd fly back and forth from the states to Japan, he'd go out to dinner with his wife's family. They would have all of the food in the center, and all sit around and pick a little here, talking, enjoying "having dinner". It was really tasteful and artsy, real artistry. The way the places were set. The way people scooped food. Everything was done with such grace and carefulness. At first he'd just be like, "Good bread, good meat, good God let's eat! Amen!" and attack, like we do here and they would kinda look at him as if he'd never eaten a day in his life. He learned (and us too) that FAMILY is what makes the dinner. Its not about the meal. It's about HAVING the meal together. This was a lot like that. A lot of the values and things that make America great is from a collection of Americans. All of the traditions and styles, the cultural influences. That's what paints the picture of what America is/ Of course you'd have to turn a blind eye to how "America" completely erased everything that was here BEFORE things were so "great". I bet it was pretty much heaven back then too.
We'd go on hikes, like drive out to some place and go for hikes with Ingat's daughter Kekuasaan took us to this little spot here at South Kuta Beach i think it was called.... really chill. She was like our tour guide. She was in her 20's so she knew a few spots that were pretty cool. Mainly there for the party, just like three days, call it four cause of the travel time-- pick up from the airport and ride back to the airport, those half days. Anyways, Kekuasaan was great, man. Kuta Beach, it was pretty peaceful. Nobody really there when we went. When the sun was going down Charlie said to shift halfway, like between the real world (your world) and limbo, and then she floated up just above the water-- it was friggin cool man, hahaha. So Charlie did that. I took the pic for her. It's pretty nice out there... different, ya know? Her wings are big sometimes, sometimes they're small. When you learn to shift levels you learn to manipulate the degree of manifestations, especially physically.... Dang man, that sounded all professional and scientific n sheit. Regular people talk, when you learn to be you as your energy you learn to make your bodies, and make em do whatever you want... bigger smaller, solid, vapor, old, young, smoke.... a bunch of cool stuff. She'll shrink her wings in on account'a people freaking out and whatnot, but... its nice i guess to have a quiet moment to just stretch and be free... your self, ya dig?
Another ting about shifting levels, i didn't really think about until now, is the allowance of what comes through. Like on the Xis, it's almost like a free-for-all. There's no real say as to who controls the opening and closing. It's kinda up to life in general, because the points are where in every reality the one spot is at the same frequency. So it's like having a row of doors, all stacked on top of one another, right, and you pick which one you wanna go thru. You open the first, second, third, fourth... they're all still open behind you, so stuff from the first can go thru the third, stuff from the fourth can go thru the first.. Like a hall of mirrors, that mirror tunnel, but each mirror is a window. But when you shift on your own, like if you wanted to contact someone just to say hello, or get some information about something, maybe see something for your self, you can do that so that you're like invisible.... "In the corners" ya know? That stuff you see out the corner of your eye. Folks in limbo? Stuck in a shift. Like caught between worlds. There's stuff to do, but it's just... a little off. I dunno. Whatever.