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Charlie Jhayde 101... (Story from some bodega near Seattle)

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

So i remember a few times someone's called Charlie a bitch. I remember those few times vividly. Like... wish i could get them out of my mind, vividly. Nightmares and sometimes pee a little when she gets a certain look vividly. I suggest you don't do that. For one, she's usually pretty chill, but can go to friggin hades degree in less time than it takes for you to exist, and after that, my friend, you ain't got a snowballs chance in hell. Seriously.

What's funny about this pic is that you can see her. There's a lot of factors in that, dig me? Like, ok, one, half-vampire. So sometimes the vampire won't let her photograph, which is a shame cause the kid's got style, dig me? She's kinda photogenic, but hates having her picture taken. So, yeah, sometimes she'll feel that half more and scare the shit out of you if you're in a mirror or something.... sometimes just to be an ass she'll mess with people in pics, sometimes for fun. I remember one time we did a charity thing for some kids, and so she picked up a kid in a wheelchair and his mom took the pic. You couldn't see Charlie so it looked like the kid was flying in her wheelchair. It was dope. Hahaha. Yeah, that was a good day. Pretty cool gig. One of the fun ones. But yeah, pics... She's half Angel, and sometimes THAT doesn't photograph, at least not too well. Blurry and bright, sometimes just a wavy off color figure... I dunno, there's loads of ways they photograph depending on how into the reality they are. Last but not least.... I mean, kinda goes without saying.... we're all dimension hopping cartoons, so, yeah, when we dig it we dig it, click away, but if we ain't tryna be seen.... Anyways, this is a cool pic of Charlie.

Ok, so the "Daylight" thing... half angel and half vampire... Her dad is an anime vampire. I'm not saying he predates feudal Japan Samurai culture and spans to Yakuza and beyond, but from what i've heard he's been associated with all of that. Stories she's been told from folks, he ain't one to fuck with. One she was telling us was when she was in Seattle... met this one guy who used to work for her dad. He was saying how he got the job. He owns this hole in the wall deli around Seattle, like a bodega spot, out of the way or whatever, never been there.. Anyways, dude was talking about her dad's tattoos. Some of them are members from his tribe from back when. He's got like samurais and dragons and wolves all over him. The soldiers, when they were killed he pulled them from the other side and they're, like, in his tats now. Crazy, right? Dig it, so he gets to the states after supplying some guys here in the northwest. Sets up a meeting when he finally decides to come on over on a more permanent basis, right, not sure if he was here looking for Charlie, like wanting to at least keep tabs on his daughter or whatever. She says he wouldn't care, but i doubt it. She keeps her distance from anything that has to do with him, and i understand it, totally, but Charlie's kind of a one of a kind kid. Her mom got her over here during.... eh, whatever, i'm getting off topic. SO... SEATTLE, he has a meeting with one crew he was supplying and sets up a meeting with the one guy, some kinda deal thing as usual, he was saying opiates or whatever, probably heroine or something.... anyways, so he shows up to this meeting alone like usual, right, and the guy who owns the shop was a kid back then, like a teenager or something, small time runner... his job was to watch the corner for anyone who wasn't supposed to be coming around, get it? So he's doing that, watching out, and at the meeting the head guy's like, "Ok, so we don't like how you've been overstepping your boundaries. Cool we got you as a plug and gave you some spots to get you set up on your own here in the states, but you're getting too greedy. With all due respect, you're either gonna have to tone it down and play your role so things stay balanced and harmonious.... or leave... or we're gonna have to have a more serious discussion." I don't know how much you know about vampires and greed, but... haha.. yeah, it's a thing. Anyways, so, her dad's laughing at them, like, "Whatever. You work for me now. You're taking a paycut." And they're like, "THIS mofo got balls. Let's make him eat them." And he smiles, rolling up his sleeves, showing his tats, and stepping back into a corner, back in the dark... and takes off his shirt when he's fading into the black, right, and so there was like seven guys in the room, seven or eight..... maaaaaaan, the guy said shit started coming out of that corner in the dark. Some of the guys got pulled in... and came out of that dark corner piece by piece. The folks left start just unloading into the corner, guns popping flashes, and in that strobe, all you could see were flashes of two black wolves coming out of the corner, and her dad just laughing, and.... yeah. Needless to say, when her dad came out of that room and the guy who owns the shop was running up the stairs ran into him, he was clean. Not a scratch on him. No blood on him. Not even a hole in his clothes. The shop owner asked if everything was ok, and her dad just said, "It's fine. You got a promotion." And just walked out. The shop dude ran up to the room... frickin massacre. Said he buckled and threw up right there, just dropped in shock and when he turned around to find Charlie's dad he ran outside, and he's looking down an alley, right, and Charlie's dad is sitting on the wall... like sitting on the side of the building, having a smoke. He looked up at her dad and was freaking out. Even for anime brought to america, as graphic as they get, he says it was pretty horrifying, and then to see this guy just chilling, ON A WALL like Spiderman or something... he was just done. She doesn't get into her father's side of things, but now and then we've seen some "men in black"ish characters lurking at shows, and we're talking the neck and face tatted gangster looking type. Rarely is it during the day.

Charlie's not a gangster, like waaay far from that like i says, but from that side, she gets a bit of fire. Good thing she's got that Angel half from her mom. Her mom is an Ecuadorian Guardian Angel... protects children, helps with breached births and some other stuff. She doesn't get to spend too much time with her mom on account of her mom says that her dad is always watching, but she's always around. It's funny, both of her parents look out for her, even though we don't see them. Little things... like one time we got a flat in Arizona, and we made it to some gas station around where the 60 flips into the 93, like going to Vegas, right, and when we went into the gas station there was this old guy sweeping the floor... he helped us with the flat, told us since not too many folks come thru where he was that we didn't have to pay for the snacks or the gas. Went out to the van to load up, Tyy and Charlie go back in, Tyy to leak, Charlie to thank the guy.... nobody in there. Tyy said he checked all around the place because he heeded the bathroom key, but the lock was busted off when he went around back, and he said it looked like the place was abandoned, like no one had been there in a long time. Like the place was empty, crusty, rusty, dusty... every kinda old "ty" you could imagine... rickety, flaky, pasty..... hahaha. Dude just vanished. Charlie comes back outside to the van, and there's a blue feather in her hair. I pulls it out, like, "Hey, what's this?" And she holds it for a second, just staring at it, and she looked down and smiled and was like, "Let's go."

Now, since she's been a foster kid and a runaway for most of her life, especially here in the states, in and out of limbo, she's been doing pretty good. I think they'd be proud. Her dad to see what a light she's become, even with that bit of grit to her. I dunno, if i was her dad and all hard core with that much blood on my hands, i think it would be cool to have a kid out there who's doing some good... to see a part of my self, which is self-ish to say but still, a part of my self that's good, that's worth fighting for. Something clean, without all of the mistakes, and like the folks who we see popping up now and then, here and there, someone worth protecting and keeping away from everything you've "had to do"... kinda makes it worth it i guess. I'd be nervous that with that much blood on my hands that someone might try to do something, so, yeah, i can see why he don't just show up, ya know? Send whoever you can and watch and smile from a distance. That's respectable. You can't be that bad i guess, if you're approaching it like that. Her mom could be proud that even though her kid ain't a full on angel she's still an angel, pretty much. Not all parents are adults, ya know? It takes some folks a long time to accept the responsibility of their actions, especially if their actions involve having a kid. Some folks are still stuck in their ways. Her parents can say that maybe it's because of their lives, or that it's because of each other, or whatever, but they should be proud of her. We are. The kid's frickin badass.

Charlie Ai Jhayde - guitarist of The Zephaniah Chesterfield Project

We still don't know how old she is. Hahahahahhaa.... which, half-vampire and half-angel, we have nooooo clue... i mean, we're all infinite and timeless, dig me, but she really shows it.... but she's seen some things and she's a little... hmmm... not so much standoffish when it comes to human beings, but they haven't always been so understanding and trustworthy, and the few who've been cool she counts as fam, but the rest... if it were apocalypse tomorrow, for one, she'd survive it, and two, if you had beef with her you'd be running for that apocalypse to save you. Any empathy she has, or sympathy comes from her mom, i guess, and her family at the one foster home in Gotham. She pretty much "grew up" there for a period, like right when we met her, there at this home for girls... runaways and stuff like that. Gotham's in Jersey, so maybe that's part of her style... that whole Jersey girl thing. I dunno. The kid's cool tho.... just don't call her a bitch. You could say, "Hmmm... Ecuadorian and Japanese.... cute" which some folks have done at some spots, and if they step to her the wrong way... they find out about that vampire side. Hahahhahaa. A lot of folks think the world revolves around them and their desires, and they can talk to people and treat people however they want. Charlie will change your mind. I mean, do you honestly want to try to cop a feel on a chick who's half vampire, dips in and out of worlds, and has seen who knows what in the history of the world and survived it?! And don't let her dad find out.

Hahahaa, i remember this one time Tyy was listening to some ODB, song called "Dog Shit" and she was walking by and just popped him in the back of the head and kept walking... didn't break a stride. I guess seeing all she has she's not too cool with women being disrespected. None of us are. Tyy ain't mean nothing by listening to the song, dig me? Like, he wasn't calling anyone a bitch, but some stuff she just shakes her head like, "Ignorance." They were getting into it about the throwback era, which shoulda been the pushed forward era, but revolutions get sold out all the time... when songs like "U.N.I.T.Y." that Queen Latifah "Who you calling a BITCH?!?" track.... folks like Lauryn Hill, Angie Stone, India Arie.... where'd they go?!?? That whole class of woman just got shitted on as far as representation, and then they repackaged it and sold it as some separate kinda super underground thing, for a select few, but the super-bitch that was heavily marketed was for everyone. She was saying how that nature vs nurture is only part of the deal. It comes down to the individual, but even that comes down to what is known. How well does the individual know their self. If you know you're royalty, then you act like it. The king is the king because they (at one point in time) were the best... hence the KING. Not just because of their blood, but because they were the most qualified in the land, the most respected. That's where all of the wealth started. That's how you become the loaf-ward (where the word Lord comes from) of the land... because you were the most trustworthy. She says things like that and i laugh because she was probably there in that era of knights and all that. The age of Dragons is still here. Didn't die with Lee. The Queen wasn't just an attitude.... the attitude was a knowing of self, and the belief backing it, that you were indeed the QUEEN... the best. Wherever you went it showed. You walked like it, you dressed like it, you spoke like it... didn't need any approval and didn't seek to get it. You treated others like it and helped to get them on your level because everything around you is your kingdom... it's to your standards or else you make it so. Not saying to go around judging people, but wherever you saw someone who was not up to their potential and actually trying to get there, not just talking shit about being there but honestly of the same mindset and doing the work to get there, then you helped get them there however you could... it's a respect thing. "If you're at your best, you'll give your best, and then i can be at my best because we're all Kings and Queens here." They sold that out quick. Tryna keep the money king.... or even a god. I don't know why. Well, i mean, yeah i do, but it's dumb.

"Dissolve of Nightmares" was Charlie unloading some things. You gotta decompress sometimes. We all go thru it. Well, Tyy not so much. He's actually pretty smart when it comes to how he handles his emotions and processes things. I've known him a long time and he'll deal with it more in a comical way, cracking jokes or something, maybe go tag a place up or something, but he rarely lets it out through music. LISTENING to music, yes, but not so much musical venting unless we're freestyling or something. But yeah, that song there was Chuckers blowing off steam. I guess sometimes you look at all of what's happened in life and living it so far, and you kinda just catch your self. Like no matter what you wanted to do, where you thought you'd be, even if you didn't think you'd be anywhere or if you don't even care to be anywhere... here you are. You look at the world around you and you feel your self in it. It's heavy sometimes. You get this anxious, fast-paced, twisting pressure in your chest, ya know? Coming up with reasons as to "WHY" all of this, why you're here, why things happen, thinking about the time you've had and the time you have left, and that divided by the state of the world... I dunno, it's a trip sometimes. I don't know exactly what was happening for her, which kinda makes me a little upset... not knowing what's going on with my friend, but she just went off and ripped that one out. I couldn't even imagine it though. Dealing with all of that in your blood. Some folks had to become artists i guess. We all get creative. I'm glad she has that outlet. And, yeah, that quote below.... that's true about her. Artist. No entertainment in it.

"LORENA", the song below, was all of us having that release moment together. Having fun.

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all artworks and expression here ©1998 by The Zephaniah Chesterfield Project. Unauthorized usage yields penalty up to death and/or eternal torture and damnation. is your daddy. Death 2 Demiurge.

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