No, that's not creepy at all. What do you mean it's creepy? You're creepy. Anyways... creep... so, most people see the pic of the place we call home right there and get all creeped out. Then they find out what it is, and are more creeped out. Haha. We had a picture of the front, but it vanished. Like the spot where the pic was on the phone just comes up as a black square. The whole pic, just blacked out. Thanks a lot Jeffery. Jeffery is the doorman. Wears the green suit like a drum major with a mini fez-kufi crown. If he don't want you in, you ain't getting in. If he don't want you out... well, we have windows. Maybe it wasn't Jeff. One of the nurses may have taken it. Them and technology... hmm... yup. Weird things. I don't know. Anyways, yeah, so it was a home... back in the I don't know what. George Washington days? I don't know man, i wasn't born. Anyways, it sat, I don't know the history of that part, but in the 20's it became a stash spot for bootleggers. It was burned down and falling over, all abandoned and fubar by then, or so Crooks, a guy here, says. After that it was kinda torn down but built back up even bigger, and used as an insane asylum project, off the books, from the 1940's - the mid 1970's (i think around '73 or '74). After that it was abandoned due to another fire, and then it was a spaceship (drug house) and some folks threw parties in there but it didn't last long because it was haunted. And so it kinda sat there as an abandoned place until we came up on it.
It's not a really large place, but it housed quite a few people. All of this comes to us by way of our housemates. We'll get to that. Anyways, so, due to inhumane conditions (a few people were reported as abused, tortured, malnourished and assaulted, left to chew through ropes from experiments that left them bound in their own feces and nightmares... and murdered, numerous people had vanished, some came back... different... yadda yadda yadda) and a small uprising that lead to a fire where some of those tortured broke free, ran amuck (those wacky insane inmates) found the medication storage rooms, and then found the medical and surgical supplies... So then you had a bunch of angry medicated crazies and unrulies, unsure of what reality is, wielding empty needles and blades... Rip-snorting good times, aye? Shame there was no McMurphy to drum up a baseball game and pass out a few cigs, even a dime, to calm things down. Well, that kinda blew the whistle on the place, and it was condemned after investigations and arrests, couple more bodies, some stuff about pharmaceutical companies and testing to make a virus, and a whole big mess. That certainly explains the hauntings. I mean, its not all "Exorcist"istic or "The House"ish, well maybe a little... but its not as bad as Amnittyville. To us, its more like if Peter Pan and Jack Skellington joined forces and lived at the hotel in The Shining, or even The House on Haunted Hill... with the Holodeck.
Anyways, yeah, it got shut down. Whatever experiments were going on, got relocated. So, it sat there for years after the whole scandal settled down, abandoned and boarded up. A few parts fell down, the usual wear and tear you'd expect from the weather in Philly, with the snow and hurricanes and crazy heat, but it still had promise. Nothing some TLC couldn't fix. No, not the group. As amazing as that would be... no. Focus. So... i mean, abandoned house in Philly, right, so of course it had served its time as a crack house and who knows whatever else in its pure abandonment phase, especially being a rather large structure in not so much the best part of town, somewhere around that somewhere between Frankford Ave & 7th, and Girard area, but it had character. She just sat there.... with all her ghosts and history. Waiting.
Flash forward (or slightly pan over?) to the clowns. We were roaming around, doing circus gigs, private clown gigs, freestyling... this was Tyy, Byrdo, and me (Zeph). So we formed our group, Tyy and me, and Byrdo was around doing shows in a camp called MIXED MEDIUMS. So we'd slip over to his mom's spot where he was in Mt. Airy/G-Town, working on doing songs and just exploring options. Later on we got Slikk (Bearnard) into the group and things solidified. We needed a place to really call our own and build. While looking for a place to set up shop once we all formed the band, we just kinda couch surfed, gigged, hoteled, and generally bummed around Philly until this place came up. It was perfect. We kicked it there, and found out immediately after the first night about the character and charm of the place. But, i mean... we're clowns, man. Cartoon clowns. This was just the type of crazy we'd expect, and after getting to know some of the residents and their stories, we all kinda just got along.
Then we met Charlie. Slikk comes around like, "I met this young lady and i think she might be a good addition to the band. She'd be a huge asset. A real game changer." Now, ok, granted HE WAS RIGHT, at first you say to yourself, "What kind of girl hears... from a bear, 'my bandmates are clowns... and we live in an abandoned haunted insane asylum. Wanna come hang out?'" and says, "Yes... i will join this band." I'll tell ya what kinda girl, the CHARLIE kind. Man, we first saw her, and it was like everyone, 'Wings.. you have wings." The shock of it makes you kinda blurt it out, don't mean to, and i was immediately waiting for the Kira/Dark Crystal comeback "Of course i have wings. I'm a girl." but she was madd cool about everything. She just strolled around like, "Nice place. How's the acoustics?"
So, a bear, two clowns, and a daylight (sometimes folks call vampire-angel hybrids Daylights) are squatting in a haunted insane asylum, while working on some tunes. Great times. Learned a lot. Still learning too. But, squatting, that the thing. So we were like, how do we just flat out buy this place? Do we turn on some bills and go the imminent domain route? Maybe an auction? Jeeze, how much is this place gonna cost?! We didn't think we could afford it at all, but we didn't care, we were still going to go for it. You have to at least try to get your dreams, ya know? I mean this place was big enough for us all to jam in, but also be apart from each other when we needed to, and had enough space to throw a party or do whatever we wanted. Charlie reads a lot, so we could toss in a library room... Tyy's into graffiti, so he could tag an entire floor if he wanted... everything was there. It was perfect.
Charlie and Byrdo (and some friends) called around, trying to see how to go about acquiring the place, but we kept getting the run around. Turns out that the place was to be demolished, and some housing projects built in its place. Easy to understand. Get paid a bunch of money to put some folks in a prison where they build the walls... all a part of the plan. Problem is the ghosts and things around there didn't like that idea. I was awesome. They were PISSED. For them who were imprisoned and tortured, their minds messed with, horrible food and living conditions, everything opposite of the Panthers 10 Point Program, things COMMUNITIES are built on, they were going to lose their home, and ours, AGAIN, for the same government to screw more people over? They caused as much of a ruckus as they could, but still... money is money. It's setting its self up as a prime deity here and if y'all don't get smart you're going to keep losing out on heavens for the illusion of these digital parking lot drive-ins. Projects... tearing down Asylums to build projects. History repeats. Yeah, you get houses, but dude... you're in the projects. No matter how nice they try to make it.... projects. But, the only thing illegal in this world is getting caught, and the number one way to get caught is messing with the money, so the money won, and the band of misfit kids got kicked to the curb. No, this is the halfway point in the story. See them paragraphs down there?
We really loved the place, and it really loved us, so when it came crashing down, we had our little memorial. That's when Jeff had the idea, "Why not just come and kick it in the corner?" The corner is sometimes what folks who shift levels call Limbo, or the In-between. Sometimes they call it the Xis, like Cross "X" and Axis, for places with portals and higher more active incidents and energy. Xis is usually for more than spiritual things though. At the Xis cartoons can turn "real" and vice versa. You can get to other versions and times thru the Xis, just depends on your focus. But yeah, the Corner... because it's things you see out of the corner of your eye. That's more spiritual. Things about your world, but other dimensions. Everything in the corner is there in your world, just a different shade, but the Xis may be galaxies away or other realms, and pop up on your doorstep... if that makes any sense. So, yeah, we were to become corner kids. A glimpse into another world. Not a bad idea. The energy was there. The need was there. Everything was pretty lined up. So, we all kind of teamed up and resurrected it in its original place, only in the limbo world. So, yes, we live in the asylum, in limbo, which is between here and everywhere else... and that's why everything recorded says "recorded at the asylum (whatever chamber/room)."
So, that's The Asylum. It's a ghost of the building, because in the real world the building was demolished and some housing projects built where it stands, but there was a lot of energy there, and when it was just an abandoned building we'd crash there and jam out. Horrible history, that place, and some of the rooms in limbo reflect. Some we don't even go in. Ha, you can hardly see it in this pic, but we have more. No worries. Anyways, so, in the limbo world (between worlds) it's just a matter of focusing on the frequency, and boom, the ghost shell of the place is livable... but in Limbo World. There's a family living in a nice house here now. If only they knew. Because of that it's a liiiiittle tricky to enter and exit. Anyways, we took this outside of the Asylum. That place is a character... unofficial band member too, lol...

#TheZEPHANIAHchesterfieldPROJECT#CARTOONband#VIRTUALband#CLOWNband#MUSICIANlife#ONtour#OFFgrid#NEWanime#COMICS#ANTIhero#PORTALS#TELEPORTATION#SPIRITUALgrid#THEtruthBEHIND#DAILYadventures#SciFi#ParanormalUNEXPLAINED#ANGELSandDEMONS#REALITY#OTHERworlds#DiveBars#BETWEENworlds#GhostSTORIES#BARstories#SONGwriting#MUSICproduction#XIs#TheCorner#Consciousness#BEINGBEingBeing#RAISEvibration#Understanding#MINDbodySOUL#SupremeBEING#FreedomFROMwithin#FindYOURpower#IAM#SpiritualFREEDOM#MentalFREEDOM#BREAKtheCHAIN#BREAKtheCYCLE#FREEyourMIND#WALKinYOURpower#WALKinYOURtruth#UNDERSTANDINGspirit#Vampires#Clown#Panda#Animation#Illustration#BehindTHEscenes#CONSCIOUSfiction#ConsciousMusic#ConsciousArt#Vibration#Frequency #Limbo #TheAsylum #InsaneAsylum #HauntedHouse #HauntedGraveyard #AbandonedHomes #Squatting #BetweenWorlds