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Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

medium: digital illustration/photograph

Drugs and Illusions, both one in the same really. Distractions, it's "making One's mind" so to speak, a shifting of focus. I get into that a lot. It's a serious thing to me. Only because freedom is a serious thing to me. Knowing one's mind to make it... like knowing your self enough to make your own mind, and understand what's happening there to make sure that you are in fact the one who is... making... your... mind... freely.... that's a serious thing to me. There's a lot out there that's designed to keep you from that. There's a lot out there who's intentions are to keep you from that. I don't like that, and i take that personal. How else is a person supposed to take it?

Most of the drugs and illusions are represented here, so if you dig on those things that are "really saying something" then you can call this art. I know, some of y'all are thinking, "Most of the drugs and illusions... represented? I don't see any drugs, and what illusions? And if this isn't art, what is it?" Well mainly they all come from understanding and being understood, right, every drug and illusion or perception comes from that, multiplied by want. I'll try to condense that thought.... all distractions come from understanding being the focus, which is where all perceptions come from. A distraction is just a perception, but not one you may be aware you've been given or led to. The more you want, especially wanting to understand (and the thing that's wanted to be understood the most is "self") then the easier it is to distract you and give you false perceptions. Yes, that was longer, but it's more to the point at the same time. So, to get back to peace and lack of self (which could be viewed as open free space) we, the people, either go thru the fire from money to nothing, or from nothing to money. The fire that divides you fixed on money vs you free and open in space is the understanding of the separation of the two ways of being... and WHY. That's a personal thing. You pick your weapon. Choose your destiny... what's your drug of choice. You pick, every moment, but it's better to know and understand what you know when you deal with WHY you pick what you picked.The dollar is the fundamental unit of currency, the base unit (the al-qaeda) ... quarter is a quarter (1/4th) of a dollar.. $20 is twenty one dollar bills, you get it.... and there's a faded but still very "red" power there. It pushes buttons. It's what's read between the lines, and a lot of times is the bottom line, the underlining thing. A BIG one. The circle or cycle of it, even the calling it "currency" is a bit of a mockery. Like how money is green so you associate it with what's natural, green, life-sustaining. It's got GOD in it, but not God in it. A lot of people play around in that. That's a hell of a song to tamper with. A lot of frequencies in there, and when that One button is pushed, there's a lot if rising and falling because of those vibes. Public speakers, especially paid ones, "artists" or not, are all artists, and keys to that vibe. Music is a ghost in that whole system. It's actually pretty self-explanatory. Of course, i am in sane, so.... this way of expression makes sense to ME. Dollars to you, especially if you deal in art. All of these undertones and subtexts are why this is called "Freebass".

If it had a sound, maybe it would sound like this one song we did called "THE PRESENT (a.k.a. The Nu Slo)" which sounds like this...

#TheZEPHANIAHchesterfieldPROJECT#CARTOONband#VIRTUALband#CLOWNband#MUSICIANlife#ONtour#OFFgrid#NEWanime#COMICS#ANTIhero#PORTALS#TELEPORTATION#SPIRITUALgrid#THEtruthBEHIND#DAILYadventures#SciFi#ParanormalUNEXPLAINED#ANGELSandDEMONS#REALITY#OTHERworlds#DiveBars#BETWEENworlds#GhostSTORIES#BARstories#SONGwriting#MUSICproduction#XIs#TheCorner#Consciousness#BEINGBEingBeing#RAISEvibration#Understanding#MINDbodySOUL#SupremeBEING#FreedomFROMwithin#FindYOURpower#IAM#SpiritualFREEDOM#MentalFREEDOM#BREAKtheCHAIN#BREAKtheCYCLE#FREEyourMIND#WALKinYOURpower#WALKinYOURtruth#UNDERSTANDINGspirit#Vampires#Clown#Panda#Animation#Illustration#BehindTHEscenes#CONSCIOUSfiction#ConsciousMusic#ConsciousArt#Vibration#Frequency#Blues#Rock#Punk#HipHop#Rap#Jazz#World#Indie#Pop#80s#Experimental#behindthescenes#lyrics#songsexplained#downloadsong #artwork



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all artworks and expression here ©1998 by The Zephaniah Chesterfield Project. Unauthorized usage yields penalty up to death and/or eternal torture and damnation. is your daddy. Death 2 Demiurge.

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