Everything “breaks down” to 3. That is the premise of this section of this work. To help demonstrate this, there is the symbol in the picture, which could be viewed as BEING BEing Being. There is thinking, believing, and knowing. All of those move in and out of one another by way of understanding. You may think and understand to the point you believe. You may believe and understand to the point you know. Thinking is not as solid as believing, which is not as solid as knowing. Thinking offers more creation and room than believing, which offers more creation and room than knowing. All logical process could be viewed as falling into one of these three categories... what is/you think, what is/you believe(d), and what is/you know(n). You may not think you understand this, therefore you will not understand this. Even if you know or believe it. All. Right away. That is an example.
Most of what is, which is explained here or not, and i could be said that all of what is, can be found in this picture/symbol. What is not you already know and do not need, no matter how you may want, it explained. If you can think of it, why explain it to you? Honestly, none of this needs to be explained, but here you are. This is a picture of pure BEING or “The Cycle of BEING BEing Being” (as explained in words and the moment). What is not explained here is your personal WHY in regards to your self and this information. Everything is something to do. Everything is perception, even that. The WHYS make you that. To each their own. Understand.
The story and understanding of this symbol is that of BEING BEing Being. The symbol as a whole is BEING of the first way, the balanced being. This first way is all of these things as one. This is A being (noun/thing/expressed form) as well as it's balance BEing (verb/action/expression). If this is not understood it is because this is being broken down for you in words, not the purest of vibration. Vibration is your true language. If that were the case things would be so simple you would not be here reading this. Also, when on the same frequency/vibration, understanding is easy because you are in sync with the energy and it's flowing, to the point that when you see that it is BEING, then you would understand it as both ways at once, A BEING in the act of BEing. Still, both of these together is the first way, as well as the last way. It is Completion and rebirth, ongoing eternally, expressing and manifesting all ways of being, even ways of BEing incomplete and endings. Completion is understood the same, as a thing as well as the act... that is Completion as a thing and Completion as an act the thing is doing. The second way of being (BEING BEing) is the action. The third way of being is Being, which is a mirroring of the first way, only on a smaller scale to understand the first way.
What does that mean? There is a BEING (supreme being, most high being, source being, god being, etc.) which is best described as “All That Is”. It is also referred to as I AM. I is a noun. AM is a verb. They are one thing together. Three things being one. I + AM = I AM. So, ALL THAT IS is BEING. However what it is doing is BEing. What it has or is having is BEing. And what is done or what is had is a way of Being. This is easier to understand using the “I AM” way of being, because that makes it personal, and individuals and groups understand their connection to things more when they feel included. So, you are “I”. Also since you exist, you are “AM”. Both at once, you are “I AM”. That is your supreme and highest being. It is the completion of who you are, and what you are doing. You are being (an individual) and you are being (a verb, thing you are having and doing). To understand what “I AM” since it is all things, you merely focus on one aspect of ALL THAT IS. For instance, you may focus on “Alive”. You then say, “I AM... ALIVE.” I (the being) AM (is having being/or is doing) ALIVE (a way of being, a thing to have or do). That is a simple way to paint the picture.

#BOOKofRED#bookOFtheFIRE#BOOKofTHEclown#Consciousness#BEINGBEingBeing#BOOKof3#Trinity#RAISEvibration#Understanding#MINDbodySOUL#SupremeBEING#FreedomFROMwithin#FindYOURpower#IAM#SpiritualFREEDOM#MentalFREEDOM #BREAKtheCHAIN #BREAKtheCYCLE #FREEyourMIND #WALKinYOURpower #WALKinYOURtruth #UNDERSTANDINGspirit