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About this whole "defund the police" thing...

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Defund is one word for this exercise. Keep in mind, this is a cartoon clown talking to you, so take it with a grain of whatever substance you’re used to going with the grain. None of this you asked to read, and all of it you can stop and return to YOUR OWN personal space at any time.

All of this in one short bit: If you personally are currently creating and maintaining an environment where police are not needed or wanted, because of it's level of balance and understanding, and everyone else agrees with this… then why not defund the police? Or else, just replace them.

REPLACE THE POLICE? It's an option that, if you defund, you'll be invoking by default. Vote on it like every other thing you vote on which impacts others directly involved all of the time waaaay more than it impacts you who are effected inadvertently (for lack of a better word), all you want if you want… just keep in mind, when it’s your turn to be voted into your job, calling, or passion, the crowd may not approve… and you may have to fund your self. Defund, replace, screen and clean up... whichever poison you pick, you're still going to have some kind of poison in your system. Honestly, it sounds like one of those issues of minor importance mentioned in the banker's manifesto, to keep the people divided and arguing over nothing, while they herd the herd unheard into a world of hurt, ya heard?! One too many? What's done is done. Moving on.

I WANT CASH BACK! FUCK THE POLICE!.... that's basically what that says and does, but they're a part of a SYSTEM... that you live in, and have been brainwashed and groomed so econom--i mean lovingly, so lovingly... that you don't give the system up. Not that you can't, because you can. Not that you won't, because you have the option. But you DON'T, meaning currently, actively do not give it up. But, sure, defund... fuck the police, injustice.... I get it. But fuck the police... (system)... means fuck you too. So, the folks who are supposed to protect and serve... at whatever the cost, even ones YOU YOUR SELF are NOT willing to do... “you” (collectively, because even if you personally neither agree or disagree about the DEFUND, it's an "issue" …now... of all times... NOW it's an issue... before it was a thing but not so much an issue… now, issue... and one that, since it is brought up you HAVE TO have a stance on, or you're not... human, or whatever b.s. they'll spit at you because you think for yourself, and in that have no real thoughts at the moment on this "issue")… want to defund. “Taxpayer dollars” are said to pay their salary, so if you take away the funding, you’re saying that all of this will go away and things will be better. That means you possibly think or know 1. - The protection and justice of your streets is in the hands of paycheck players. They'll only do the job because they get paid so well and without a check they’ll just go away. They're only in it for the money. You're going to remove the livelihood of people who roam the streets with guns and are trained to kill. And they'll be happy because of.. justice? Because they'll have this awakening, where they realize, my family can starve and I won't be upset because I no longer have to put my life on the line, i can sit back and collect ebt and turn up on the weekends, safely, because... some other funded group will take over. Hopefully they're not worse. 2. - Hatred is at the mercy of taxpayer crowdfunding. The cops (and this goes waaaaay deeper than the cops, they’re just the ones taking the orders and caught on the cameras because they were allowed to be in that position) not all, but the ones who [insert Maury voice] "you ARE the problem” will stop doing what they’ve done their whole lives because all of a sudden YOU, who paid nothing to get them to where they are, are sweeping the leg and showing no mercy. All of their education... schools and academies, gym memberships, gun training, etc.... and second education, if they're in hate groups or have other problems and vices which may have contributed way more than your tax dollars, to them earning a badge... YOU PAY THEIR SALARY (the portion of taxes you actually honestly paid) and they should respect you funding WHERE THEY ARE, and wouldn't be without you. Because racism and injustice are at the mercy of taxpayer crowd-funding. If that’s the case, then paying taxes supports terrorism… which means your government, the one you pay, who uses the money you paid to pay your police, is YOUR terrorist accomplice. Which, well… makes YOU, by way of default funding, a terrorist as well. Hey, the only thing illegal in existence is getting caught, but the best way to get caught these days is messing with the money. Also, this says that 3. fuck paying honest decent cops, they should be funded some other way. What other way? Who's going to pass the hat or collection plate around to see who gets to feed the cops who WILL stay and work, or are deemed to be just? That's a lot of fish-fries and car washes. And, again, a lot of people with guns and problems or just bad reputations by association, who know the streets, and are just like you now, if not ON the streets. Dramatic, but hey, be a racist cop, do a few years getting shot at and crazier, and now get fired because someone else did something you approve of, and the response by people you con't like, took everything from you. Oh wait, all of the good guys are gone too! Purge.

Ok, let’s say that It HAPPENS…. we defund the police. We go BANE on our Gotham, and give the city back to you…. the people….. What now? We gonna play checkers? Go see a movie? True, not all of the “bad” or what’s painted as “bad” on screens and medias all over the programmable globe is REAL…. but the parts that ARE real…. well… Kickass, you defunded the police, so you got you some crime to clean up. The folks rich enough to be Batman… ain’t gonna be Batman. That’s why characters like Wilson Fisk exist… in your “real” world, and in my “fake” one.

Hows about this…. just an idea, just tossing this out there….. dig it…

MILITIA! If you're currently active in a militia, defund the police. Not if you WANT one (want a militia), because plenty of people WANT shit but WONT DO shit... will not... meaning their want is one thing but their will is another. Some folks, when they get what they wanted so bad they'll just disrespect and waste it, maybe even destroy it and complain about it and want to get rid of it for the thing they traded to get it. Christ, it won't be the first time we free'd Barabbas, and this one is justified… WWJD. Crucified that thought. Overkill even? Clowns… we got jokes. Anyways, so if you're actively DOING/BEing a militia... then sure, defund the police.

This is because a militia, IS THE PEOPLE police, so to speak. Not just the police tho… the people army. Heck, even the people “every branch of law enforcement, and military/armed forces”… not ruling out firefighters, because I’m sure folks used to fire may have a few crosses in some closets burning every so christmasy, and I’m sure a few doctors slipped some covid-operation (COVERT… meant to say covert) stuff into some folks for the same reasons some cops shot some folks… just using the tools of whatever the trade is, ya know? But don't worry, none of them will be in the militia, because.... um.. ???? But it’s THE PEOPLE…. serving the people. If you're not in it… IF YOU PERSONALLY ARE NOT POLICING YOUR Self and your family and whomever else you feel is under your jurisdiction… it's OTHER PEOPLE... policing you.... like you have now already. So if YOU YOUR SELF are NOT CURRENTLY ACTIVELY DOING IT... you're just looking to repeat what's going on with your police, only instead of it being people you don't know who you demonize or who demonize their self... it'll be you and people you know… or think you know. Give ‘em some power and we’ll see what happens.

Think about the people YOU KNOW who are police… and why. Now think about people YOU KNOW who are sick and/or crazy and/or just horrible terrifying individuals… who have guns…. Now, get rid of the cops, and let the other guys roam around and SAY they’re cops now. The Road Warrior is just a movie. The Purge will never happen. All of those individuals paid by governments and groups who trigger the riots and fights that present the illusion of the opportunity for “martial law”… they’re not there. Defund the police and we’ll make america great again. Which means it’s not great now (judgmental)…. but we can make it into a great… something. A great WHAT depends on who’s running it. Is that you?

MILITiA… ok, bad idea, let’s go government and not remove the guns, but restrain their impact. WHAT? Hey, that’s what they’re gonna say. And then do. And you’ll watch… or protest… and then live in it. So, ok, we have no militia, then you must POLICE YOUR SELF. If you ARE policing your self, NOW, not CAN police your self, but actually CURRENTLY ARE... policing your SELF… which is NOT policing each other.... like if YOU and you alone will make sure that your actions are held up to standards that you feel are the ideal standards for YOUR as well as HUMANITY in general (because you may view your self as higher or lower, not always equal to everyone else) then ok.... defund the police. It’s like we all agree to not only NOT be a threat to our selves and each other, but to also UNDERSTAND the other’s intentions and views of how and why THEY are not a threat. You know how you can look at some folks, and think they’re a threat? And they’re not. And how some folks can do that to you? What is that… AH, PROFILING… cops do that, we don’t, we’re not cops. ANYWAYS, police our self… if you are actively DOING this, not if you are just down to do this, or just want to do this, or think or believe it's a good idea…. sure, defund. Defund so that you can defend. Not even if you're ready to do this, because plenty of folks spend lifetimes READY and never DOING. Of course, EVERYONE ELSE would have to do this. That’s a lot of understanding each other and coming to common grounds so we can all keep minding our own business and policing our SELF and LET OTHERS police their SELFs as they please. They’re going to be doing this around you and your self restraint.

"But clown man, everyone is different... we all gotts our own styles and beliefs, practices, expectations, ideas and ideals... we judge each other by different things!" Guess you're gonna have to figure out how to regulate the time and space shared (the relationship) without judging. Doesn't sound humanly possible? Wait, what's all this ascension and woke'ing humans are doing to level up? Sounds perfectly possible to me.... unless all of that is just shit talk. It would require you to not just look at people... but see, understand, and KNOW... that they are not you... but just like you so much that you see your self in them, and them in you. Not willing to do that? Well.... ((sips tea))

Basically, if there is no need for police.... defund them. If you have a plan, what is it, because you can't tear the walls down that keep the zombies out with no plan. Just because the walls have barbed wire and guns that shoot anything that moves... what you need to do is replace the guns or targeting system, and the way "normal people" can get thru/around/over/under the barbed wire. You defund the police, and plain and simple, you won't have police. True, not every protester is a rioter... just the same, not every rioter is a protester. However, the weeds and the wheat will grow in the same place. On top of that, the weeds will grow whether you plant in that fertile soil or not. Hell, weeds grow in paved parking lots. to defund the police, ya gotta de-weed humanity. That way, there won't be any "bad" cops.

Of course, "bad" is a judgment call. You could have a cop who is really a 80 yr old retired war vet who used to be on the street, but now is given a chance to serve his community and country once again after it threw him/her away for serving. Now, with them on patrol, folks they're just looking to protect may want to call OTHER police on this "creepy bum" loitering and walking around the neighborhood, spying on me.....

...plenty of scenarios but it all comes down to common sense. Defund the police if you are CURRENTLY your own police... and it's WORKING... FOR EVERYONE.

This is common sense. Common sense doesn't sell as much as sex, violence, and rock and roll. Common sense isn't flashy. It's pretty subtle. It's not big and drawn out. It's pretty simple. It's pretty easy. Not so elaborate, eccentric, extravagant. It's something EVERYONE not only is capable of.... but already has. You just need to understand it, and apply it.

something about Tupac's birthday.... read the code of t.h.u.g.l.i.f.e. something something...... i dunno....

....just a clown man.... just a clown

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