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Cultured Beings... (Museums in Philly)

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

TBT!!!! Or whatever day this is... it's a throw back. A keeper, but a throw back. So that a pic of me and tyy.. doin... stuff... with middle fingers apparently. I mean, you have 'em so might as well use 'em, aye? Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Plus middle fingers are to be shared with everyone... kinda like those marshmallow peeps or kit-kats. Was that a smile? Anyways, so dig it.. This was in downtown Philly somewhere, i'm thinkin that dinosaur museum or something. Maybe the Art Museum. We hit both in one day. Not as easy as it sounds when you're an artist. On the one hand you want to take it all in, but on the other hand you get so many ideas and such inspiration because the vibe is art, and going into the place you're obviously open to it, so things flow to you naturally. Also why it's good to watch the music you listen to, and why we take a lot of time doing music, especially the lyrics, but all of it, because some folks just go to music openly, and stuff creeps in that might not benefit them. You get out what you put in.

On a side note, ok so how 5G can track your position, and your phone can ping and pick up who you're around. I wonder if they're mapping people through pictures as well? Like seeing who was where, knows who, which gives further insight on where you might go during events or happenings... who you know. Plus everyone's posting pictures with captions, ya know? So it's not only like mapping people's houses with Pokemon Go or something, but you also get all of the juicy details, like how they think and what the picture represents. The psychology behind it all. A funny thing i'll do now and then is go on Google Maps and follow the person with the drone. Easy to do. Just put in a location... then drop that little yellow man in for the street view, and then see which person is in all of the photos, and watch the shadows on the ground. You'll see a van with the tower on top, or you'll see the drone, and one person in EVERY PICTURE as you walk down that whole street, or through that park or zoo (zoo's work perfect, easier to spot them there) or wherever. Just throwing that out there, if you get bored.

Anyways, yeah, we had a museum day, or culture day, whatever.... The Art Museum, pinkies up people call it "The Philadelphia Museum of Art"... snazzy... The Dinosaur One, which i cannot remember the name of right now but it'll come.... and the Franklin Institute, after Ben Franklin who ironically i've never seen in there but have seen roaming around downtown, science experiments, bugs, dinosaurs, a bunch of coolness, i don't know if they still have it but there was a giant heart you could walk through and learn about the heart.... human heart. Pretty cool. Anyways, they'e all in the same cluster right there around MOORE COLLEGE OF ART, if it's still called that... That's a cool spot. Anyways, dig, we were just happy to be back in Philly man, but we were looking for something to do, ya dig?! Picture jumping from world to world, reality to reality, all them different times and places and beings and all that... you get burnt out and want a break. You don't think you would, but trust me, you do. Like if you read all day, and get through a few books... that's a lot of trips. Or if you listened to music all day and journey through all of the eras, memories, emotions and everything that have been pinned to the songs, for whatever reason. It will bring you up at points, and take you down at points. Energy flows like that. Living is balancing. Life is balance. There's a difference. The mental and emotional (spirit) energy may not seem like much to the physical, but they're connected, and mental and emotional stimulation get just as draining as physical stuff. Jumping through portals is a mix of all of that. Just go through a photo album or gallery, thinking of all that stuff, places, people, remembering things so vividly you're there... you're gonna be spent by the end of the day. You need a day off. Some time to just to go and be "regular", whatever that is. So Slikk says to take in some culture. We were like, COOL, so we hit a few museums and then a few bars. It was a good day.

The Philly Art Museum is badass. I always loved going there. I dunno, i have a thing for marble steps. The thing is called the ability to walk. I dunno, it works. I see marble steps, i go all Rocky on em. Sober. Works best sober. Drunk, it gets pretty rocky, yo. Anyways, so the Philly museum is pretty balanced. Armories get me, ya know? If i'm in a museum i'm not leaving until i hit the armory. There's one i think its in DC... NOT.. COMICS... Da Capitol. DC Da Capitol. District of Columbia, but i don't know why the Goddess Columbia has her own district in a country, but she has films and space ships, schools... she must be somebody here. Anyways, one in DC i think it is that has pretty much the history of the gun. One of the most beautiful things i'd ever seen with my toon eyes. I'd cry but i might smear. Everything from David's sling shot to five years from now that's legal to show. Simon Phoenix might be upset... no laser guns, but it was pretty damn close.

I don't know what it is about all of those weapons... you can almost hear the battles, ya know? You feel the energy, but you might overlook the care... its in the detail. People wear these suits of armor, they take these swords and guns, daggers, cloaks... into war. Like WAR. Not "Cisco Kid" , don't let nobody get you down all day music three fingers, War... we're talkin' scarred for life kids, everybody get down! all day air raid sirens and explosions, and all night tracer rounds, one huge middle finger while protesters throw up two fingers WAR. DESTROY EVERYTHING, WAR. All of this work goes into it. That's a lot of sacrifice. Some people make pieces of jewelry and are like, "I hope the buyer isn't too fat, or knows how to match, or appreciates the detail in how i twisted that tiger-eye with that bronze..." This stuff is getting shot at and stabbed. The amount of damage and things these pieces will see, they themselves (the pieces) might hope no one else ever experiences. The weapons and the armor, two opposing forces, both made with respect and class. Not just the materials were picked carefully, but the design, the functionality, the colors... AND it's custom made in a lot of cases, just to fit a specific person. There's family histories sewn into them. This thing has to be light enough for you to escape, but heavy enough for you to stand your ground. It has to bring honor and strike terror into hearts and minds, into souls. It has to be worn proudly by someone who earned it and who's life is depending on it, and it also has to look goooood. Duuuuude, ok, dig this, right... ok, so, i could almost swear that there is or was a suit of armor, medieval (knights shit), with two middle fingers on the breast plate. Like close to where the shoulders were. That is so frickin dope! It's like they were saying, "If i kill you, or you kill me... either way, power to my people, long live the [us], and screw you."... with Celtic interlace and tribal design looking stuff all around it. Badass. There was a Japanese suit i saw, with the coolie/rice "Raiden" hat... made of glass it looked like. Dark greenish blueish glass. I'm like, THAT GUY must have killed EVERYONE because there wasn't a scratch on it. You cant have people swinging swords and spears at your dome and not get a nick unless you're truly badass. I'm thinking that might have been in DC. No, not Detective Com--FOCUS! MUSEUMS!

There was a huge picture in the Philadelphia Museum... the art one... because it was art, dig me? And i was looking at this painting, there with an uncle (Hey Uncle Bri) and i', looking at this picture, right... and the camera was so crispy you could see every skin cell. Black and white photo of a woman's face. Just the face, not even the ears from what i remember. Focus on the eyes, the hair falling over the eyes, every detail was so crisp. The lines in the eyes, the emotion in it.. the lighting was perfect to bring it out but not over dramatize it.To develop it, and on such a large scale, i don't know what it took to pull that off. It was a good 8 to 10 feet tall. TALL. NOT WIDE. It was almost twice as wide as it was tall! I says, "Man... that's a dope photo." Uncle Bri says, "Thats a painting." I dove so far into it again i lost the rest of the room. Each skin cell was placed there, by a hand. The exact colors of which were selected and placed by eyes and a mind. It's the patience and dedication, the creativity and appreciation of gods that does things like that. I got as close as i could without falling in the thing.

Art is one of the most powerful things ever. It's the closest thing you have to understanding WHY creation, your self, God... any and every thing that exists and doesn't is and is a part of art. It's this expression that's just that. An expression. Open and free to all to do what you will with it. The more you understand the more you find beauty in it. Dig it, i find, too, that the more you understand the more there ain't no ugly, only beauty. It can be twisted and extremely complex. It can be not your thing. It could be so pushing the envelope its scary or even look "wrong" but when you get down to the essence of it, trace it back to the one point, you see the vulnerability in every piece, the communication, that spark and pulse that gives everything life, and you begin to see that work of art in everything, and then life and living it becomes art. How you walk. Peoples smiles. How we deal with gain and loss, victories, celebrations, confusion, just blanking out and getting drunk with friends or alone and why... creation of other lives, other worlds, and the dismantling of them. Science and how organized it is, how mathematically balanced and precise being is... it's art. Pretty cool song. To not have an outlet and keep it all in, and finally explode into this wondrous everything makes a big bang theory easily understood.

We spent a lot of time in the Philly Art Museum and that Dinosaur one. Man, i seriously CANNOT remember the name of it... for nothing... and it's bugging me... but that place is cool. They got all them bones and all them different stuffed animals in there. Charlie and Slikk won't go much anymore cause they get weirded out. Understandable. The artist in me doesn't get it, but still... i get it. Slikk because he might have known some of those animals in there or some of their relatives, and nobody want's to see your friend Chris' cousin stuffed on display, ya dig me? People walking around like, "Look how powerful and terrifying that bear is, facing off with that cougar!" and Slikk's like, "He was nothing like that. This is blasphemous! We don't stuff HUMANS and make them do weird stuff to us, so why....??? And this is entertaining, and 'historically accurate' to you people?! They don't even live in the habitat you made up for them?!?! You're all sick!" They both pick up on other things too. Slikk can get the scent of some of those things, and it triggers... things. He cried once, wouldn't say what about. Charlie has that angel half which picks up on spirits, so a lot of things she's just really sensitive about, and sensitive on a few levels. I remember we went to a museum in NY, and she kept turning around, and asked who this lady was following us. There was no lady there. A lot of art has a lot of a person in it. The bones of them animals... there's stuff in there. Some folks can sense it. And its really disturbing. Makes you think twice about the spirit of your art. Dig it, she even refused to go into one history museum because of the chains they had from slavery. She was freaking out in her subtle but stern way. We're walking up to the door and she's walking slower and slower the closer we got to the entrance of the slavery exhibit. About five feet from the door she just stopped dead in her tracks. The whole time she had an unblinking stare, right through the walls almost. Just, "Nope. I'm not going in there. I don't wanna deal with them in there, and all that. Nope. See you when you come out. Bye." and she left. Just like that. Met us outside in a courtyard. Would not look at the building. It's like a clairaudio, clairvoyant, and clair everything... Huxtable, Danes... everything... when it comes to Charlie. Slikk too, but not as bad as it is with Charlie. Even if she don't say it you kinda know when it's happening. Which is interesting about her and one of her friends in the Asylum where we live. It's haunted, but she does great in there. Some stuff Tyy and me won't see, but them two... they see everything. As far as museums go, though, maaaaan, Tyy and me had a friggin BLAST! Ignorance is bliss i guess.

Yeah man, dig it, like, on "off time" when we ain't making music, we're just like every other cartoon character when the show's not on, ya dig? We just do the same stuff everyone else does. Sometimes you wanna go out and grab a bite, sometimes you get bored and just sit and write, sometimes you gotta go somewhere and try to get away from your self. Sometimes you just run wild and free and enjoy being. Philly's a great place for all of that. I mean, like every place, you wanna see and go other places after a while, but Philly is always one of them places we love coming back to. Like Roy (Batty) says, "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."


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