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Droids, or not... Art'is History... (Mos Isely bar, and a deli in the Bronx)

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

SO, these two fools actually walked around here with a photoshopped picture of MOSDEF blended in with The Isley Brothers taking selfies WITH android phones... ON ANDROID PHONES (like a phone showing you a picture of people taking pictures with that phone).... and asked eeeeevery trooper they saw "Is this the DROID you're looking for?" and then laughing and running away. Now, true... if you didn't get any of that, you wouldn't have been there... on that planet... at that bar in the first place. But for those of you who did get all of that... Welcome to Tyy's sick little mind. Hilarious but annoying things like that are why we love Tyy. I don't know how Flaps got suckered into it. K'nuckles was probably inside the bar. Flaps was just down for some adventure i guess. If you still didn't get it, Mos... Isleys... Droids. Yeah, doing that to THOSE drunk people coming out of THAT bar? Dangerous, but... it's Tyy, man.

Slikk and me were in a bar talking to a promoter about a gig and they came in all giggly and told us of the adventures they were having out there. Sometimes i wonder what's wrong with younger people today, but at least they had an actual thought... of their own... and followed through with it. Can't be mad at that, right?... no? Ah well, kids being kids. Like it's been said, "It is said that what is called "the spirit of an age" is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end. For this reason, although one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation. -- Tsunetomo Yamamoto (Samurai)

Still interesting how things are progressing. For them to know that about that thing happening at that bar is pretty cool, because it's something that happened long long ago... ya know? And a lot of "things" are out to erase and re-brand history for the sake of controlling the youth. Stories retold to make sales, instead of educating so that the darker and more captivating, in a sense of impeding or hindering or just slowing even (Snagglepus, i miss that kat) spiritual progression and motion, ways of being aren't repeated. Not that you can repeat a thing, you just say the same thing again with new air and new energy. So it's not repeating, technically, but it is, technically. Hahahaha. Whatever. Which reminds me of a conversation and a thing i'll ask you about at the end of all this. Cool? I'm gonna pretend you said "Coolio" and we're moving on...

So, dig this... Some very cute short chick, Grace, working at a coffee shop in the Bronx (NY, your reality) got into this long conversation about olives, kinda. We ended up talking about DOES HISTORY ACTUALLY REPEAT? See, things are presented to you... for a reason. The issue of slavery, for example. Folks say that today there are still slaves and slavery. It never went away. Other say it went away and history is repeating. Either way, they both feel like slavery was in the past, and is again in the present. Now, for history to repeat, she was saying, and we both kinda came to an agreement, then the exact same thing at the same time, same reasons, same words and actions and outcomes... THAT would be history repeating, however it's not possible since the mind experiencing it is NEW, not a part of that history, which is why it recognizes it's environment and it's playing out as "history... repeating" as opposed to folks who are a part of that history seeing it as "right now happening right now. The present being the present." She was more into the politics of it all, and why it's re-branded and resold, because it's good business. To understand what "business" you'd have to look at soul and spirit energy and understand a few things there. Don't worry, we'll get back to the history lesson she gave me. It was deep. I did get my olives too.

So, nothing personal, but art is a business. See, living is the business of the art of life. In the art of life, everything is already. In the living, the expressing of life, that's where the artists come alive and are painting. Business is about the managing of the power and energy flow (currency) of the system. In life, the system is Beings BEing. The currency is spirit. The flow is relationships, the vibe and spirit and understanding between individuals. That's whatever. Maybe too deep for this conversation.

So she was telling me about a book i still have yet to read, but it's on my list. "A People's History of the United States"... HA, you thought i was gonna say something like that, Billy Coop book "Behold A Pale Horse." Nah, but she mentioned that too. We just got into a conversation that started with Olives, and how they got to America... cause i wanted olives on my sandwich... yadda yadda yadda, bunch of books and cap came up. ANYWAYS, dig, so this one is supposed to be about how the folks who set things up here were jerks for the most, and a lot of corruption and manipulation... I don't know if it gets into that whole Washington and the chopping down of the Cherry Tree, which i was told by another cool kat named Sabir is a representation of him erasing the history of the Moors here first, their flag or tree was the Cherry Tree. She did get into some stuff about Moors though. Cute librarian looking chick, Gracie Gracie Gracie... mmhmm.. which is stereotypical and chauvinistic to say, but a nerdy chick talking about books cause a clown says "Can i get olives?".... librarian, dude!?! Anyways, she was all on the tip of how metaphorically, chopping down theirs to put up your own, leads to a changing of ownership, theft of the land, like how all the "Indians" were dealt with... and slavery is maintained and they were all pirates and killers growing hemp and maybe not smoking weed but some crap she was going on about. You know how you get lost in some folks's cuteness when you see them all passionate bout something that brings their life to full pure living? Like they're pure in their being when they get into their thing. You can see the fire and the water, the balance... its the most beautiful thing ever. Tried by best to not flirt. Tried.

Anways, dead indians which ain't indians cause this ain't india where they were trying to go cause the folks who've been there are were FROM there who were sailing the ships were like, "NEWP, we ain't taking your murderous disease infested pirate asses to plunder our people, we'll drop you off over here." and they got there and the folks who came FROM the indies naturally looked like folks in the indies, so they called them "indians" and they were like, "Noooo, we're from HERE. We have tribes.... from HERE.... we're the PEOPLE... from HERE. The indigenous People... from... here." and the "settlers" were like, "No, you're wrong. We're right. You're indians." You can't settle a place already settled.... you can't discover a place already discovered, but you CAN COVER that dis-covery and then brand your RE-DIS-Covering as an 'original'.... man she was going in... cutest thing ever. Chicks with minds and passion... nothing like it. But yeah, dead not-indian indians and slavery, and afterwards leading to things like the Fugitive Slave Act, and how it relates to kids tales/songs like that whole "Innie Minnie Miny Moe, catch a nigger by the toe, if he hollers "MO/Moor" let him go..." because the Moors were free, as in NOT SLAVES, as in were the ones sailing the ships that brought folks here in the first place and were already here, owning land, with their own places... So to TAKE THAT FROM THEM, you have to say that they were ALL slaves... so take that part out and put in, "catch a nigger by the toe, if he won't work then let him go"... but then they ALL got "free'd"... or emancipated... by the emancipation proclamation.... (and then free'd again on Juneteenth.... again...) so you have to turn the nigger to a tiger and a piggy cause piggies are cute, and catching niggers who were actually free Moors to steal their land and make them a slave on it is kinda ugly. I dunno, I'm just a clown and it's a thing a chick at a coffee spot in the Bronx was telling me. The Bronx is interesting.

If you want a more accurate account of what happened, you can start with a history book, look through it for all of the artwork you can find, and then use that artwork as a starting point. It's all dealt though the art, the expression, of the actual people. The poetry, the paintings, the clothing, foods, the music... all of it tells what was really going on and WHY, and how folks actually dealt with it. Art is one of the most important things around. Art-is-fact, artifacts... since all facts are just the most accepted bits of honestly dealt opinion anyways. There's artwork from people "for" the cause, "against" the cause, "sick of" the cause... "ignorant to" the cause.... all sides are written on the walls. All sides present are re-presented individually,in each line and drop. It's the government that paints over the streets R.I.P. bomb mural, to put up a commissioned mural about what they think gang violence is, to be done by someone who doesn't live there. "Clearing the trash off the walls" so the area is presented in a better light.... than the people who live there presented. That's the money's art. The graffiti that was there was the soul of the streets, expressed through the spirit of graffiti in that mural that got whited out.

So, i left with a bomb sandwich, some ok coffee, a list of some books and things to consider, and the memory of a verrrrrrry cute librarian barista. And life is still being lived. Beat goes on. Dig it, how much of your currency (spirit) is wasted, or sold/sold-out for the sake of money? It's like the pure art of life is being photoshopped by the vision of money. Artists aren't painting and creating with the same old tools, in the same spirits. The whole soul and fiber and fabric of it is being shifted. BEing shifted. That means ongoing. That means it can go whichever direction you take it. SO, another question... where are you taking it? What's your art saying? You can't repeat the past, you can only play the past out in the present and the outcome will be something new because it's happening in a new time with new people... for whatever reason the original artists, and the money monarchy are "making" art for. Interesting no? "Mos... Isleys... Droids"..... maaaaan (smh).

Tyy and Flaps pranking in Mos Isely

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