I guess it would come down to what "IT ALL" actually is to understand how you're boxed in by it. Thinking is a thing sometimes. Everything is something to do though.
So, this one time i was in a bar i go to now and then, "Hole in the Voiall" which is in limbo Philadelphia, kinda near the waterfront, just off of Brown St. but that's where it lets out. It's a long short story i'm not getting into now, but you can come out there if you go into one of the bathrooms. Everyone trips out on how to say it, it's "VALL" like WALL if you cut the W in half and only had a V... a blend of Hole in the Wall and Hole in the Void.... or a Hole in the void in the wall. Something like that.
Anyways, so i'm at the bar, right, and Zraela was working, which was off because it was a Wednesday and Scotty usually works Wednesdays. If you've been there, you know she's the one with the purple eyes. If you're not familiar with the place, then she's the one with the purple eyes. Kinda reminds you of Jade from Mortal Kombat or something. I dunno. This sticks out, the eye thing, because the place looks like a Lazer tag spot, if anything, with all of that movie theater or arcade looking carpet in there, and the lights and all, but it's a cool spot. The lights make her eyes glow, and you think it's a rave or something with all of edm and house she plays. I dunno. The music is more laid back when Scotty is there. But she's a cutie, so...
Anyways, yeah, so i strolls in, and she's all, "Hey Clown." which the three people sitting at the bar turn around like a monster walked in. There were a few people there, which again, it was like 6pm on a wednesday, so it was kinda funny to see anyone who wasn't a regular there at that time, but you figure, they must know Z.... the other Z, not me. Zraela. I hate spelling her name. My friggin fingers always get tripped up. Really, just try to type it. Friggin sux. I gotta tell her about that, or if she reads this then HEY, MAKE YOUR NAME EASIER TO SPELL. Anyways, so yeah, these three kids in there sitting at the bar. One couple, obviously, and it was more and more obvious the more drunk he got as the night progressed, and he got more and more touchy feely with Jessica, his name was Chris. No wait, Craig? Christian? I kept calling him Chris, so... Chris. I only remember her name was Jessica because to hear a drunk person spraying "s"s all over you talking about how her hhhhaaaair and all that other crap... "Jess.... Jesssss..... babe... bab--JESSssssssss" spit spit spit spit sssssssplurp. I needed a frickin poncho with that guy. He was all huggy with, well, pretty much everyone. I dunno, some folks just... don't need drinks. I know. Goes against most of what i believe in. "Drinks and people are made to be drunk." Dig me, but in this case... tap out bro. You could call it cute? That newly puppy-love shit, where they hold pinky fingers and he's all extra polite, even though he's beet red with drunkenness and can hardly keep his eyes open, he's still staggering tot he bar to get her drinks. I dunno. We've all been there i guess. Or not. It was cute to see though. Sometimes you like to see that now and then to remind you that not everyone is so cold and programmed, and folks actually dig each other on more than a sexual level.
Which brings me to Becca. The one who's name i DO remember without some kinda weird association. She was on her phone when i came in, and did a double take. It's funny to see people so into their phones now, but then something in the real world just throws them off and competes for their attention, but they're so phronegrammed that they don't know what to do. Saw this one thing on that "1,000 Ways To Die" show, think i was at this bar actually, watching it, and some guy and his chick were text-arguing, and he was picking her up from the mall... they were arguing about whatever, and he ends up running her over because she walked out in front of him... neither one was looking because they were both on the phone. BWAHAHA. Anyways... She was going back and forth like, "AAh, phone! But, real life clown... but phone... clown.. AH!" Hahahahahahaha. Aw man, gold. Turns out she was third or fifth wheel? I dunno. You could say I ended up being drunk-ass Chris' wingman, keeping her company for their time there? Meh, i didn't see it that way. If anything, i was maybe a relief for her. I won't get into the whole situation, but I filled in. Sometimes plans don't pan out, blind dates and all. Glad i was there. She was madd cool, son! Made the night worth it.
EDM nights are ok. It was a bit of an 80's synthwave thing that night. They had 3 dj's there, rotating. I remember this one song was "Warriors of Faith"... I had to go look that one up when i got back in. Anyways, so, I dunno, i guess she wouldn't mind me yammering on about it... we ended up hanging out for most of the night that night. Zraela knew Jess ((shutters... something just isn't right about that name to me. Jessica is cooler. To me. Don't go and Jess it up.)) and was setting Becca up, and so they dropped by the bar because it was a cool neutral place. Supposedly everyone was into the music and the scene that night. So, Becca was waiting for someone, and Z kinda picks up on what's going on and tells me to keep her company, just "check in on my girl for me, make sure she's not bored." and she did that "NO" waving finger thing. As if i was gonna try something slick with her or something. I'm a little flirty maybe, but c'mon Z. Anyways, so i was back and forth between just hanging out with some regulars that came in and out, and checking on Becca, who was cool. She beat me at Foosball, which i don't know how to play anyways, and i don't think anyone does but her and Fish (guy i met, Ron Fisher, very cool dude, is a foosball champ in a bar circuit in Pa). I didn't know korean chicks were into that. Just goes to show... books and covers.
Seriously, you look at this chick, right, and you go, "Hmm... she's mixed, looks like Blasian," which is fucked up to say, but it gets said more than you think, " or Latina or flip or something..." which she was Korean and Bahamian? I don't know what to call folks from the Bahamas. She just said "My dad's from the Bahamas." so i guess that's what it is. "From the Bahamas." I don't know how many Bahamas there are for them to be THEE Bahamas, but there they are. I dunno. I'm a frickin cartoon clown, man, there's a lot i don't know, and proud of it!.... anyways, you look at that, and she's wearing a COBRA t-shirt with an Addidas jacket... a little nerdy looking, but cool, right? And you're like, "EDM tonight... I bet she's either on Roblox or Tarraria or something, frickin Fortnite when she gets home, or something like that..." But nope... beer pong playing, blues music digging, talking about Jill Scott and Gil-Scott... James Baldwin, Gwendolyn Brooks, Sonya Sanchez, Nikki Giovanni, Amiri Baracka, Saul Williams reading... EL-train, hack cabbin, East Coast is my SHIIIIIIIT Philly Chick. A lot of folks get passed over because folks never take the time to get to know who they're looking at. At one point we slipped out to just walk around a bit, get out of the music and hear our own thoughts and conversation. She was talking about mobbing down 2nd st to Brave New Worlds (Comic Book shop, off Arch) and i was like... "You're not a real person." We ended up at a Starbucks, but drinking a flask she had. It was a good hike too, there and back. Wandering aimlessly. Life happens like that. You go somewhere for one thing, and end up sipping peach and green apple vodka blend that we ended up cutting with red Tampico... talking about how homeless people and gangs should clique up like the Bowery King or the crew at the Paper St. Soap Company, and what was really going on in that Jupiter Ascending movie with them juicing people to live longer and dragon lizard partners in their business. She was even getting into Jupiter being a god associated with a color and a month, a whole Jupiter is Zadkiel (angel) and it also has to do with the planet's retrograde, which ends around November in 2020, which is also when some other things were supposed to go down. How selfie mode on most phones makes it easier to cast spells because it flips the words backwards, so you have to hold them up to a mirror and can't tell what you're reading now... that came up. How dumb it was that Dodge Ram is two companies now, but it's smart to wash money maybe.... that came up. That whole "Degrees of Kevin Bacon" thing came up. At the height of the night we were listening to Maserati "Monoliths" and "Inventions" on her phone, each with one ear of the headphones like we knew each other for ever, watching the lights pass overhead in the hack, splitting some sushi from Tuna Bar (off Race) heading back to the bar. Sushi and Vodka... not the best mix, but not the worst. Given the company, who cares. There are moments where you let go, and then living can let go, and then life can just be life.
There's a lot of people out there in the world that are more alike than they think, but so locked up and disconnected from the world and each other to find that out. Kinda sad how so many people are missing out on the whole point of this way of being, which is to understand and be understood, by all, or as many as possible... as many as are willing. I dunno, that's one perception. Dig it, folks get so boxed in by things... a lot of things we even block ourselves in with. Perceptions, expectations, assumptions.... all them negative "-ions", man. Ism's and ideals. The world is a lot more free than it's sold to you to be. I hope folks truly dig on that, and then we can all get down to reveling in the pure coolness and beauty of it all. Fuck all that media shit. Fuck all of that judgmental shit. Fuck all of these worthless opinions that think they're gold, but ain't even rooted in anything concrete. Most folks haven't made their own mind in so long they don't even know what their true options are anymore, it's disturbing. So many images and vibes, sounds, laws, ways, spirits... so much bullshit has been slathered on the souls here, its hard to shake yourself free. Eeeeeeeeverything wants a piece of you, and you didn't even ask to be.... sometimes don't even care to be. But here we are. That open space.. that freedom? That person that allows you to just be you? Respect that. Cherish that. When you have it, run as hard and as far and as fast as you can.
Once Becca got over her phone and whatever perceptions she had of clowns before that night, and i got over whatever the heck i was thinking, we had a really cool time. Even folks thinking about electro music might hear that song and be like, "Yo, that's actually pretty dope." True, there's always a danger in everything, but it's not so much a danger when you know it's there. Just know what to look out for when you open yourself up to things. Know that things are gonna lurk and try to steal your energy and focus, your attention.. your mind. Sucks, but that's the game we're in, dig me? But don't let that cheat you out of the freedom of being your open self. Money is a biiiig piece of shit in this game. Try not to let that hold you back either. Knowing the bouncers and bartenders helps. Knowing your self helps as well, dig me? So many folks hold back on being their self. That time is over. Be free. Be you. Dig on the rules. Set your boundaries. Know you're limitless. And be, man... just be. As honest as you can. Be open to forgive and let go. Be open to understand, always, because that gets you beyond light years ahead.
Anyways, we caught a hack back, which is rare, but they're out in some spots. Turns out the fool she was supposed to be meeting up with never showed. Chris was allllll sloppy by the time we got back, and Jess... omg, i said it... ugh... Jessica... was beyond ready to take his drunk ass home and leave him there. The music had gotten weird anyways, or we were passed that by then, so i walked them to their lyft and they bounced. Went back in, kicked it with Z for a little while and then headed back to the nuthouse here. That was a dope night. For a Wednesday.
Dig it, man, i know there's a lot of de- stuff going on right now. Dehumanization, depopulation, depression.... a lot of devious crap from governments and just all types of bullshit. It's draining. Don't let it break you. Don't be fooled and herded like a sheep into a box for the slaughter. This is your world. You know it. "They".... om-f'in-g "THEY"...... They appeal to your logic. They play with your emotions. They twist and manipulate the vibes and frequencies to hook into your soul by saturating you with spirits, spinning your eyes, stealing your focus, shifting your energy. They've got it down to a science. I'mma tell you something i was told in a "monster bar", right, and it's, "The devil's worst lies are when he tells you the truth. It's because he's using the truth to lie. If he told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, he'd have nothing to say." A vampire told me that. You'd be surprised how many vampires have trouble being vampires. Of course it's the same as how "minorities" especially black people have trouble being them... which... is because of these boxes. This whole boxing in and de-humanizing. Not telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Taking away freedoms with these brainwashed images and ideals, "-ions" and "-isms".... bullshitting the cool shit out of everything. It's disgusting. Don't fall for it. Get out of that game. Make your own mind. Be your self. You don't fear or question what you understand. There's room for nothing but acceptance, and that done personally is love. Dig me?
That story ain't got much to do with this pic being taken, but they say the same thing. "Warriors of the Faith" that's the song. It's below the pic.
