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A Few Life Lessons

Writer's picture: zephaniah chesterfieldzephaniah chesterfield

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

A Few Things For Your Consideration from the way of Caged Birds

I'll try to keep these short and sweet... or at least short, as some of these may be uneasy to digest. Just a few things both taught and learned in this existence, from a variety of places and individuals, to help deal with things people have asked me about the most, and/or things I find myself explaining more than once. Three of the places i’ve found a lot of these answers are “The Bar”, Music, and the troubles and constant complaints of others. Again, some of them may be harder to understand than others. None of it has to be accepted. None of it is law. It is merely a perspective offered freely. Some of it may seem contradictory to other things here. Don't push yourself or twist what you read, in an attempt understand anything here. Everything in it's time. All of this you know and understand already... believe it or not. All of this, also, is at the will of your perception.

Understand, love, and be... happy and your self.

Everything and nothing is a matter of perception. Even that.

There are no deep subjects, questions, or answers. Only less in depth understandings.

Learn to say no. Learn to say yes too. Learn to accept both.

If you do not want to see, do not look. Once you look, you will see more than what you are looking at or for. You have to focus on what you want to see. Once you understand what you see there is nothing else to look at or to focus on. But, the I wanders.

From “birth” to “death” and from “heaven” to “hell” there exists a way in and out of all things.

“Why” is not a question to ask. It is a way to understand.

It doesn't matter what you think, or how you feel, or if you have faith in, understand, or even believe... when you KNOW, you know.

There's a million and ten things I could write in here to offer you as insight and/or advice. You asked for none of it, so guess how much of it will be wasted. Be careful when you spit into the wind. It may just slap you in the face or put your eye out. You did it to your self as much as life assisted living in the opportunity.

“To err[or] is human, but forgiveness is divine.” Divinity understands that there are no mistakes, everything serves it's purpose whether we understand it or not, so there is nothing to forgive. Also, to err[or] is human, meaning it is what human is supposed to do, and how it is supposed to think of “err[or]s”... as mistakes. That is what makes human human. Clever distraction, aye?

When it is full, understand it while you have it full, and laugh as you empty. When it is empty, understand it while you have it empty, and laugh as you fill it.

The you you are looking for is the one that does not exist. The you others see is the same one. The you you that is known is always the one which offers the most. The you which is understood is the one which receives the most.

Toilets may look at showers and bathtubs and get jealous because of how glamorous and desired their lives and jobs may be, and what is said of them, but the showers and tubs can easily be replaced by sinks and buckets and hoses when they are not working properly. Toilets cannot be so easily and conveniently replaced. Also, the toilet should consider how many times people have prayed with, and even to it to save them, while no one has done so with showers and bathtubs. Understand your role. Everything serves a purpose. Sometimes the less glamorous roles are the ones most needed.

If you please one person you'll piss off ten. Never look for the completion of your self from outside of your self. That which is outside of your self is not you. Understand who and what you are, and how all things are in you and you in them. Completion comes then. Ah, but if you are all things then you are complete! But one must understand first to know this. Also, all things are themselves. They are not you, and your ways are your own, as their ways are their own. So it's only natural that your ways may not be on the same vibe, frequency, understanding, and so on, as theirs, and vice versa, and you will not agree when it is time. Your understandings are different. Do not let it worry you. Be your self.

God, Jesus (Yahshua), The Buddha(s), Mohammad, Lucifer, and any and every other religious being or figure, especially spirits, have nothing to do with religion OR spirituality. Those matters are matters of governing being. Those are things which institutions deal with. Souls, and BEING is merely a matter of being. “Religious” figures, spiritual teachers... their intention is to get you to BE. Not to guide you into or out of a spirit, or set of organized rules or some system to govern spirits... but to give you understanding yielding fullness of being. The practices use spirit to demonstrate ways of being the same way painters use color do show you a picture of your self. Be your self, not the painting. Same with this book. If anything religious comes of it, then one of us needs to try again.

Hope for the best, expect the worst, plan for both.

No one or thing does anything unless they get something out of it.

God is in you, as you are in God. “God” is the best way to describe it, other than “All That Is.” This is why and how you are able to know and understand all things. They're in you already. All that exists is an experience in understanding self. Understand. Love. Be.

Every so often watch as opposed to merely looking; listen well when hearing; smell deep enough to catch a chill, a warmth, yourself; taste what you're stuffing your face with; breathe slow, and deep, with your stomach, full, and remember how it feels to be able to do so, for this will pass; see with the clarity and wonder of newborn eyes (it may take a while); feel as if your survival in the dark depended on it.. because it does; think before you act and vice versa; and above all... shut the fuck up.

Whatever you do for money might feel is less worth it once you get paid. There are never regrets when you do for soul. Some would argue the same “no regrets when you do for love” but love is rooted in acceptance, and soul is rooted in simply being. Being offers more piece of mind than love and acceptance.

Understand which -cide you are on. If you do not have one, pic a -cide.

Dis-ease comes from what one takes into their self and how they take it into their self. Keep in mind, it is rooted in want, but also in the world outside of the individual. It is not rooted in the individual. To cure the sickness find out where it came from. It is just a reflection of one being not being at ease with what was offered to it from an outside source. In other words, if a member of the village is sick, the sickness is the village, as that member of the village is always at ease with their self until something from outside comes along to change its perception of its self.

Treat others as you would want to be treated. Not as you would expect to be treated as you may expect to be treated better or worse than you treat others, and they may treat you better or worse than you'd expect them to.

When it comes to sexual attraction and acts, who and what you are attracted to is the opportunity to “create” a more ideal version of your self. That comes through your self using (1) your self with the other person, (2) the other person, (3) the offspring of yourself and the other person.

What a sober mind conceals, a drunken one reveals. Drunken means a lot. Watch what you feed your self as you become that. If you eat electric energetic foods, you will be that. If you listen to those styles of music, that vibration and frequency may saturate your original state of being. You can tell because when a thing has more power over your self, then you display the characteristics of that thing. Drunken, under the influence of anything other than your self is something to be cautious about. Another way to understand this phrase, on a level of physically drunk with alcohol, drunk people say a lot of things they normally would not. There is no holding back with some of them. They lose control of their self. Watch them. Listen closely. (“A joke is a serious thing.” --Churchill)

All that exists and not is perfection. Understand this and there will be both everything and nothing to do. What of your being? That is why you exist and have it. Make your mind. Make time. Find your way.

Age isn't maturity. Youth isn't an indestructible cloak. Flaws aren't always weaknesses. Wins aren't always victory. However, you will be ok.

Instead of complaining, plan. Instead of crying, observe. Instead of struggle, exercise. No matter what, build.

There can be a room full of boxes. Someone can ask you, “Hey, can you help me with these boxes?” and you’ll agree to help. You may ask them, “What do you need me to help you with?” and they reply, “Stack these heavy ones there on the left, and the small ones on the right, and the last ones in the middle.” In doing all of that, you did not help them. You did the work for them. If you were helping, you both would be moving boxes together as a team. From that, understand that many people who ask for your help are just asking to use you to do their work. When it is done, they may not care, as they’ve done nothing. If you get tired, and they complain, you should leave them to finish their own work. Plenty of lives and time are passed by doing for others what they will not respect because they did nothing for themselves. To save yourself from insult, do not help anyone who did not ask for your help, and also who does not help you in the process of you helping them, or you and the work may be disrespected, and it will be your own fault for jumping into someone else’s hole they dug.

All men are stupid. All women are crazy. What you have to do is as a man be stupid enough to find the right amount of crazy for your moments. As a woman, be crazy enough to find the right amount of stupid for your moments. If you choose to add crazy to crazy... you're crazy. And if you choose to add stupid to stupid... you're stupid. People will do what they will, regardless of logic or ethics or what have you. Another part of this is figuring out of the crazy and/or stupid you bring into your life, how much will you let it push your own crazy or stupid? Do not become anything other than your self, but you will do what you will... want or need. C'est la guerre.

EVERYTHING has something attached... even nothing(ness). Remember this when you want something and get everything that comes with it. Also, keep in mind, that not only did you WANT it, and want is not need, but YOU got what you wanted. Not the other way around. You create nothing. You only understand what is, and your self, more by why, where, and how you focus. Focus is you taking your energy and lowering it to one point that you consider is outside of your self.

TRUTH is a matter of one's relationship with one's perception of fact.

HONESTY is a matter of one's relationship with one's perception of self (opinion).

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. That's to keep you jumping back and forth blindly. However, you get strong jumping back and forth. Better to apply all of that strength before you burn it out on nothingness, or die without taking root or even seeing the grass truly.

For those in a way of getting things done, no matter how judgmental the revolution may be, it is something to do. Understand, it's not “You the people”, or “Me the people” but “WE the people”. And most of the time, THEM the people will leave the work of WE to Me. All judgment and reaping of benefits, anything easy will be done by them. When it comes to eliminating “the problem” understand that you become the next one, as you are the only one willing to do anything about “the problem” which means you have “the power”. All of those are illusions.

Although you should understand balance and seek it in all things, at times, it is better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it. Yes, this way is one of fear, as you are applying a “better safe than sorry” approach to a matter, but when one does not understand why a thing and from this give it power, having protection in which one has the provisions to sustain oneself and develop under that protection an understanding makes sense.

Understand, what you are focused in on.

Everyone and thing is the same age. You are only as old as right now, which goes on until. If this does not make any sense, understand that the sun does not rise or set, it stays in one place as the world spins. So there is no true day, only being. The days were created to experience being one labeled moment at a time, although the moments are labeled by experience and memory, vibration and frequency... their impact. Each one triggers another. It ripples back to nothing which creates a push. Through it all there is only being having the experience of understanding.

You are being now, and that is what it is. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing. Worry about what you are doing. What you have done is nice. What you want, plan, or will do is nice. Those are not what you are doing. What you have done is over. Take from it what you will. What you want to do, plan, or will do has not and may not ever come to be. What you are doing is what is important. Another way to look at it could be to say that all you have is the moment, right now. The past is gone. The future is not promised. Right now is what is for certain.

Do at least one hundred push-ups and one hundred squats a day. You do not have to do them all at once. But before you go to bed at night or whenever you finally end your day, make sure they are done.

Suicide is pointless. All you do is recycle back to what could be a more vulnerable way of being, possibly with less understanding, maybe making things more difficult the next time around, and in circumstances you may not be prepared for. Even then, you will be ok. Or you will misunderstand there too, and possibly recycle again. Ignorance is bliss if that is your perception, or if you remain ignorant to/of ignorance.

It was told to me that one lives life in a way that they die empty. Live to death. Considering that one would have to lose all individuality of being to die. Lose or give up all vibration? All expression of an energy as well as it's being? Think about that. Not for too long, you may lose or kill your self.

All you have is your self. Others will be around as long as it suits their need. No matter how long your vibrations are in sync, no matter how long your paths and ways overlap, no matter how much space and time you share, you have your self and they have their self.

There is a “God”. It ain't you. Don't fuck with it.

There is your work and your job (those of you who will have jobs). A job is one part, a task. Work is ongoing. Jobs offer you work. Work offers you completion. Do not let your job remove you from your life's work. Your job will pay you money. Your work will pay off in soul and spirit. Do not confuse them. Do not get lost in either one. Although you have them both to do, remain your self in doing them.

Wherever a king is will be the kingdom. Whatever the king does, they will be the king of it. The king has but one job, to be the king in the kingdom. If anyone's soul sets their mind and heart to this way of being, their surroundings will reflect. All things in their time. Even the reign of the king.

Learn how to pay attention and to think on your own. What is told/shown to you is told/shown for a reason. Along with what is told/shown, there is what was not told/shown. This too is for a reason. Observe closely what you are given, and what you are not given, and understand why to the point of knowing what you are given and not given. The same for what you give and “have”.

Why wait for “God”? It doesn’t wait for you.

If God were not to believe in its self, you would cease to be you. If you did not believe in your self God would cease to be “God”. No matter what, neither of you will cease to be. You just become something else.

You only get one family. You may get millions of people, beings, or individuals. You may get millions of opportunities to get to know them. You only get one understanding at a time.

The first mistake one will make is thinking. The second mistake one will make is thinking what they thought or did was a mistake. A third mistake one will make is misunderstanding what just happened. It will click or it will not. If it does not, how much of a mistake was it really? There are no mistakes. Just things life and living it did other than what you were trying, thinking, wanting, or willing to do. Understand.

Take your time. Make your mind. Where, and how you will do those is up to you. Why determines all of that and the balance.

Your moments are your own. Others will come to understand them after the fact. Your realization of self comes first. Because of this, others will become attached to words, things, and ways of old. They will seek you to be forms of your self that you are not any longer because it suits their need or want in the moment. Do not worry about this. Moving on and continuing to be your self is honest. However, because human beings seek to please one another, even if it kills a part of themselves, they will experience great deals of slow progression of self. This is foreseen and even scripted by ALL THAT IS because the longer it takes you to come to the full understanding of your self, the more time ALL THAT IS has to experience you. True, all ways are and will be. For you in your moments, it is better to be truthful to your self. You are the one who has to live and die with that.

At least once a day, when things settle down and get quiet... Smile, and say “thank you” and laugh. If things don't settle down and get quiet, say “thank you,” laugh, and smile as you leave, and find a place where it's settled and quiet.

We're all kids. Everything is but a child. You are a child to me. I'd say no older than seven. Still well within wonder, but not beyond knowing. Don't get me wrong, we're all children just the same. Every creature, plant, stone... every thought and every way of being, known to us and not, understood by us and not. All are new in this moment. We can be no better than the best of us, and no worse than the worst of us. It's an interesting way to look at everything, as a child looking out amongst your family, all children. This view of everyone has kept me from doing horrible things. We are all equal. Know that we all are capable of horrible things. Its a parts of our nature, our design.

There is no good or bad. There is no right or wrong. There is no evil. There is only what is and how you understand it in the moment. Understand the truth of your self. Move accordingly.

If you focus on being one, you'll never be “too”.

If you continue gaining, or wanting, you will never have.

One thing that is as much fun as, if not more than, revelry in not understanding and the illusion of not knowing, is falling. Both of those are abruptly made awkward by contact with a ground.

People want what they see. Especially when they don't have it but you do. If it looks enjoyable or valuable they'll start trying to get it.

Everyone involved in a fight can and will only fight for so long.

This being is not about balance. It is about balancing. That’s why there is a balance, which is always being reached and reached out for.

Everything has it's time. Do not let it go longer than that. Do not shorten it. One must understand the situation for this to flow naturally. You are not in control. Life can and will happen with or without you.

There must be more than nothing for you to make the most of. And if the something has to come from me, you owe me.

Plenty of people will stop paying attention to their own life to offer you advice about what you should and need to do with your own, even without you asking, but simply because they see you. If you do what they say, when it does not work, they will criticize you or laugh, and then offer you something else. This is two lives doing nothing, however both are getting something out of it.

The only thing that will ever be fully complete is nothing. ...and not even that.

In balancing, understand that unless you focus on the middle, you will be focused on either left or right.

You can look at it one of three ways: 1- no one makes it out alive, so whatever you do, have fun because you won't survive it anyways. 2- no one or thing ever really dies, so whatever you do, have fun and enjoy it's moments now to look back on them in eternity and bring you joy. 3. Bouncing between those two and whatever else you come up with.

If you could do everything, sooner or later there would only be nothing to do. And from there you just go in circles.

You are light. You are darkness as well. Understand both. This is why they chose you to be a reflection of them, as well as to balance them.

Understand your enemy. Also understand what your enemy understands of you. There is something to learn from someone who is dedicating that much time and attention from their own being to focus on yours. Learn from their lack of, and perception of, understandings.

“Most people are sheep who are either 1. too afraid to do anything, 2. too comfortable to do anything, or 3. too a part of the system (tired, enslaved, broken, beaten down, loyal to) to do anything. If you are reading this, you are not most people.” – Werewolf Nation (The United Slaves Of America)

A few more quotes attributed to the Werewolf Nation (The United Slaves Of America) there are,“Feel free to bite the hand that feeds you poison.... clean off.” ... “Understand, devouring you is optional.” … “The only ones afraid of monsters are those who don't know theirs.” ... “Nightmares don't have them.”... “There is no fear of that which you understand.”

“Being a retainer is nothing other than being a supporter of one's lord, entrusting matters of good and evil to him, and renouncing self-interest. If there are but two or three men of this type, the fief will be secure” --Hagakure

There's a line in the movie Pulp Fiction where Samuel L. Jackson's character says, “If my answers frighten you then stop asking scary questions.” I always liked that line.

I've heard it said, “No one plans to fail, they just fail to plan.” but people say all manner of helpful things to people who are not listening, only hearing. Thus proving the point twice.

Attributed to Aristotle is the quote, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” This is very clever and to be understood and known in this game. Remember that one. Sink it into your being at the core. Make your mind.

"Uncle Chucky" once said, “Oh yeah? ...Keep living, kid.”

To say to your self, "Never (i'd never say or do, or think or be... etc.)" is cheating and lying to yourself, even though the intention of that promise is one of positive spirits. The fact is even if you may know the future as well as the past, we all grow and change in ways unexpected sometimes. Do not look down on things beneath you. Remain grounded. Do not place too much value in things you see as above you. Ground them. When the “nevers” come to prove you wrong, understand that you are human now, and such things are in your path and they will come to pass. You are human, and can and will do nothing more or less than that which is human... for the time being. Expect this of yourself and others. Keep living and things balance out. You become less judgmental and more at one with things.

My uncle Willard passed away of an illness. It was very severe if you ask me. He was huge, and after he got sick, he looked like he could be his 12 yr old son. It messed me up a lot. I was angry at the whole situation. I internalize a lot of things whether i let you know it or not. Anyways, in the hospital, i didn't really want to get too close (my germs n stuff, don't wanna make the man sicker than what he is, don't wanna be a burden) so i stayed in a corner of the room pretty much. Long story short, it was time to leave, and he motions for me to come over, just him and me there. He smiles and says to me, “Don't let it get you down." It was deep to me, on account of i was young and had years to go, and he was there dying. He was chilling ME out! It made me smile, and i was cool after that. That was the last thing he said to me. I pass that to you. Keep it in mind. “Don't let it get you down.”

I was told once “There are two things you never get back: Time and money. Spend them wisely.” Both are prisons. Do not be chained to either. If you are, cut the chain.

“Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is THE BEST.” - Frank Zappa

A wise man named Chris once told me “God lives in the bass.”

You learn a lot at bars. One of the things is that there is a lot to learn at bars. I was told, “Most important business decisions (involving more than one individual) are finalized at the bar or in the bedroom.”

Of music and magic I was told it is attributed to - Marilyn Manson as having said, “Music is the strongest form of magic.” Also, I was told that it is attributed to Kahlil Gibran, “Music is the language of the Spirit.” When certain words are used by those who are in that way, understand what is being said, what is not being said, and why.

The Glitch of Glyphe' once told me, “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized /ceased in the lifetime of the opportunity.” He's a wise one.

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” - Bob Marley

Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” - Keith Richards (The Rolling Stones)

Music is to be respected, cherished, and experienced. It as the power to make or break a person, change their mood and frame of thinking and behaving completely with a few simple notes or words. It sets trends, it can start or end wars, bridge all types of gaps, intoxicate and transfix a person into all sorts of sexual acts, aggressive behavior as well as passive ones, bring people to or send them running from the face of God himself. All things that have these qualities and command this respect should be loved...not feared, not manipulated or abused.

“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” - Aldous Huxley

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody. T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." -- 2Pac (also wrote a book called 'The Code of T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E.” Which is very very good to read, understand, and apply in certain places.)

Babies are cool. They're like pitt-bulls.. if you raise them lovingly, they reflect and project that. Its a process that becomes a way of being. If you hang them from a pair of jeans over a tree limb and let them chew thru it, smack them in the face and jerk the leash all the time... expect them to bite you later on. Sometimes literally.

Finding God is not the same as believing in God. Understanding God is not the same as knowing God. There are many who found treasures in trash. There are many who believed enough in trash to turn it into treasure. There are many who believe in treasure and have not found it yet. Understand, anything you believe in, you have already found.

Understand the difference between “being broke (poor)” and “poverty”. Anything that has being in front of it is something you can be. Anything that stands alone is a being. Therefore, poverty would be an actual thing, while being broke or poor is something you can not be, so they would be mindsets, or states of being, which are not final. Beings grow. You can grow more into a way or grow into something completely different. You are a being. Poverty is it's own being but not conscious. It can only be it's self. Sadness is only it's self. You can be sad, and then be happy later. This is also the difference between having and being. You can have sadness, but you can never fully be it, as sadness is its self, and you can be (yourself) in a way of sadness. Mental state. States change according to the being. In that, being broke is to be broken, usually by your economic state. That mindset is said to be “worse” than being poor. However poor is more of a long term thing. Broke may only be at the moment.

Learn how to shut up and just be, and how to let it be, quietly. If you cannot do that, you really need to learn to shut the fuck up.

No matter how bad you think it is, it's not really.

What I eat won't satisfy you. What you eat won't fill me up either.

You are loved.

If you have anything (other than your self) that is conscious there will be something that is unfair. This is why it is better to have nothing you are not willing to part with, as you will part with all things sooner or later anyways, like it or not. All other things will want completion of their selves from you, or you from them. This cannot be done. Because of this misconception then comes blame and guilt and all manner of attempt to break the other down, or build the other up, or whatever is done to make the other seem to be more or less than what it is, as well as the self. This is not always done or purpose or with ill intent, but beings have their own mind and take from things what they will.

Learn how to take a loss as a win. Understand. You've learned how to survive it. You've learned how you can be beaten (a weak point, which is a point where there is room for growth). You've learned where, why, and how attacks will come and what types of individuals will carry them out.

For that which is hard to penetrate that which is soft they must each know each other's way while remaining their own. That which is hard must become soft, while remaining hard. That which is soft must become hard, while remaining soft. An example of this is how songs you cannot stand and may even “hate” will get stuck in your head after the radio drills them in, and you are won over by that programming.

There is no such thing as wasted time. Just ways you have grown that you did not understand, and memories and lessons you do not understand how valuable they are as of the moment.

The old will look at the young and laugh. The young will look at the old and laugh. God will look at both and laugh. Each for different reasons that add up to the same thing. That is the point.

Even though nothing dies, nothing remains as it is. All things progress. Destruction is merely the creation of lack to create more. From this, observe the animals. They seek to preserve life because it is to grow and advance in it's way. They understand this. They do not fear death, and in theirs, they contribute to the continuance of life.

Do not try to be someone. Continue being.

There is no real fear. Those are just moments when we do not understand what we know or think, which are more or less exciting. The excitement is because we understand growth is about to take place, power is about to be revealed, and we are about to “learn” (really just understand) another secret we hid from our self about our self. It's a fluttering rush of unlocking the potential of gaining the why of your self.

Your problems are created especially for you by you to have. The God in and throughout you sees to it that you meet with your problems, in this game of hide and seek with understanding of self. Take it easy. Smile. Laugh.

Don't think too much. You already know. And if you don't you'll either find out or you won't. Of course, thinking is a fun middle way between doing and doing something else (not doing).

While human, understand the laws of sailors. Blacks Law Dictionary is also a good thing to understand. Spiritually, what that has to do with navigating realms is up to you if you retain it.

Never pay for what you can get for free. I mean, yeah, sometimes you might “have to” but in this living there is a way to get whatever it is you love for free. After all this living was set up for everything to be free. What you want might cost you because you might not need it, but what you need is out there for free somewhere. Understand. It might not be what you want.

Sorry? For what? Understand.

Wisdom and knowledge and understanding are different things. Knowledge is a knowing of things. The sky is blue. This comes from belief by way of being educated. Wisdom comes from trial and error in application until one builds up a knowing of how, when, and why to apply what is known. Understanding is wisdom's relationship with being. Understanding feeds wisdom. Wisdom feeds understanding. One can be both wise and a smart-ass and understand nothing.

I am that, I am. Whatever you say you are you will become. It's a way of making your mind, which in turn makes your reality. Even if it takes you a period of time here to achieve one goal, your perception of your self as already having that achievement and working through living to catch up to it will put you in a different mindset. You will not allow yourself to settle for cheap poison drinks if you say I AM HEALTHY and mean it. You will work to preserve that so you can continue to be it. Also, if you say I AM TIRED then expect to do, say, eat, sleep, and breathe the life of a tired person... everything down to the clothes and diseases.

Understand “fuck it” and apply it accordingly.

There is no such thing as ugly and/or beautiful. It is what it is. What it is may be something different from individual to individual.

Pain and discomfort are more productive than comfort and peace and order. One will do more to get out of pain and discomfort than they would do if they were relaxed and everything was handed to them. In fact, to trigger some sort of stimulus they would create a challenge by seeking the most comfortable and easily manageable pain and discomfort, becoming more and more daring, intensifying the situations to get more of the rush and sense of accomplishment when it is dissolved. It is for these reasons that some of your most productive and genius moments come when you are not happy, being manipulated, or there is pressure, pain, or discomfort. You are forced to gain your self.

Never expect anything more or less than human from human, including yourself. Do not feel drowned by remorse or guilt, but do not live a life without examination, frivolous, thinking your actions and energies (and their digestions, application, manipulations, and recycling) will have no response. Likewise, do not be too immersed with the revelry of your freedoms. You are free in the world, and apply whichever chains and restrictions you will, and some are added to you as a result of your way, your path. All things are as they should be for things to become as they will.

When it comes to killing, it is what it is, which will be however you see it. Understand. When it comes to murder, no. You're only killing your self.

If there was no darkness there would be no complete understanding of light, and vice versa. That's honest enough. Not that you need the other experience. You only want it because you're conscious of your self being in one or the other.

There is no such thing as “enough money.” Also, understand, once you think you have money, know it has you.

EVERYTHING has its time. Even infinity and nothingness. There is no such thing as a time limit, only a time of expression. You are not limited to that time of expression because energy just moves from expression of understanding of a way to another expression of another understanding of another way.

If “God” wanted to be you, it would, which is why it is. If “God” wanted you to be it, it would make it an option, which it is, which is why you are trying. Nevertheless, both are impossible, as one can only be one thing in one moment. Remember this when you are man seeking to be “God”. Where will the man go? Also remember this when you are “God” seeking to be man. Where will the 'God” go?

Never die or kill, especially your self, for anything or one that will not do the same for you. Most kill, even themselves, for money which has no soul, remorse or regret. Business is the way of making the freedom of life and living it, which is full of soul and consciousness, into an experience ruled by economics, which has no soul or remorse. To give something control over your self is to fashion a portion of your self in the way of death. Of course once you understand the truth about death, this is not so “bad”. Anything which removes your freedom is moving in the way of death. Living has to do with growth. Being has to do with simply being. Death has to do with removing what was so that another can come of/from it or take it's place. So to say, “Never die or kill” is to say do not infringe upon the freedom of others or your self. Do not compromise your self. Do not compromise others.

That which DOES NOT get turned upon it's head, until its head has contact with the ground, will remain thinking it is upright. That which DOES get turned upon it's head has an added perspective, as it has seen both sides, what is upright and what is not. The one doing the turning, too, has something to consider, as well as the consequences of turning things on their head.

Again, Understand, love, and be ...happy and your self.

Life is simple. Living is is personal, and that makes it subject to your understandings and perception. In all honesty, living it is simple, but because one views it as such.

You would not be here unless knowing and understanding were in your way. In that, you know already that knowing is not understanding. Knowing has to do with faith and belief, while understanding has to do with clarity and what is (most call it “the facts” or “reality”). Also in this way you are probably aware of the difference between thinking and knowing. Thinking is still unsure, while knowing is concrete. In this, your way of being exists as one who has forgotten. You know for all is within you, however you are made to think so that you can have life and living. A brain is not a mind. Breath spans deeper than time, as time itself comes from the breath, the essence of word, vibration and frequency, which is one way of being. All is mind, even being.

There is no such thing as right or wrong ultimately. There is the situation and it's circumstances. It is what it is. Period. Nothing more, nothing less. Understand. Good and evil are a matter of perception. If you are here you may be seeking the mind or eye of “God”. To have understand and know this way you must not want it.

Bad things do not happen to good people. There are no good or bad things, or good or bad people. The forces and spirits of good and evil are them selves. You can be in that way, but you are only your self in that way, you are not them. None of you can be good or evil, you can only be your self. Despite your acts, you are your self. Things are just what they are. It is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. So, understanding that, there are no good or bad people, or good or bad things. There are things that happen to people and how you perceive that based on what you understand of it in one moment or another.

“If one looks at the world when affairs are going smoothly, there are many who go about putting in their appearance, being useful by their wisdom, discrimination and artfulness. However, if the lord should retire or go into seclusion, there are many who will quickly turn their backs on him and ingratiate themselves to the man of the day. Such a thing is unpleasant even to think about. Men of high position, low position, deep wisdom and artfulness all feel that they are the ones who are working righteously, but when it comes to the point of throwing away one's life for his lord, all get weak in the knees. This is rather disgraceful. The fact that a useless person often becomes a matchless warrior at such times is because he has already given up his life and has become one with his lord. At the time of Mitsushige's death there was an example of this. His one resolved attendant was I alone. The others followed in my wake. Always the pretentious, self-asserting notables turn their backs on the man just as his eyes are closing in death.” – Hagakure

“Loyalty is said to be important in the pledge between lord and retainer. Though it may seem unobtainable, it is right before your eyes. If you once set yourself to it, you will become a superb retainer at that very moment.” – Hagakure

UNDERSTAND YOUR WANT. Understanding want in general is key to being. There is need, and the only things needed are the 3 laws of being (1) Understand, (2) Love/acceptance, (3) BEing. Of those what you need exists to your being to keep it in a state of being. If being is conscious, then its needs are driven by what the consciousness wants. So, if you are not conscious you only need. When you are conscious, you need and that triggers want.

Wanting drives you into one way of being. In a sense it focuses, which is a way of limiting, your perception, and therefore your being. This is not good or bad, right or wrong. It is what it is. If you want a pencil you will not accept a pen or paintbrush which may do more for you. True, your wants exist to make the servicing of needs more colorful, personal, and enjoyable, along with other things, but do not let your wants devour you. Understand all is also spirit. The spirit of want is the king of wanting. It wants without regard to/for/and of anything else and everyone else. It wants you and your energy just because it is want and that's what want does. Nothing more, nothing less. Give your self over to want, and that is what you will do... never will it be who you are, only a thing you have which has control over you.

Let go of “good vs. evil”and learn to understand what is as it is. Good and evil, right and wrong are merely perceptions based on your understanding of what you get from a thing or way of being. It has to do with the balance of energy given vs. energy received. Most cling to these because they want to follow a regiment from which to free the illusion of themselves from invisible embraced limitations such as guilt and blame, but this is imprisonment. In this they will know and see judgment. This is why it is said, “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ...” In All That Is there is nothing to forgive. Nothing is wrong. All things serve their purpose and this is understood.

Christ is the level of God sense in individual forms which are not ALL THAT IS. The animals have this oneness with all and function the same as man, however man thinks they are greater. Man is given the ability to manipulate being. All of the other animals do this, as do the elements, but in a more balanced way. They do not think about it. Theirs is the mind of all that is. Being is already balanced in perfection. It does not need mans involvement in that process. Understand. So, a man in [the way/mind and being of] Christ will know balance and their place, as well as all places accordingly. If that man were to lose their mind and gain that of All That Is things would be different. However different is not how things were to be or else they would be that way. What is meant to be is being as it is, so that ALL THAT IS can be expressed fully.

There is nothing but being. There is no “not do” only doing. Doing is a common illusion of being. Understand, you ARE not what you are doing. You are your self, doing. You can not try to do anything. You can only do it, and stop, or do something else. As for having, which is the other common illusion of being, you cannot be what you have. You can only be, and in being, have ways of being or things to do with being. For example, you have emotions. You never ARE emotions. It is why the emotions you have... pass and change... yet you (the being) remain. The same could be said for/of thoughts and thinking.

Sleep for the restless is an interesting thing.

Hope is pointless. Faith is almost as bad. You can hope or have faith in something but even then you do not know for sure. No one should have faith in a God. If that is your relationship you understand what the reality is and know for sure. There is no room for second guessing, no need for proving. It already is. There is no was or will be. Only IS. Which is why I AM THAT I AM. Not I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE. Want has more purpose that faith or hope. True wanting means you will not leave things to chance but will set things in motion on your own. You will create reality. You can want things but wanting without doing you want becomes null and void, and moves into the position to become faith or hope. There is less energy there and because of that less life, less reality.

There will always be someone who has something for you to do. That does not mean you should do it. You do not need to do everything you know how to do, for your self. There will also be those who see what you know how to do, and simply because their being is sharing time and space with yours, they will want (not need) your “help” by using all of your time and talents for some meaningless passing thing that they will never fully appreciate. Never expect any more or less than human from human.

As God there will be plenty of things you observe. A fire may run through you. You will understand. It passes.

As Man, there will be plenty of things you observe. A fire may run through you. It will consume time, mind, spirit... being. You may understand or you may not. It passes.

GOVERNMENT? Your mind is your government. It is your mind that your being obeys. You govern your being. Always. Any and all rules and/or boundaries come from your lowered mind(s). Any and all laws and/or limitations from the most high (mind). All of it is self, and that is infinite. Over your mind, in all honesty, there is no higher power or supreme authority. Believe what you will. THAT is the proof.

Religious books are all the same, as are religions. They are templates of ways of being created by inspiration of one way of understanding the three levels, the three relationships, and the three laws. Each individual who created said religion has their own interpretation and name for ALL THAT IS. To some it is a conscious being. To others it is a force. To others a pantheon. For some there is one way of health and treating one's body. For some others another way. Do not let the differences divide you. Seek the best in all things and embrace and celebrate the differences as they are why you are even here. To find and enjoy the light of understanding and being in all things, and to grow from that. Even though anything other than that offers a bit of a hindrance to the flow of energy it does not, as that way, too, is allowed, offering it's own understandings and furthering the being of ALL THAT IS. Easy to understand. Each member of your family has a different relationship with you. They all may call you by a different name. The style of dress and dialect, even discussion matters change from individual to individual. Still, they are all family, and you are still you, and they are still them.

When it comes to relationships remember you will have many on many different levels, understood and not, in their moments. None of them you own. None of them should own you as well.

ATTRACTION is a projection of perception of self, not always recognized as such, where one can recognize, and realize and understand to the point of knowing, by way of their mind, potential(s) for and of one's being. Some would say potential of creation. You create nothing. You only understand more what is there already. Also, you never re-create your self, even in others... you only continue your being as your self in understanding creation further. “Where one CAN...” CAN is not WILL, which is why they are not the same word.

There are three types of people in the world: Those who know God, those who do not know God, and those who are God. Those who know will always be looking up and down, judging. Those who do not know will always be seeking left and right, trying to prove one thing or another. Those who are simply are.

There are three types of people in the world. Those who think there are 3 types of people in the world. Those who do not think there are 3 types of people in the world. And those in the middle.

All of life comes from and returns to the middle. No matter what the poles may say.

Everything exists in a space. Only one thing can exist in one space at one time. If it is existing in it's own space, then it will be fully itself. If it is existing in a space allowed for it, given to it, or one it is imprisoned in for whatever reason, it will not grow into its self. If your mind by way of emotion or thoughts, or your being is not rooted in your self, you will not be your self. Expect war, as anything that is not freely its self will die and/or kill to freely be its self.

All of life and living needs one thing: Understanding. You can place whichever in that process is “more important”... first: to be understood. Second: to understand. Both are ways of understanding and gaining it. This was one of the key ingredients in the fall of one.

There is no change or growth where there is no room. Lack is the root of growth and change. If nothing was lacking there would be nothing to change. What is lacking must be threatening, life altering, in order to be viewed as needed. If it is merely wanted it may not be wanted later. Want is a luxury. Need is a matter of life and death. All of life will fight to preserve itself, so whatever threatens it must be dealt with. One will have to adapt, change, to survive.

If those who considered and understood the body knew the body they would not move in ways to damage it.

The things which are not options are meant for you to not do. If you can figure out how to do them, then they become an option.

For the smart-asses who didn't understand as much as they think when reading that which came before this, if you can figure it out then obviously it was meant for you to figure out, and was an option all along which you did not understand and upon figuring, understand more of. There are things you will not figure out. There are things you will never consider. No one will invent them, find them, think them, stumble upon them, etc. They are not options. Everything exists, but for the sale of one reality and another, some things are not options in one reality as they may be in another.

No one is any better or worse than anyone else. As good as the best of us you can and will be. As bad as the worst of us as well. Understand.

Communication is the way in which relationships are developed. Understanding must be, given and received, shared. From these come perceptions, thoughts, feelings. This happens on all sides, not just yours.

People will talk. What else is there for them to do?! The art of living and being is found in passing the time. Understand, love, and be happy. Understand, love, and be your true self moving in your way as you want and need. Do you. Do not worry about anything else.

Now and then (again) it may help one to understand, to put “it” and “them” (or whatever your focus is on which is only a way of being) in order according to one of these things. 1 being the “most” important, and 7 being the “least” of these... It is a way to gauge relationships and the understanding and power of those and your self in those. In all things and ways, understand this system of order, and make it fit.... in other words, put these things in order.

01. Being (as) liked.

02. Being (as) feared

03. Being (as) loved

04. Being (as) tolerated

05. Being (as) understood

06. Being (as) accepted

07. Being (as) left alone

For the third time. Understand, love, and be ...happy and your self.


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