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Black Minds Matter: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, about the poetry of Evil...

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Are your big boy/girl pants on? Gonna need 'em for this one. I'll give folks time to run and hide. Not from me, you know i'm a clown by now, and a cartoon one at that, able to go in and out of dimensions and realities.... which is where this kinda started. Let's dive in... ((roll intro and opening credits))

So, some people are just fucked up. Plain and simple. No. No? But some people are just fucked up! Plain and simple! Right? Dude... no. It's funny how after you got the first part, you read the second part in two different voices to differentiate who's saying what. Consciousness is so sexy on you.

Ok, so, going all in here... Evil was "created" or in existence with all things. Yes, this is all according to a clown. Call it a figment of your imagination, or a little byrd telling you this before it flutters off into the place all other beings named bird or having bird representations flutter off to. Byrd with a why is cool. Anyways, dig it, So there's a level of pure BEING, right, and on this level is EVERYTHING. Every form of everything that could exist as a thing that exists is there in every form of existing. So... purple scrambled eggs is there, in every from, from claymation to nonexistent, to every conscious Being BEing purple scrambled eggs... to purple scrambled eggs BEing the term used for "beer me" and "I WILL marry you!" Do you see how much potential is there. We've barely scratched the surface of purple scrambled eggs, and already, in terms of ethereal information and energy purple scrambled eggs has gone spiritually and conceptually viral... if that's a thing, but it IS a thing, because EVERYTHING is a thing on that level. Ok? You gotta dig that concept, even if you throw it out later. Pure BEING is a level where EVERYTHING is. Even nothingness. And this is ALL the time, as well as half of the time, as well as each in it's own time, and overlapping times, and multiple times.... because, again, this level... stop laughing... of PURE BEING... is ALL THINGS... it's BEING BEing every manner/way of Being. Coolio? Okie-dokie.

SO, in this place where ALL THINGS EXIST... this level of PURE BEING... there has to be a level where pure being is split into pure CONSCIOUS Being and pure NON CONSCIOUS Being. This is important. This is so that the whole Pure BEING can understand it's self through the relationship between BEing Conscious Being(s) and BEing NON Conscious Being(s). Of course there is a part of this whole thing that is aware that it understands this already, but we're in the portion that understands that it is NOT aware of this, because both sides exist, because here in Pure BEING... ALL THINGS EXIST. However, you can understand each part of your self if you look at it individually with such intense focus that every part of that becomes a part you see with the same focus and intensity. For instance, the WHOLE YOU (BEING) can understand your body (a part of you) easier if you look at it one section at a time. So you'll look at your arm, and that breaks down to segments and elbows and a hand, which has fingers, which has nerves and veins, and so on and so on.. more and more focus until all of it is understood. SO.... Pure BEING divided into two parts Conscious and Non Conscious Being... In that there are things that are conscious, and things that are non conscious. Hold on, we're almost there. Ok, so the Conscious parts can experience that as well as a relationship with the non conscious. And vice versa. How does a non conscious thing have a relationship with a conscious thing? Your car is non conscious. However, when you put gas in it (which is also non conscious) it runs better, which wears the tires, burns the gas, breathes some new life... into the car. Get it? No? Tough.

So, that CONSCIOUS half of Pure BEING... it would have different levels and degrees within its self, and one of those wold be the SUPREME CONSCIOUS BEING. Most folks call that God. It's inevitable. Especially since ALL THINGS... sooner or later... will be expressed in pure BEING. Ok, so, this SUPREME CONSCIOUS BEING... is having a relationship with ALL THINGS. So it is getting to know all things. Keep in mind, ALL THINGS exist already. Ok, so, the SUPREME CONSCIOUS BEING would be conscious of all things, because it's the highest form of conscious being... and one of the things it would be conscious of, is Evil. Here's where it gets interesting. Pure BEING... ALL THINGS.... SUPREME CONSCIOUS BEING... knows all things... So, there would also have to be a form where there is a SUPREME CONSCIOUS STUDENT, which is learning of all things. The only way to do this is Be the Supreme Conscious Being, and then become conscious of ignorance or void or lacking all, or nothingness, emptiness. Once you are that, you're open to understand any and all things again. So you have to cover what you already know, so you can dis-cover it all over again.

Also, keep in mind, ALL THINGS EXIST in all forms, also in their own single form with their own single particular vibration, word, frequency, etc. So, as much as you'd like to think someone is evil, they're just an ignorant them experiencing what evil is, and manifesting that (acting it out). Evil is a thing, but it's also nothing... but it's also perception and completely up to the individual to say if what they're experiencing is evil or not. Saying all of this to say, as stupid as some people can be, they're just playing the same role we're playing... getting to understand life to the point we upgrade back to being the supreme conscious being, because level after level, slowly but surely, inevitably, we've learned everything there is to learn to the point the only thing left is to become nothingness which is ignorant of everything even self. Yeah, that wrapped up pretty abruptly. Lets see if we can condense it even more!

What is evil? Evil is evil, nothing more nothing less. All others can do is express evil by being in a spirit of evil, or expressing a spirit of evil they have. The difference between having a spirit, and being IN a spirit is like this... Ok, so there's LOVE, right, a spirit, which is to say it's an energy to express ways one can be. Happy is happy, all the time. It's not ecstatic, because that's something else called ecstatic, which is why it's spelled e-c-s-t-a-t-i-c and not h-a-p-p-y. That seems simple, but let's complicate it. Ok, so its an intention, a single vibe or frequency "happy". Picture if it was a color in html. You can color someone Happy, which would be like "FCF777". While Estatic is in the same color vibration as Happy, it's a different frequency, maybe something like "FDF632" which is not Elated which would be "FEF611"... all of those, btw, are shades of yellow. From a Medium to deeper more "solid" yellows. Ok so, the importance of this is that every one thing that exists is that one thing only. That's all it can be. You can only be your self. AND SO... evil can only be evil, AND Only Evil can be Evil. Bringing it back to the IN LOVE vs HAVING LOVE... This point is as simple as understanding the placement of "being" in this. So there's Being In Love, and Being Having love. So you can see who's dominant in each of those phrases. Being IN love means the love is greater than the being. So YOU IN LOVE makes Love greater than you. So it's controlling you. You HAVING love means you are greater than it. So you can control it. Apply the same thing to Evil. You can be IN it, or you can have it in/with you. In either case, you're still you, and it's still it.

One thing that cracks me up, and this is a side note, bit of a tangent.... When folks in church say "I caught the spirit".... was it running from you? That HAVING and BEING IN thing.... ok church... you can't go to church. You can go to a church building, but if you ARE the church, what happened? Did you leave your self and then go back? Folks lose their religion every friday-saturday night, so its understandable, but just saying that to say you can HAVE the spirit, or be IN the spirit. Now, those IN the spirit are closer to the divine, but again, if it's controlling you, then where are you? You've let go of your mind and are using it's mind. So if you catch the spirit, you have to have been away from it. After you catch it, which one did you catch? And when you "leave church" did you leave the spirit too, or did it leave you? Or is it still there and you just don't access it, for personal reasons, chalk it up to understandings which all things can be forgiven.... That's a thin line there. And there's fire on the other side. Be careful. Fire means more than what you think. Check out that BOOK OF 3s here in the blog.

Anyways, back to evil.... that kinda understanding isn't something people want to hear when their mother is raped by their grandson or grandaughter. However, understanding this relationship, and even more so the power of spirit which sheds light on the power you have over spirits is the key thing. That's why this little talk. Whats it been so far, like seven minuets? Something like that? Ok, so... this is a spiritual game. Humanity is a spirit. It's a way Pure BEING is BEing (expressing) its self. However, the (1) human spirit and the (2) human Being... that is to say the human way of BEing and the manifestation of that BEing as a human Being are two separate things and relationships/ understandings of Pure BEING. In this, spirits understand that they need a way to be expressed because even though they exist, you're just drifting in the void until some light is shed on you.... or you're just drifting in the darkness until you are dis-covered.... or you are just a thought until someone acts you out for everyone to see, understand, and experience, and maybe even express giving you even more power, their power, because they're using their consciousness to focus on expressing you as opposed to expressing their self. That's what happens when people think people are evil, and say it, and treat them that way. Like black people. WHOA CLOWN, BLACK LIVES MATTER! Yeah, but even more than black lives, black consciousness and understanding is a matter. Without it there is no black life. Or at least no black living. But there's no country called black, so in all actuality there's no real black people. Niggas didn't exist in Africa til America made them and put them there. Taking it a step back, if a spirit convinces you that you are not you, but that it is you, and you are it, then you are erased, you're a puppet. So, black consciousness... of your mind is taken and switched from your control and possession to someone else's, then were is your life? Who's really living? Evil isn't it. And the whole time you thought it was "them". "They" were evil. Its an existence of ignorant kids, and what they find out... is what it is. Evil is evil. Having it is a matter of your will. Being IN it is a matter of you meeting that frequency, and it having it's will by way of you. Through it all, however whoever makes he mind is what the BEing and Being will be. Keep that in mind all you "I'm not religious... I'M SPIRITUAL" people out there.

Yeah, this is a pretty spiritually mature conversation for a frickin cartoon clown in a band, but hey, in Pure BEING... ALL THINGS EXIST... and must be...


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