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Writer's picturezephaniah chesterfield

The Book of 3s: #01 - The 3 Principles (3 Laws)

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

For the sake of this work [The Book Of The Fire] there are 3 principles to be understood when it comes to the flow of BEING BEing Being. These 3 things are the keys to all movement and being itself. They are as follows: Understanding, Love, and Being.


Understanding is rooted in Fire... Red (opposite/inverted color of blue), Everythingness/Fullness, Light, Consciousness/SELF/"I", Divinity, The Divine Masculine, Will/Force, Time and Finite BEing (Clock-wise). UNDERSTANDING could be described as a dis-covering/revelation of BEING which resonates. There is a circle, or flow of energy between two points here. UNDERSTANDING comes from lack, as do all things, but this lack is rooted in division. To UNDERSTAND there must be something to do the understanding, and something to be understood, which are two separate things. Division. If ALL IS ONE, there is nothing to understand, and only pure BEING (to BE). However, UNDERSTANDING is a thing, part of ALL THINGS (Pure BEING). So, while pure BEING UNDERSTANDS ALL and does not need to "make a move", it is also UNDERSTANDING ALL and in BEing that is constantly in motion. It is ALL THINGS, and since "at rest" and "in motion" are both things, it is both. The same can be said for Pure BEING being both conscious and non-conscious.

Therefore UNDERSTANDING comes from pure BEING... BEing Being(s), or BEING BEing expressed as ways of Being, and in that, it is the portion which is conscious of this divide (the division of pure BEING). From this comes a SELF, and it is the self which seeks to understand what, and what is not... it. Another way to say it is SELF is UNDERSTANDING what is BEING BEing, and what is not BEING Being. UNDERSTANDING has mainly to do with the consciousness and awareness of the "dis-covered" or "created" way of BEing. a thing that only BEING in this spirit or way take part in. It is not limited to conscious BEing (BEING BEing Conscious Being), but it is the conscious being which expresses thought, belief, knowing, and any and all other manners of MIND in regards to this. Non conscious Being(s) have the same understanding of things, but it is expressed through pure BEING, which is both mind and no mind, and in this case no-mind would be the dominant way. For that to be, there must be something that exists. “I” in the I AM example, would be the conscious BEING. It is why God first spoke “light” or illumination, a way to see, a way to understand. Understand, the Fire and Water were there in existence with God already, but it called for one to understand the other.

(2) LOVE

Love is rooted in the Vibration (energy) between Fire and Water... It is ALL and NEITHER, depending on the direction of the flow of energy and exists to allow and conduct the flow of energy. Love could be described as "The full and complete personal (to the conscious) /individual ACCEPTANCE of one point by the other. This is usually done by understanding that which is the focus point (that point of BEING the focused on way of BEing Being). It projects and receives what is as it is, nothing more, nothing less. Through this, things can be both Understood, and have BEing as Being.

For example, if you understand Fire, you can become exposed to it and understand it for what it is, nothing more nothing less. After that you can love (accept) it, and both it and you can be (exist and co-exist). Even the things you fear, or do not like, you accept IT (Fire) as it's self, you accept that fire is fire, nothing more and nothing less. Then it can exist, as can you, without fear of one another because you are understood. Without trying or wanting to kill or praise or copy one another. You both can be what you are, nothing more, nothing less. Full complete being. If it is not accepted completely, individually, then that part which does not accept will be a blockage in the flow of energy and there will be conflict resulting in something being removed, you, the fire, or [something in] your relationship. Once that occurs, what is accepted is that you do not exist to one another, and so you can both exist, separately.

(3) BEing/Being

BEing/Being is rooted in Water... Blue (opposite/inverted color of Red), Nothingness/Emptiness/ Void, Darkness, Lack of Consciousness/BEING/"AM", Nature, The Divine Feminine, Allowance, Timelessness and Infinite BEing (Counter Clock-wise). BEing as a non conscious way can be described as spirit, energy in motion. Being as a conscious way can be described as soul, energy manifest. BEing has the "-ing" meaning it is something that is ongoing, happening, an action. Being as a thing is the one having the relationship with the spirit, or understanding by way of the action. Both are ways of Pure BEING. It can also be said that both are ways of Pure BEING Being. And even more, Pure BEING BEing Being(s). Pure BEING engaged in [BEing] humanity [Human Being]. Pure BEING is all things. It is the act(ion) and the actor. To mirror or reflect Pure BEING one must be BEing a Being of that reflection, which is to say as a RE-Action you become a re-actor. BEING is creation. The work is done. ALL exists. So, since all is created, your actions are re-creation. Here, one simply manipulates what already is. Isolating, reorganizing, rebuilding, redoing what is already done. Also, but do not let this distract you, but since Pure BEING is ALL THINGS it would also be a way for ALL THINGS to constantly be new and original creations, never done before. There is always more, as well as less.

Some Examples

All things exist with, as, and because of these three things. These apply to both conscious and non-conscious ways of being. Because this is the way of ALL THAT IS, while they have order, they are also not confined to order. Each can be a starting point, middle point, or another starting point. There is no ending point when it comes to BEING BEing. BE is a constant action. Even if BEING is BEing nothingness, it is an ongoing action, there is no rest. If BEING is BEing at rest, it's resting is an ongoing action. BEING is always BEing. We can use this as an example of how the principles/laws apply.

The Ant and the Rock

There is a thing (THING A). It is having it's being consciously or non consciously. It's environment is made from individual elements (THING B -thru- infinity and nothingness) which, also, are either conscious or non-conscious. This changes from moment to moment as BEING is always BEing (in motion). So, here we will deal with THING A as a Rock, and THING B as an Ant, and THING C as the Ground.

THING A (The Rock)

The Rock is a way of BEING BEing. It is Pure BEING BEing a rock (having BEing as a Rock Being). The process of this is BE-coming, BEING coming into a way of BEing Being. So, the Rock is not conscious of the Ant the way the Ant is conscious of the Rock. Also, the Ground and the Rock are not conscious of one another the way the Ant is conscious of them both. If the Ant goes to move the Rock, however, we begin to see how their understanding of one another, love/acceptance of one another, and allowance of BEing plays out. For the Rock, when the Ant goes to move it, gravity between the Ground and the Rock make it difficult for the Ant. The Ant understands there is a heavy Rock, and Gravity is making it difficult to move across the Ground. The Ant understands if the ground was smoother, or if there is a more clear path, perhaps around or over the rock, that that is an option. And so the Ant may choose a different path, allowing itself to continue to be, the rock to continue to be as it is, and the ground to continue to be as it is.

If the Ant does not understand this alternate route option because it does not fully understand the rock as "something it cannot move" then there is a blockage in energy. The will of the Ant to move the Rock is blocked by the will of the Rock to let gravity keep it where it is on the Ground. In their relationship the Ant may go to move the Rock and the Rock may dig deeper into the Ground, due to it's weight and gravity, as well as the condition of the Ground being softer than the Rock. It could be said that there is a lesson of the Ground understanding that it is not dense enough to support the Rock and it's weight under gravity, as it [the Ground] is when this happens, and the particles of the ground move out of the way of the Rock for it to sink in deeper. The Rock and Ground do not have to be conscious of each other for them to react the way they do. If gravity pulls portions of the Rock into the soft Ground, the Ground will allow it to sink in. They Understand one another and Love/Accept each other as what they are fully, and allow each other to be what they are, no more, no less. The problem usually comes in with Conscious Beings. Once the Ant gains the understanding of the Ground, things can go on smoothly. This is why it is recommended for conscious beings (fire/divinity/will) to spend some time in the non-conscious nature (water/nature/allowance).

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