Ok so, this shot was snagged on a "jog"... it was a hike... but Charlie says a nice brisk little "jog", a happy little "run for fun".... with Charlie and Tyy. Charlie is a health nut, i don't know why. SHE'S A VAMPIRE, halfway, and HALF ANGEL!?! It's not like she's ever really going to get sick or die or anything. With that combination i really honestly don't see anything that anyone can do to her. I dunno... TYY and ME, on the other hand almost DIED. Charlie's fast. Like really fast. And we can teleport, but she's REALLY FAST. And the wings don't slow her down none, no no no no NO! That just amplifies the issue. And she laughs when we're doubling over, wheezing, struggling to spark a cig to get some air... Friends don't let friends wheeze and hike. Who came up with that word? Wheeze. Wth was going on there?!
ANYWAYS, right, so, dig, she wanted to go for a run, and Tyy... HE wants to go to the store a few blocks up the way to get a black-n-mild. So, in order to accomplish that, we gotta shift levels to get the black-n-mild because that's a "real world" thing, but the jog is a lot more scenic in limbo. Plus time is different, distances... You can treadmill in limbo. Just run in place with your atmosphere on a loop. Its pretty cool. Limbo is like a.. hmm... like a room that's made of time. So you can walk across the floor and focus on what time you want it to be, and be there when you get to the other side of the floor you were walking across... if that makes any sense. It's also kinda like a big teleportation device. So if you want to go ahead and end up behind, you can do that. It's pretty much a huge mind manifesting playground if you're mentally strong enough. That's how some folks get stuck there. Other folks get stuck there because its one notch above your world in frequency, one step closer to the higher spiritual realms (The SPIRIT WORLD MAN!), so if you don't know your there, and your mind THINKS (not knows) it's still on earth your reality, then guess who's gonna be there for a few lifetimes until they get it and then move on down the bright light pipeline to everything? Not me. But yeah... limbo. How low can you go. Its up to you.
Anyways, A carton of eggs, a gallon of milk and a swisher-butter. Wait--what? So we were "jogging" and as you can see in the picturegraph, there's a bridge there in the "real world" but a woodsy area in limbo. Same place if you were to look up the coordinates, but different realities over.. lapping... so to speak. All of it's real, just depends on where your head is at, ya know? So, dig, we started down the trail and Charlie took a pic while we were shifting from the one level (limbo), right, and crossing over into 'your' "real world" is where the picture happened. You can see how if you're not in the right place at the right time during a shift, you might end up with a tree or something in a place of your body you won't want to have a tree stuck in. Hahahahahaa. Naw, i'm joking. But your "body" (your self, your being) is different when in the shift, so you can move out of the way and everything, it's not as dangerous as i was saying. That would be interesting though. I should try that with a quarter or something, see if it ends up in my foot like them folks who got sucked inside the walls of that Philadelphia Experiment. A quarter wouldn't be bad. I could focus enough to get it back out. A tree? Thaaaaaat's gonna take a lot of a lot.
We call limbo "The Corners". I don't know how much of the blog and adventures here you've checked out so far, but it may come up now and then. Kinda hard to escape it. You might also hear about the Xis. The Xis is like X marks the spot, but also the Axis, places where... hmmm... stuff can happen. Ok so, limbo is another layer. There's your reality, Layer A. And Limbo, Layer B. Now there's this planet in the future about a thousand years from now with human life on it and some other stuff. Lets call that layer C. And lets throw it back to before dinosaurs but after Avalon and call that Layer D. Now, if you stand in one spot, and usually its near a body of water, so sometimes as water (oceans, lakes, blah blah blah) dry up and the surface of the earth changes, the Xis change... anyways, so, stand in one spot. That spot exists in each of those layers, only you're experiencing it in the layer you're stuck in. Layer A. We could be standing right next to you in layer B and you'd hardly know. Spiritually you might feel something weird. Dogs and cats and animals can see thru layers. Now, if that spot is on the Xis, then there's a hole there. ALL OF THOSE LAYERS are tuned to the same frequency in that spot. Which is why when the land changes, it changes the frequency, so a Xis might close. Or one might open up. I'm not really sure how they open, but i know that's how they close. SO, if you CAN'T shift into limbo, which is a gateway to all of the layers, but you have to do the work yourself there... then find the Xis, and it's already open. You just have to understand where you wanna come out at. But it's dangerous because anything can come thru. Usually, around those areas are guardians too, to make sure nothing too volatile gets thru. Oh, dude, they're WELL ARMED and know a loooootta shit, so if you think you're gonna just walk on thru to take over some other reality, HA! Ppffft. Maaaan, they will fuck you up. Like Archangel Michael trained 300 Spartan Xpendibles versions of Leon Wick the at Xavier's Bruce Lee Hulk Maul's school for Air Bending and twice as in'saiyan... but always in their prime-- that kinda fuck you up. Monster stompers. They're why some things at the bottom of oceans stay down there. They ain't coming thru that X. Not with them guards there. Long story short, its called "The Corners" because, yeah, things you see out of the corner of your eye, but when you look it's gone.
Anyways, shifting... I dunno, you just gotta do it one day. It's hard for me to explain it cause i'm a cartoon and i been doing it my whole life just about. First few times are a little wild, and you gotta remember, if you go to one world for too long you become a part of it... like you get stuck there. It becomes "reality" to you. Well, i mean you CAN get stuck there. Depends on how strong your mind is, what you're connected to. It's why a lotta y'alls human folks think your body is your self. It's just your body, a thing you shifted into and made up to move around in that world in. But your mind got so comfortable in it, so attached... connected. OH CRAP, and DUDE you most DEFINITELY wanna guard entry points to your body. Ok, so, dig it, you know how there's the Xis, right? So another way to view them is like the earth's Chakras. If you're in the throat chakra point, you do throat chakra stuff to access it. You wear those colors, have that smell, everything of that frequency.... YOUR BODY is the same. So things can get in and out if you're not guarded. But that's if you leave your body to go thru. You can just go thru with your body... if they let you. Usually they're cool about it. The level of discernment and ability to read things the guards have is pretty incredible. Maybe because they can see the whole string of you going thru, like what it'll do, where you came from, why you're there. I dunno, man, some folks'll dig what i mean, and some won't dig it. C'est la guerre, ya know? Pretty cool picture tho i guess. It's hard to get a picture of that. Again, depends on where you're at.
