medium: digital painting She was playing with color. Being an individual is a huge blessing. There's loads of things we perceive as ups and downs and good and bad... dig this, and then we'll get to the colors and all that cause i can see it in my head, but i don't wanna forget to tell you this thing.... The Horse Story.... So, heard this from one of those guys who's a "Guru". I'll dig on them now and then when trying to unload crap from my mind, and compartmentalize it in my brain. Anyways, heard it from a few guys, Watts, maybe even Dyer... I can't remember all of the names, it's a story which is as universal and widely told as that "Crabs in a basket/Lobsters in a pot" story.... So, The Horse Story: it goes, "There was a farmer. The farmer had a good harvest in which he lent some money and things out to help someone who was in need. Later on the farmer fell on hard times. People talked about how bad it was for him, especially after he was doing so good. He said, 'It is what it is. My crops are not what they were before. Nothing more, nothing less.' and went about his business. The guy he helped by lending to said, 'I can help you back maybe, but all i can do is give you this horse. It's all i have left' and so he was given the horse. Everyone told the farmer how good it was because now he has a horse to help! The farmer said, 'It is what it is. I have a horse. Nothing more, nothing less." and kept on about his business. The horse helped him get his crops and fields back in order, but was a bit wild. So his son went to break the horse a little more, so it wouldn't hurt them when trying to suit him up for work. Unfortunately, the horse kicked the son, and broke his leg. Everyone told the farmer how bad this horse was, a curse disguised as a blessing. The farmer said..... 'It is what it is. My son has a broken leg. Nothing more, nothing less.' and went about his business. Later on, a war broke out and there was a draft. All of the sons were being called in who were available to fight, but the man's son had a broken leg, so he was spared and did not have to go to war. Everyone said how the horse was now a blessing in disguise, and has saved his son's life! The farmer said.... 'It is what it is. My son doesn't have to go off to war. Nothing more, nothing less.' and went about his business....
BULLETS..... Can't remember how many times that phrase has been said here, but in our crew, even some in the immediate circle, we have a phrase "Bullets" when something is like, "oh well, it is what it is." or "Do what you're gonna do (what you gotta do)." we'll just say "Bullets." It comes from understanding what a bullet is. It's just a bullet. Not something to protect, or serve, or kill, or assassinate... it's not something to be hollowed out and worn as jewelry or a decoration, it's not a collectors item because of it's age or where it came from, it's not a piece of history... not something used to hunt with and in that hunt either kill people or predators or kill food.... it's just a bullet. A bullet is a bullet and nothing more, and nothing less. It has the potential to go into a gun and be fired, but honestly it's just a bullet. It is what you make of it. In all honesty, you don't even need a gun to fire it. It is what it is. Just like the Horse Story. You can see how this can go on and on forever, always up and down, always something good and then bad but then good again, and then bad.... There is no good or bad. There is what is, nothing more and nothing less. What we do is judge it according to what we want, or what we can understand of it as value... like what we see that has value to us. Like folks who think having a sports car is a blessing. They can afford the gas and parts. What they get out of it outweighs what they lose. Then there are folks who don't dig on it because it's more losses than gains. It's just a sports car. It's a thing you have, not a thing you are. If you have it that means you can not have it at some point, or have something else, even another version of it at some point.. it's an outside thing. However, there's YOU which is having things, which never changes. People say "Man, you don't listen to the same music anymore... you don't eat the same foods... your body looks different... you've changed." No. You have a body. It's an outside thing. You have tastes. You have foods and sounds and frequencies you like. All of that is in the moment. You're still you. Shoot, you HAVE a mind! Which is how you can change your mind. All of the things you used to have and do, you can do again if you want, but it depends on if you want... which means you'd have to understand that what you get from it (the value of it) is more than what it takes from you. It's a gain. No one or thing does anything unless they get something out of it. That's as honest as i can be with that.
What's all of that got to do with this pic? Well, even though it's three different pictures, it's still the same one picture. Only the colors are changed. That's only to see what it would look like with those different colors. You "change" (the things you have, the ways the YOU will be or the way the YOU is/are) to understand. You're just understanding the thing you have and your self and the space between, the relationship. This pic started with Charlie wanting to see what she's look like blue. Then she went thru a few shades, and then a few different colors, kinda liked that purple one and so this is three of the top ones. Sure, later on her choice of colors might change, but at this moment and time when the pic was "finished" these were the three she chose to put together. It's Bullets. Chuckers was just experimenting with colors.
While you're experimenting and gaining understandings, growing more into YOU, you'll change a lot of things around you. You'll change your hair, your diet, your location, your music, friends, beliefs and even fine tune the beliefs you have... you'll explore a bunch of things. None of it is wrong unless it controls you and takes you away from your true pure being of you. There's plenty of spirits out there, and they all love attention, because the more attention they have, the more focus is on them, the more they exist, the bigger they become. If one person was focused on racism, then that spirit would have just the energy of one person. It would only be real to one person. Everyone else would say, "Nah, i don't believe in that.... it's not for me" and even though it exists in reality, it doesn't exist in their reality. As a matter of fact, if it only existed in that one person's reality, then it would hardly exist at all. However, if more people saw some value in it, if they understood that by being racist that they could gain more than they would lose, then they might adopt that belief. Then that spirit gains more power. It becomes more real. You see how dangerous spirits can be now, and not only that, but you can also see from that example, the power you have over them. Aristotle quote... yes, from a clown, yes... "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." It all comes down to your focus, your mind, what you make of it. Some spirits don't want you to make your mind. They want to make all of the minds. However, they can only be them, dig me? Racism can only be racism, it can't even be a racist, because each word is a specific thing. Now racism and racists are in the same spectrum, and their frequencies are almost identical, however racism is a belief, and a racist is a believer. Those are two things. There can be two different racists, but both are practicing racism. Even though they oppose one another, there doing the same thing. Like how Charlie with light blue skin is different from Charlie with dark blue skin. It's blue skin, but different. Each slight difference creates a whole new reality. That gets into the multiverse thing (multiple universes each overlapping every moment) which is kinda deep for now.
Each moment is countless understandings, all in one pulse. I mean, yeah, you could count them, but that would take a while. You'd have to count how different solar systems relate by their distance, which determines how they look to each other, close or far, visible or not... which you ain't even aware of because nothing from this earth has reached there and nothing from there has reached here. TIME is what the canvas is, which is just consciousness of a self in a moment. Folks get so wrapped up in the honest perception that have humanity they think they are that... they believe it, they know it, understand it. That makes it a truth, to them. Understanding comes in layers, like a painting. You may go over the same point a few times to get it how you WANT to perceive it, how it looks "in your head"/ Each time you "try" to paint, which you succeeded in doing if the paint was put on the canvas... (if you put paint on the canvas then you painted, if you didn't put paint on the canvas then you didn't... there is no try honestly)... which is exactly what was supposed to happen, but folks don't understand it as that. You could see a line as "crooked" or "ugly" or "a bad choice"... it's just another way of making that line, an other way of bridging the gap between two points. You still made the line, just not the line you wanted. But the line you made shows you ways of connecting to the same points. Just see what you did as what it is. "Not the line I wanted." You could paint higher or lower, thicker or thinner than the one you did... to get the "right" one, the one that's more honest to you. Others could see it and think it's a masterpiece, but you think it's crap. C'est la guerre. Folks go thru this with every aspect of this art called living. Don't be so judgmental. Don't cheat your self out of your accomplishments, even if it's not the one you wanted. What you did do was learn how to do something else. You might even need that at a later point. That might be what someone else needs at another point and you're how they'll learn to get there. It's just understanding the outcome of choices balanced with your own ego and environment.
You have more freedom than you think. Of course, dig it, thinking and knowing and understanding are three completely different things. You can add in a fourth separate thing which is belief. This has come up here a few times, dig me, but because it's important to know.... says me. You can think you're free, understand you're free, believe you're free, or know you're free. All of those is a different thing, and because of whichever one(s) you have, you'll understand your self differently. The same is true about the amount of power you have, the amount of control you have over reality. It's a delicate art. You paint existence with every thought, every belief, every bit of understanding and knowing. Each of those things creates whole new world. They open doors and close doors. All of it is the same, a way for you to understand and express. That's one way you could say that living is an art, and life is an artwork... you just understand different parts of it which changes your understanding of the big picture, each in their own time. Same picture, you just see it from different lights, with different shades of colors.
The creative process, that's one of the points of being here. One of the points of being period. Everything exists. All of the colors are there. Every way of being exists. It's just waiting for someone or something to express it, to focus on it, every minor detail, or however detailed it will come about. It's why and how things progress. Rock music today is way more complicated than rock music in the 50's, just like painting today isn't like painting in the Renaissance. What happens is that folks look at the past expressions, the previous ways of being, and they can try that for their self and see what they can do to it to make it their own. It's just them doing their thing to it. It's all progress, because you're picking it up from that one point it was put down and you're moving it to your point. Even if you do "the exact same thing" the times are different, the options are different, so it's never the same thing twice. It might be thought of that way, or believed to be that way, but known and understood differently. Like Greta Van Fleet playing a Zeppelin song... with Bob Dylans face. Either way, its all dis-covering the big picture, one peace at a time, to make a long story short.
Differences... aaaah the differences.... the variety of life and living it. The flavor. Again, how folks think things are "good" or "better" or "bad" or "worse".... it's all judgment, dig me? There's what is, and what's different than that.... which is also what is. There's red and pink. Pink is pink. Red is red. You can view pink as lighter than red. You can view red as darker than pink. It's all up to you. At the end of the day, pink is still pink and red is still red. Your judgment is what it is, which is a fun thing about living. Just understand, it's YOUR judgment of things, not what the things actually are. Don't get me wrong, you have a consciousness which is just a judgment device. That's all it does. It perceives things. Perception is judgment. Might not be an emotional one. Might not be one that compares to ideals and ideas outside of your self, but it's all judgment. A rock doesn't have to be an ugly rock down there... it could just be a rock down there, but that's still a judgment, because it's down there which means you're not down there. Everything is judgmental from the standpoint of consciousness. So if you aren't judgmental you're dead, which to a being of vibration there is no such thing. Death to vibration means the lack of the relationship of pulses or vibration, which means the complete stillness and peace of oneness which goes to nothingness, but in that, your vibration would be that of nothingness, so you'd still exist, just as nothing. A little complicated and far out of a thought for a lot of folks, so take that with a shot of whatever your favorite shot is. Anyways, dig it, the point is to have all of these different points of view, so the things viewing can see things easier from different points of view. If you had to experience every single thing, you'd be exhausted. On top of that, you'd need more time than your human form is capable of doing... especially since, going back to rock music, things keep changing. So for you to experience what's happening in rock music from the 50's up to now, you'd have to be there in the mind of every rock artist and group, as well as industry exec and label, from that point to this one. Which means you'd completely miss out on the development of opera, and funk, and blues, and gospel, and hip hop, and folk, and bluegrass, and house, and disco, and techno, and ambient, but you'd end up at metal at some point, and maybe even the Jonas Brothers, in which case you may never sleep again. Hey, it's all bullets. It's all drugs to me, man, to each their own. But dig it, the point is not to judge each other point of expression as good or bad... but just seeing it for what it is. If it's not for you, entertain the thought without accepting it. Understand why that exists, and leave it there. It's there for those who need it. They only need it because it's in the same frequency as them, it's on the same vibe as them, which helps them to understand their self and the big picture in a more honest light. It can only be there for those who need it if someone leaves it there. You have to leave it there as it is. You can put your spin on something but that makes it a new thing. In you putting your spin on things, just leave it there as "Rock, with my spin on it." Not as "This is how rock should be done." or "Rock music, waaaaay better than it used to be." It's just bullets man. It is what it is. Rock music that you played. Period. Some folks prefer Elvis over Hendrix. I don't get it, but i understand it. It's just not for me. Some people prefer L.O.G., some prefer CREED, some prefer THE BROWNING, some THE RAMONES. Bullets man, it is what it is.
Understanding WHY is the point of all of this creation and expression, all of this exploration of colors and sounds and vibes.... have as much fun as you can with that. Understand as much as you can. It's easy to try to hold on to things, and think that the things you have and are doing are you, because of your relationship to/with them, but it's just a passing thing. They pass. You remain. It's easy to judge things because you are looking at it from your own perspective, which you're supposed to look at it from your own perspective which is why there's a you looking at it from your own perspective... but the judgments of how it relates to you have to be respected and understood as how it relates to you. If you're gonna talk about it, talk about it as "From what i see... from my honest opinion..." not "This is what it is or should be..." because that could cheat others out of having their honest fullest experiences in living. You're removing colors and flavors from their pallet. You're messing in making their mind. That's not cool. Yeah, it's something to do, which is why it exists and is possible, but understanding it fully, that even though it's something to do don't mean it's something to be done as it is done. But... one mo'gin.... "Its all bullets, man."
This is digital artwork... you could call it a painting, or an illustration. There was a photograph Charlie took of herself, and she re-drew it in either Krita or Photoshop, not sure what she used, and then she just played with colors. Why create all of this art? Because we wanted to. You can want to to the point you think, believe, understand, or know that you NEED to... actually it's the reverse, in all honesty. Honestly i believe that needs trigger wants. You need to eat which triggers you to explore what you want to eat. You NEED a vacation which triggers you to explore which vacation you WANT to take... dig me? So yeah, guess, honestly, you could say that she needed to create some art, and from that she wanted to do what she did, how she did it. It's cool either way. Colorful expression. It's a time stamp of who she was in the moment, and what was going on. She just needed some color, i guess, in her life, something quiet or that just speaks through visuals, because she's waaaaaaay capable of expressing herself musically, but she did this instead, dig me? You have options. Soooooooo many options as far as creation or dis-covering the grand creation, dig me? No one really creates, we just kinda re-shuffle what's already there and express it that way, with our own flavor. I guess this was a way she could do it more in her own bubble, if that makes any sense. Sometimes you want to explore and try things out, but not so much in a huge way that would impact others. Like books versus music. You can read a book or you can listen to music. True, both depend on how loud you do them, but most books are read where the individual reader can explore within their self, in their own head. Most music is gonna be played out loud, and whoever else is around is gonna hear it some kinda way. Also, not a lot of people dance to books, or even paintings... it's been done, yeah, but you'd have to be there as the wheel is going round, dig me? Meanwhile music is gonna trigger some kinda movements. So, its a way of her exploring without doing it so loudly, more personally.... more privately, intimately. Sometimes you gotta get your self together without everyone and everything else all up in it, dig me? I do dig her hair like that though. Yes, my judgment there is biased, yes.... so what, I'm free to do that. It's not better, or worse... It's just i dig her hair like that.

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