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Battle Kats... (at Scorpion's lair, Underworld)

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

So, this, you might really dig, and upon digging it, hahaha, this may also be one of them times that, for you, it sucks to be locked in your “reality” and you'll wish you could shift levels, man.... maybe slip out or in between and see stuff like this, sincerely. I'm not rubbing it in. Picture what you see to your face with your two or few eyes, but picture it in your head, like animate it real-time all the time and you're one step closer. See, individuals paint pictures, like creating art, or drawing blueprints, or storyboards, or the groundwork for creations, and from there you fill it in. All of it comes from what you want (or someone wanted) and all you're doing is zooming in, just adding detail, understanding the big picture one small element at a time. You do this by seeing/understanding it. It already has a form, but at the same time, as you dis-cover by applying your own light (mind, understanding.... light of the mind is the energy pulsing back and forth, called vibration, between you and the thing you're focused on, which is also focused on you, and the vibe between you is BEING... understood)... and in applying your own light, you get to see more and more clearly the more you focus in on one point at a time,each in it's own moment, what will become reality. Sadly, a lot of spirits have influenced things and beings in your reality to not get good at this practice spiritually, and so the reality you create is in different forms. Physically, but on a low level... only manipulating elements and things that are already there laying around, not grabbing things from other places. Also digitally, since you "can't" (by way of understanding that you cant, and accepting that) pull things from other places, you have been herded into "having" that freedom digitally. There's a few realities you're dabbling in. Just consider who the gate keepers are.

Ah, dig it, the puppy exercise. Ok so, picture a puppy. When you do this you'll be seeing it reflect you some sort of way. The puppy you picture will be acting out what you think you are to puppies, your connection. If you think you're a great animal person and puppies love you, then it will be playing with you, excited to see you. It's subconscious honesty. If you're not really attached to things, or afraid of dogs, it might be sleeping or just standing there. It might even be some sort of mannequin or digital mesh dog. Also picturing this pup, you're going to put it in some sort of environment, again subconsciously projecting your connection to it and expressing your honest truths about this whole thing. Might be a bright sunny park, or the couch or floor from the comfort of your home, or it could be in some big empty all white voided space with nothing in it, just floating. That's how creation begins. Once you think it's real, in your mind, it's real in your being and then it's real. That might help you get to where we are.

BUT yeah, so THIS RIGHT HERE.... the current battle, so to speak....

Ok, so dig it, Scorpion (former Lin Kuei, creator of the Shirai Ryu clan) and Tyler Durden (Paper St. Soap Co.) host freestyle battles at Scorpion's lair, usually just on wednesday nights, like around 8pm – 2am, and on weekends, more saturday than sunday, but there's some talk about how they might start doing it more on accounta Scorpion's usually out at other places engaged in mortal kombat in the fall season, so the lair is open. Also, and i don't know how much of a factor this is, but in Scorpion's lair, time works different, so you might go in on Wednesday at 5pm, and be there for a few thousand years, and if you make it out, it's that same Wednesday, at like 5pm and 3 seconds. Makes you wonder how long eternity actually is. They use some creepy hourglass to keep track of being, because time is a bit of a joke there. It's like som e kinda mind measurement thing. I don't know how it works, and i don't care to be there long enough to find out. Not really the kind of place you wanna kick your shoes off and make yourself at home.

Anyways, so, dig, the battles are pretty tight. The place is actually pretty jumping. It gets rowdy man, but all in good fun, ya know? You run into all types of beings from all different levels and dimensions and everything. Folks you'd have no clue in seeing them in their regular mind-made adventures and "realities" were hip hop heads. I mean, c'mon... SCORPION!?! He don't look like a hip hop head, but... here you have it. Hip Hop Fight Club. They behave too, because.. well... SCORPION, ya know? Ain't nobody tryna disrespect the lair and have him deal with you. The event is major and all, but you ain't really tryna be there after hours, dig me? You get some real cuties coming down there tho, too... all types of folks. Seen Nancy Downs and J-Dub (J-Deuce, Jacob Two-Two... his beat-making/producer name is J-Deuce, folks call him J-Dub sometimes... I'm thinkin he's a Dilla fan) on this night. I think she's in there somewhere. But dig, you hear all types of music. Sometimes there's jam sessions in other parts of the lair, but there's a huge pit in the middle, like a big bowl, and THATS where the main throw-downs are. Battles galore man... all you can stand. Emcees, poets, singers, b-boys and b-girls, whole crews, dj's beat-boxers... maaaan it's awesome!! BEAT BOX CREWS battling DJs backed by bands. Stuff you wish you saw other places, they just do it here. Seen some of the dopest emcees have get completely ripped apart by the most unlikely characters, man.

There's a bit of everything. Open dance floor, so folks go with their popping or dance crews and battle there. To what music might you ask? I'm glad you asked that question. Wait till you see what we have in Scorps for you, right behind these.... LOVELY OPEN TURNTABLES!!! That's right ladies and gents, or emcees, artists and kru's, it's also open turntable. DJ's can come in with their collection, or spin some stuff from collections built from various DJ's imprisoned there, or that Tyler and Scorpion and a few others added, just to keep the music going. So, open dance floor, open turntable, and yes, open mic. So the breakers and battling, to the dj's who are battling, which triggers the emcee's to battle. Mortal Kombat on a whole new level.

Which brings us to this right here.... This picture here that Tyy took was one of those times, dig... completely random and unexpected but one in a million man. So... dig, MUM-RA, right, "the ever living" completely handed Jack Skellington his whole boney arse at this one battle. There was a truly epicly ill cipher going on, right, and everyone was grooving. Some folks were there just on their "I'm so dope" tip, others on the collab tip, some battling each other, some just rhyming with each other to sharpen their skills. It was dope, but Skellington starts going in on some folks, right? Like he's calling for the battle for no real reason, being a real bone-head. Maybe Sal threw him out again, and needed some time to collect herself, so he was just there blowing off steam. Folks shrugged it off, cause kats get egotistical in ciphers sometimes and all stuck in their skull. BUT... well the battle just kinda like popped off man, cause dig it, Ra just got at em, like he was sick of his yap, ya know? Jack was all hyping himself up, talking about how he's the greatest and just goin on this whole ego-trip, but he was putting people down too, all trying to play people all crazy... bone to pick with everyone and everything. Don't get me wrong... he's served plenty of kats here, but maaaaaan, you gotta respect the cipher and keep the good vibe going. You gotta remember that there's folks of all different levels of skill, even first timer-rhymers and folks just trying it to see what it's all about. You can't come off all dissin' mofo's in a cipher like that.... and expect to NOT get served. There's always someone doper than you. Raiden comes down now and then, with just... LIGHTNING bars, man, like some Rza shit. Like some kinda rpa god or something... keeping the balance. Well HE LEARNED THAT NIGHT!!! Hahahahahaa. Maaaaaaaaaaaan, Mum-Ra GOT HIM on this night... or day... it's hard to tell what time it is there exactly.

So since Soundwave (he dj's a lot of these) seen that the Gza was in the house, he threw on that "SHADOWBOXIN' "beat/instrumental, and Mum-Ra came off like, “I'm Mum-Ra, the ever living... never a fuck giving... ever ripping kats third eye's sight beyond vision... true form remains hidden... nemesis to thunder kittens... wrap's so tight you wondering "who's this king?".. pack grimey metal like Eastwood and Hammett --just as unforgiven... on my tomb wall's your doom calls, downfall's written... in hieroglyps so you get the picture when I spit it out the clip like kicking fire from Fei-Long's slippers when I kick it... OZ type wicked like mickey's name when you flip it... jack you up worse than YOU did TO CHRISTMAS.. just as gifted... this jack off just got mic jacked like jack the rip'er... tossin' sally, left ya chick in stitches and re-ripped it... oh-r i pee on you and r.i.p, resurrect the beat with me and re-rip it... gauze drippin from applause i'm gettin while i'm jaw splittin, y'all trippin as i unfold scrolls that end all bullshittin' right where y'all sittin'.. ” and after that everybody just went OFF!!!!! He was HOT!!!! Maaaan, Skellington tried to get back at 'em but nope. Ra got on his girl Sally, he flamed his dog, and completely laid waste to how he failed at re-vamping christmas, looked like some skinny crack-meth head, how "jacked" up his teeth were. Truly one of the most epic freestyle battles, and REAL FREESTYLES TOO!!! Not that month to practice and write stuff down, memorizing pages... this is all off the top. Lyrical kombat right here.

Tyy and me used to come by here before we got the band really going, when we were just messing around rapping, but it's grown a LOT. First heard about it through a... um... a group... we sometimes attend. Can't really talk about it. But there was a member who wanted to come back to the group, who left for reasons beyond his control. His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Rober... um... yeah, so, Scorpion and Durden got to talking one day, and Scorpion's like, "OH MAN! ROB?!?! I can get him out. He's been itching to get back to the circle. All he talks about. For some reason he feels like he can't mention anything else. It's kind of annoying really. He's nowhere near my place, but since he's on the other side, i might know a guy who knows "thee guys" to get at, you know?" And Durden was with it, and they worked out a deal where they were both thinking to start some hip hop ciphers, and as it turns out, what one person lacked, the other had! So it was a partnership just kinda bound to happen eventually. Robert is the bouncer. Also, i'm not supposed to say it, but it's also the password to get in. "His name is Robert Paulson".

It's good to have little hidden places to get away to and reconnect with your roots, ya know? Like a place where your mind and soul can be free to roam around. Folks are all on the same vibe pretty much... no drama, ya dig? Easy to get lost in the crowd and maybe meet some chill folks to kick it with in a quiet corner. Most of living is killing the time, and the main thang there is entertainment, ya dig? This place here? This helps a lot. A little slice of heaven in all the hell we get programmed by and used to and have to fight all these pointless battles of Source's own illusions and delusions, ideas and ideals, tryna lose itself and keep to lose it's mind for all eternity.

Hahahaa.. too deep maybe. Yeah that's why its good to have places like this too. To get away.. even from your self!! Good music, great people, now and then some great food too cause they'll just put grills on the ground or in the walls and cook. It's hella hot down there, so you get some booooommmb Mongolian bbq. Literally off the walls.

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